When was you "Oh Hell No" Moment



  • leahmstoffel
    leahmstoffel Posts: 18 Member
    Mine was when my little brother started MFP and convinced me to log my foods for just a few days. Not change my eating habits, just log what a normal day of eating was for me. I did it for 2 days and realized I was easily eating 3000 cals some days (I live in NYC and used to order takeout everyday pretty much). After that realization I weighed myself for the first time in over a year and saw that I gained 25 lbs since I moved to New York a year and a half ago. That was it for me. From that day forward I basically just stopped eating out except maybe once or twice a week and so far I've lost 24 lbs since the end of October. 1 lb away from my starting weight and now 40 from my new goal weight :) It's crazy how much you can eat when you're not thinking about it.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Lately, it has been every time I look in the mirror after taking a shower. I literally stand there for a couple of minutes totally disgusted at what I am seeing! I know how to eat and loose weight, I just have to actually DO IT!!! I joined WW and lost weight, then quit WW and gained it back. I am ready this time.

    for so many years i would skip looking my self at the mirror and now every day after shower i do that I stare at my self for a couple of minutes but i don't do it to feel disgust but to find peace with it, to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

    Good luck and hope you start too see in the mirror the person you want to see :)
  • agratzy
    agratzy Posts: 114 Member
    A good friend and old professor of mine saw me at the supermarket and warned me about acting, because many women "lose focus" and "lose their figures" before they even realize it's happening.
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    A few for me:

    - I had a meltdown one Saturday night out when my friend kept insisting that I be in a group picture; I went so far as to leave early because I was so upset.
    - The realization that part of why I was having trouble finding a boyfriend was because I was at a weight where I wouldn't want to date me.
    - The fact that I couldn't even run a mile after having spent most of my life as an athlete.
    - The moment I realized that I had the number for Papa Johns memorized.
    - The time my mother saw my weight on a scale and just said "oh honey..."
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    1. Alllll my new clothes from where I had lost weight no longer fit 2. Pictures posted on FB. ugh. I do not want to be that person.