OK......*breathes in and out slowly, and wipes face*
No, I'm not wiping tears, I'm wiping FOOD from my face.:mad:
I basically ate quite a few calories in one sitting, because I'm upset. Why, you ask? Because this is week two of my "healthy lifestyle" and I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT THIS WEEK!
In fact, one day I gained back two pounds, and then lost them. Now, I seem to have gained a pound BACK!
Now, I will say this (MEN, CLOSE YOUR EYES) Mother nature just brought me gift. Could this be the issue? I can also reassure you, that though I just threw a pity party (food invited) and ate too many calories for breakfast, I have NOT gone over my calorie limit during the two weeks I have been dieting. In fact, I'm allowed 1500 calories a day (for a two pound weight loss weekly) but only ate about 1200 calories on quite a few of those days. I almost forgot to add, that I DID lose about 8 pounds the first week. I guess I got spoiled by last week's weight loss. I think I'm also worried because I have PCOS, and am not taking any medication for it at this time. I just don't want to fail. I really want this. :frown:

P.S. I know I've snacked quite a bit, but I refuse to go over my calories for the day. I'll just have to tough it out, and stick to my limit. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm VERY scared. :sad:


  • attackhamster
    attackhamster Posts: 58 Member
    It's definitely your period! I always gain water weight at that time of the month. Don't sweat it, it will come off when it's over. Stick with it, you can do it!
  • Stephen318
    Stephen318 Posts: 19 Member
    Mother nature combined with maybe some of the cheats had high sodium so you are retaining fluid. Drink plenty of water it will help. You lost 8 that's the right track to be on don't go down the other one. Chin up you got this
  • BooAndKitty
    Right, firstly breath! How much did you go over? Now plan out the rest of your meals for today, even work out to give yourself 250-500 more calories to have for lunch and dinner! Bulk up your meals with vegs too so it fills you up. Every week you're going to have ups and down's, long as you stay committed and keep trying your still succeeding even if it's not on the scales. A tip I took on is to always measure inches lost because sometimes you lose inches but it doesn't show on the scales! As for ToM (Time of the Month), people tend to gain weight while on then notice a loss in the follow weeks. Embrace it! A slip up here and there's a good thing for your body anyway's, shocks it so it doesn't get used to the same calories! Keep trying, stay committed and you've got this! :heart: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :heart:
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you so much for that. :smile:
    I have PCOS, so I get maybe.....4-5 periods a year. I'm not use to having them. I haven't been regular since I stopped taking birth control YEARS ago.

    I'm going to focus and push through this thing until next week. If all else fails, at least I'll know it's not my fault, and I'll go see my doctor.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Seriously? :huh: Weight loss is not linear.
  • BooAndKitty
    Mother nature combined with maybe some of the cheats had high sodium so you are retaining fluid. Drink plenty of water it will help. You lost 8 that's the right track to be on don't go down the other one. Chin up you got this

    ^^ I agree, keep drinking water! Also, you know you can do it as you already lost 8 lbs!! You notice a HUGE weight loss at first and then slow steady progress.
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    This happened to me 2 weeks ago. It is definitely your unwanted visitor , it could also be your sodium intake so try to keep the sodium to a minimum. It will come off, so don't give up. You can do it:flowerforyou:
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    BooAndKitty I haven't gone over any calories, I just ate too much for breakfast, and it's REALLY early here. 7:00AM. Smh
    I can still make sure that I don't over my calories for today. All the other days have been perfect, except for me going over sugar some days, sodium, and fats. I don't go over daily, though. I ALWAYS stay under my calories for the day.
  • kherrons
    kherrons Posts: 99 Member
    It's definitely your period. I always gain approx 4lbs during my TOM, so I avoid the scale like the plague. I will say your weight loss might be better served with you not restricting your calorie intake so much. I read into your profile and I'm afraid that could lead you back into the unhealthy lifestyle of weightloss. A lot of us on here already have our goal set at 2lbs a week so MFP is already taking away 1k precious calories a day haha. But yeah, don't stress this gain because it's only temporary.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Don't worry, you've got this.

    I have no idea what your goals are, so I'm going to say some very general things here. I've been here almost 160 days and my weight has stayed within the same 4lbs the ENTIRE TIME. I'm not overweight or unwell, so I'm not worrying about it too much. I'm starting to increase my resistance training and have lost inches off my body, if not the weight.

    Two weeks isn't really long enough to see if something's 'working' or not, but I would say this - you've GOT to be eating food you enjoy; if not, then you'll become just another yo-yo dieter who sees food as punishment or reward. In my case, I eat pretty much what I like, but I burn it off too (nothing like lifting weights to fire up the metabolism).

    A lot of women here find there's a slight increase in weight around TOM. You lost 8lbs last week? Great! That means you've lost 4lbs per week, on average.

    You're also allowed to have the odd 'off' day. Don't punish yourself! If you find the perfectly natural fluctuations in weight demoralising, you may want to restrict yourself to weighing at the same time, once a week.

    Good luck!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Deep breaths.

    This takes time and patience. You're dealing with water weight here.

    Read these for some perspective.
  • BooAndKitty
    BooAndKitty I haven't gone over any calories, I just ate too much for breakfast, and it's REALLY early here. 7:00AM. Smh
    I can still make sure that I don't over my calories for today. All the other days have been perfect, except for me going over sugar some days, sodium, and fats. I don't go over daily, though. I ALWAYS stay under my calories for the day.

    Long as you stay under, it doesn't really matter over-all. But that's me following my boyfriend's advice, he's a fitness fanatic and tell's me to watch my calories and protein + keep my sodium under 1500 and max 2000. Long as your under today, you have NOTHING to worry about, will hardly mess up your weight loss. Some-day's you won't notice a change, but then possibly the following week you'll see a huge change. Don't be thrown off because you haven't lost any this week.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I am glad you posted this. I wondering this myself. I kind of assumed that was the problem. I have still been exercising and drinking unsweetened green tea and water and not going over my calories. I am not gaining but not losing either and figured this was why so now it's confirmed.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you, guys!
    Yes, I ate CANNED soup. -_- I'm sure that didn't help at all with me getting bloated.
    I'm very new to this HEALTHY weight loss thing. I did lose 45 lbs by only drinking soda. I had developed somewhat of an eating disorder after giving birth.

    However, I know that QUICK FIXES do not work. And as stated before, I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so it kind of scared me because I don't know what to expect.

    Glad to know that this isn't just happening to me. Thanks for the encouragement. :smooched:
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member

    Because this is week two of my "healthy lifestyle" and I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT THIS WEEK!

    You need a change in how you are looking at things. Week 2 and you're already discouraged? You have as much weight to lose as I did 2 years ago. You know what? It took that amount of time to lose 100 of those pounds. 2 years.

    Read the links that Ihad posted. Then read this one:

    Once you have read them, make a plan for you that is sustainable for the long haul. That's how long it's going to take. If you really want to be successful (and who doesn't) then start thinking of today as the day you began to get healthy. Not lose weight, get healthy. Make changes in your habits. The habits of eating well and exercising are the only things that will pull you through. Once you do that - it just becomes your life and you live it. Every day. Every day. There is no end goal.

    Very best of luck.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    You lost 8 pounds in one week, so you can expect some fluctuations the next. It's also normal to gain 4-5 pounds during your period. Keep doing what you're doing, be patient and over time you'll see results. You didn't gain weight over night, so it won't come off over night. I had several 3-4 week times where I gain and then maintained and then went back down weekly for the next 8-10 weeks. You're body is just adjusting to you're new lifestyle.
  • JeralynSh
    JeralynSh Posts: 139 Member
    And we know you're on the right track, because you came here to ask for advice. Had you been ready to give up and throw in the towel, you wouldn't have posted anything.

    You can always come here. Yes, there will occasionally be trolls, but mostly it's a very supportive community and you'll find that a lot of people share the same difficulties.

    Keep on going. Don't give up.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    Because this is week two of my "healthy lifestyle" and I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT THIS WEEK!

    You need a change in how you are looking at things. Week 2 and you're already discouraged? You have as much weight to lose as I did 2 years ago. You know what? It took that amount of time to lose 100 of those pounds. 2 years.

    Read the links that Ihad posted. Then read this one:

    Once you have read them, make a plan for you that is sustainable for the long haul. That's how long it's going to take. If you really want to be successful (and who doesn't) then start thinking of today as the day you began to get healthy. Not lose weight, get healthy. Make changes in your habits. The habits of eating well and exercising are the only things that will pull you through. Once you do that - it just becomes your life and you live it. Every day. Every day. There is no end goal.

    Very best of luck.

    You need to prepare yourself for the long haul. It's only been 2 weeks. 2 weeks in your life is a drop in the bucket. You're going to have ups and downs, and weeks where you lose absolutely nothing at all. Does that mean you're doing it wrong? No. It means weight loss isn't linear and it takes time. And yes, your period will eff everything up for a few days, but after it's done and gone, things return back to normal.

    Calm down, read the sexypants thread and just keep going. If you end up going over today, that's fine. There's no rule that says you have to be perfectly on par every single day. Chalk it up to having a higher calorie day and then tomorrow just keep doing what you were doing.
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight in the first week, then I stayed at the same weight for 9 days and then it started to come off again (but much more slowly). I've been at this for a month and averaging 3 pounds a week. Be patient, and stick with it - it will happen!

    And I agree - stay within your calories, but eat meals you enjoy --- enjoying the food will make your plan much easier to follow. If the scale stresses you out, try to weigh yourself less often.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    And we know you're on the right track, because you came here to ask for advice. Had you been ready to give up and throw in the towel, you wouldn't have posted anything.

    You can always come here. Yes, there will occasionally be trolls, but mostly it's a very supportive community and you'll find that a lot of people share the same difficulties.

    Keep on going. Don't give up.

    Thank you for that. You're awesome!
    No, this HAS to be done. I don't have a choice. My health is on the line. Losing weight is long overdue for me. I just had to throw a little fit, and I'll give it WAY more time before I blame it on my PCOS. :laugh: