

  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member

    Because this is week two of my "healthy lifestyle" and I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT THIS WEEK!

    You need a change in how you are looking at things. Week 2 and you're already discouraged? You have as much weight to lose as I did 2 years ago. You know what? It took that amount of time to lose 100 of those pounds. 2 years.

    Read the links that Ihad posted. Then read this one:

    Once you have read them, make a plan for you that is sustainable for the long haul. That's how long it's going to take. If you really want to be successful (and who doesn't) then start thinking of today as the day you began to get healthy. Not lose weight, get healthy. Make changes in your habits. The habits of eating well and exercising are the only things that will pull you through. Once you do that - it just becomes your life and you live it. Every day. Every day. There is no end goal.

    Very best of luck.

    You need to prepare yourself for the long haul. It's only been 2 weeks. 2 weeks in your life is a drop in the bucket. You're going to have ups and downs, and weeks where you lose absolutely nothing at all. Does that mean you're doing it wrong? No. It means weight loss isn't linear and it takes time. And yes, your period will eff everything up for a few days, but after it's done and gone, things return back to normal.

    Calm down, read the sexypants thread and just keep going. If you end up going over today, that's fine. There's no rule that says you have to be perfectly on par every single day. Chalk it up to having a higher calorie day and then tomorrow just keep doing what you were doing.

    Thank you for your response! Honesty is definitely what I need at this point. I guess my idea of healthy weight loss isn't very realistic. I'm kind of new to this. The only way I really knew how to lose weight in the past, was by starving myself.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    Because this is week two of my "healthy lifestyle" and I HAVE NOT LOST ANY WEIGHT THIS WEEK!
    You need a change in how you are looking at things. Week 2 and you're already discouraged? You have as much weight to lose as I did 2 years ago. You know what? It took that amount of time to lose 100 of those pounds. 2 years.

    ^^^i agree with what this poster says ... u need to change how you are looking at things!!
    dont just look at scales LOOK AT THE INCHES OFF TOO!!! i have only lost 15 lbs in the 3 months ive been on my weight loss journey but i have also lost about 50 inches by sticking to NO SODAS NOOO FAST FOOD and continuing my cardio workouts.... i have realized that the slower the weight comes off the more likely it will STAY off!! when i look in the mirror I SEE a woman THATS STRONGER and getting more fit everyday ... to me its not about just getting "skinny" its more about getting healthier and becoming fit!!
  • blairwithredhair
    blairwithredhair Posts: 11 Member
    Seriously, I am ready to throw my scale out. I've been sticking to plan since July1, and while the scale hasn't moved (or it has gone up) I've lost 3" off my waist. Scale is not the be all end all.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    PCOS can make your weight loss journey a little more interesting and bumpy, but it doesn't stop you from losing weight. I have PCOS and I keep plugging steadily away. Acknowledge it as a factor that must be considered, but your basic path will be mostly the same as everyone else...The only concession i make to the PCOS in my loss planning is to try to watch my carbs to work on my insulin resistance.

    I suggest you don't weigh daily or more than once per day if the fluctuations bother you. I do it sometimes out of interest knowing that my weight can change +/- several pounds over the course of one day or from day to day. I only do it because it doesn't throw me off and I only log and pay real attention to the scale on my actual weigh in day once per week. Your TOM will definitely affect the scale as will daily fluctuations of water retention, etc. Pick one day a week to step on and don't get discouraged if one week is not as good as you hoped, especially if TOM is at play. You'll see that # let go a week past.

    Finally, if you can lose 2lbs per week at 1500 with your settings, don't restrict yourself to 1200 or 1300. Unless you increase your activity, your calorie goals will go down as you lose and you don't want to go much lower than that. Enjoy the 1500 you have while you have it. Eating too little will set you up for cravings and binges.

    Keep on keeping on
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Things that can cause phantom weight

    Salty foods
    Starting a new exercise program or ramping the old one up
    Meal timing (if you usually eat early in the day and then have a big meal late in the day, even if you don't go over calories, your weight may go up)
    Eating more fiber than usual (maybe? I think.)
    Coming out of ketosis (from low carb to higher carb diet or eating after a fasting day or a few days of very low calories)

    There are probably other things. The scale is a liar which is why taking measurements, checking how clothes fit, and keeping track of progress with photos are good ideas.

    Edit: Forgot one. Waking up and weighing in earlier than usual can even make the scale show a gain or no loss.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    It is a frustrating process. It's good you're not trying to starve yourself. Better to be healthy.

    For me anyhow it seems like losses happen every 3 weeks. I'll lose a pound, then the next day a half a pound, then the weight will bounce up and down for like 3 weeks and then I'll see another small loss. It's weird. And at the end of the month if I add up the losses they do actually average out to a pound a week or what ever I set myself to, but yeah doesn't happen like we'd expect. Kind of have to keep doing what you know you should do even when you don't see any result.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Seriously, I am ready to throw my scale out. I've been sticking to plan since July1, and while the scale hasn't moved (or it has gone up) I've lost 3" off my waist. Scale is not the be all end all.

    Ok guys....I'm putting the evil scale away.
    I may weigh in monthly. :laugh:
    And I'll pull that tape measure out. Gotta keep it pushin'. :flowerforyou:
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Get a bike and ride 20 miles at a time. Burns a little over 1000 calories for me. Then I can eat all the foods and still lose weight.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    PCOS can make your weight loss journey a little more interesting and bumpy, but it doesn't stop you from losing weight. I have PCOS and I keep plugging steadily away. Acknowledge it as a factor that must be considered, but your basic path will be mostly the same as everyone else...The only concession i make to the PCOS in my loss planning is to try to watch my carbs to work on my insulin resistance.

    I suggest you don't weigh daily or more than once per day if the fluctuations bother you. I do it sometimes out of interest knowing that my weight can change +/- several pounds over the course of one day or from day to day. I only do it because it doesn't throw me off and I only log and pay real attention to the scale on my actual weigh in day once per week. Your TOM will definitely affect the scale as will daily fluctuations of water retention, etc. Pick one day a week to step on and don't get discouraged if one week is not as good as you hoped, especially if TOM is at play. You'll see that # let go a week past.

    Finally, if you can lose 2lbs per week at 1500 with your settings, don't restrict yourself to 1200 or 1300. Unless you increase your activity, your calorie goals will go down as you lose and you don't want to go much lower than that. Enjoy the 1500 you have while you have it. Eating too little will set you up for cravings and binges.

    Keep on keeping on

    You're right, I'm tripping.
    I was in "fairy tale mode", but it's time to come back down to earth. Also, I think I will aim more for the 1500 calorie range, instead of trying to lose weight rapidly.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    And we know you're on the right track, because you came here to ask for advice. Had you been ready to give up and throw in the towel, you wouldn't have posted anything.

    You can always come here. Yes, there will occasionally be trolls, but mostly it's a very supportive community and you'll find that a lot of people share the same difficulties.

    Keep on going. Don't give up.

    Thank you for that. You're awesome!
    No, this HAS to be done. I don't have a choice. My health is on the line. Losing weight is long overdue for me. I just had to throw a little fit, and I'll give it WAY more time before I blame it on my PCOS. :laugh:

    Time is all you have and this is for the REST of your life. If you're exercising, eating within your allotted calorie range, and getting the SLEEP you need, just keep doing what you're doing...emotions are bad for trying to lose weight...they throw us around like a dingy in 12ft. waves...remove the emotion and focus more on the logic at hand. Don't EVER give up. You deserve optimum health.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    As you read the previous posts and see what can cause a gain, I hope that it gives you a better understanding of how our bodies work and helps you take the emotion out of that number on the scale.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    You can do this! I actually take metformalin for my PCOS but there are several other people/ friends here that are doing well without medication. Search topics on PCOS to find other members who may be able to offer you some support.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    You can't focus on week-to-week numbers. At different times of the month I can go up a lb or 2 in a single day, but I know it's all water and as long as I don't stray from my numbers, it will eventually come off again. I know it can be frustrating to see that number on the scale go up when you've done everything right that week, but don't let it get to you. And don't let some snacking derail your whole plan. Don't turn a bad day into a bad week. Log everything, move on, and stay on-plan. You are strong and you can do it.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I was disgnosed with PCOS and had 2 children via IVF and now that im in healthy weight im on no meds and ok my cycles can vary from 26-38 days but I have 1 every month or so I don't have the pains and although mine was a mild case I feel so much better