Office/Desk Job, in 20's



  • blpope
    blpope Posts: 163
    Hi all!

    I'm pretty much in the same boat. I had a lot of success using MFP in college. I lost about 25 lb and I felt great! Well, fast-forward to the present and I've gained back close to 20 lb while working at my office job.

    I eat pretty healthy most of the time. My problem is that I'm so drained or stressed after work that I have little to no motivation to work out, and instead, I reach for a snack or even better, a beer ;)

    But I'm tired of it! I know I'll be much happier and have more energy and confidence if I get back into shape and lose the weight again.

    Feel free to add me. I'm 23 years old, 5'4" ~128 lb, hoping to get to ~112 lb.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey! I'm also part of the twentysomething and tied to a desk all day club!
    As soon as I graduated university back in 2009 and started a desk job, my weight has just consistently piled on from 10st (140lbs) up to nearly 14st (196lbs) Really want to get back down to where I was before, I'm 5'5 by the way.
    It's not like I sit here eating all day at all, it is the shear lack of movement!
    Would be good to connect with anyone in the same boat and we can cheer each other on :)
  • jessakittyis
    jessakittyis Posts: 159 Member
    I am so totally in the same boat as you. I sit all day for work and have no reason or even opportunity to get up other that to go to the bathroom. I'm 26 and after moving in with my BF and starting to cook really delicious (ie fattening) foods I got up to 192. Waaaay too close to 200 for comfort. So here I am. I've lost about 30 lb so far and I'm still going. I'd love to make friends with anyone on this thread so we can keep each other motivated.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Another 20-something (25!) stuck in the cube farm. Graduated college in 2011, started my Graphic Design job almost immediately after (hooray for that!). Saw how unhealthy everyone in the office was/is and decided that wasn't going to be me. Rewind a couple years to still being in college- I lived on "Main Street" where all the bars were within 100 yards of my doorstep- NOT good for the waistline. So I definitely had the weight to lose.

    I joined my local Y in 2011 and was up at 5am everyday for Zumba 3 days a week and Body Pump 2 days a week, runs on Saturdays. I managed to lose ~30lbs in a few months... And then my brother introduced me to the weight room :love: I'm so in love with lifting weights and love eating like a horse because the ridiculous metabolism that comes with it.

    I just had a pretty major surgery that sidelined me most of the summer, and my motivation is seriously lacking (gained around 10lbs during recovery mode the last couple months). I can finally hit the gym full-force after being released from the doc, so I'm trying to get back into some group classes in my area since that's what seemed to work the best for me from the start- except this time I'll have the heavy lifting to keep me ripped :bigsmile:. Feel free to add me! :drinker: