Office/Desk Job, in 20's



  • bhayyy
    bhayyy Posts: 5
    Hey! I'm Brittany, 23, and have a desk job. I also have a Fitbit which I LOVE because it motivates me to be more active during the work week!! I take walks during lunch,use the stairs, and walk to talk to people instead of calling. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132
    I am a desk jockey as well.
    As previous posters have said it is all about commitment....

    I plan my weeks as best I can in terms of food intake and exercise. Golf course helps no end for me....

    It will work by staying focused on your goals and staying accountable. Therefore, get loads of friends to help.

    Go get it.

  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Desk Job as well here, I've lost my first 50lbs from 300lbs after the birth of my son. Now another 50lbs is my goal. Anyone can add if you want..
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Welcome to the forums! **waves**

    Feel free to add me if you like!

    In the office right now!
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Desk jobs are tough for healthy people. I'm a little lucky in that I have a standing desk, and work in a tall building so I can climb the stairs a few times per day.

    The most important thing, though, it not eating anything you don't bring in yourself. Avoiding everyone else's donuts and bagels isn't always easy, but there's a reason you look better than them. :-)

    Also - if you have a smart phone, go outside for breaks and play Ingress. Nerdy, yes, but it keeps me off my *kitten*.

    I just downloaded this just now..Im so going to do this on my break, lol
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    Desk jobs are tough for healthy people. I'm a little lucky in that I have a standing desk, and work in a tall building so I can climb the stairs a few times per day.

    The most important thing, though, it not eating anything you don't bring in yourself. Avoiding everyone else's donuts and bagels isn't always easy, but there's a reason you look better than them. :-)

    Also - if you have a smart phone, go outside for breaks and play Ingress. Nerdy, yes, but it keeps me off my *kitten*.

    I just downloaded this just now..Im so going to do this on my break, lol

    I'm downloading it too! I wanna try it after I get home from work :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My eating hasn't really changed at my job but my last job I was on my feet all day. Sure there's sweets everywhere but I don't really like sweets and the catered lunches don't cater to me as a vegetarian.
  • katecroteau
    katecroteau Posts: 8 Member
    We are defintiely in the same boat! I have the dreaded job of a bank teller so I very rarely get to move around except when I'm on my lunch. I ordered a fitbit (won't be getting it til August..sigh) I'm also ordering Insanity to do at home with my boyfriend (Motivation!:love: )
    We can all motivate each other! add me! :flowerforyou:
    -Kate, 21, lost 4lbs needs to lose 48 more :bigsmile:
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hi Megan! Same boat :) I've had a desk job for 5 years now (I'm almost 25) and my starting weight was the same as you. I'm a little over halfway to my goal now and you're welcome to add me so we can support each other!
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Same here! Me, me, me. 26 years old, working a more or less sedentary job in a medical lab, and worst of all.. swing shift! My schedule's all over the place and it's tough to take care of myself the way I should. My mom's getting me a fitbit for my birthday, tho, and everything's gotten a lot better since I started tracking calories and hitting zumba/running/lifting.

    Add me, if you will! <3
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am sorta in the same boat. I put on about 35lbs out of high school lost it. Got with my ex husband got comfy put on a few then lost a few when we married, and then I had my baby girl in 2010. I lost all the baby weight fast. But I was never where I wanted to be. So I sorta quit trying for awhile, ended up divorcing my ex husband and the stress from him turning into an a** and other things I put on weight. Then I re-found my fiance a year and a half ago and once again got comfy. I too struggle with motivation and I also work an office job where I pretty much sit and do NOTHING! I am about 173 (scared to get on a scale) and want to loose about 40lbs. Feel free to add me if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    I have a desk job too. I've found the biggest deal with my weight loss has been to teach myself NOT to snack. I just don't eat outside of mealtimes, except that I normally have a tea time in the afternoon around 2 or 3. This is when I find I really want a sweet pick me up, so I have some nice warm tea and some fruit.

    I pack my own lunch and pack a few extra pieces of fruit or cucumbers/carrots/celery in case I become desperately hungry, but I didn't really need that before I was pregnant. Besides that I drink A TON of water and herbal teas.
  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    I also have an office job, and a Fitbit! I got my Fitbit in March and joined MFP shortly after, which has helped me lose around 15 pounds. I've remained the same weight for the last few weeks due to loss of motivation and just wanted to eat junky food. I'm still exercising, using my Fitbit, and logging, so at least I've got those things going for me! I'm just not making the best food choices.
  • LeeQuee
    LeeQuee Posts: 3
    I am 28, and ready to get healthy. For me, desk job = weight gain... a lot of weight gain.
    I love my job, but I sit so much I have to readjust my hips when I get up! I don't snack too much, but I have recently binged on carbs after having my baby - since I was on a strict diet whilst pregnant.

    But, since she is now 12 weeks old, I have no choice but to face that fact that I started down an unhealthy path. Step one... join MFP. Step Two... find some people who want to virtually pat each other's backs for days well done

    And, Step Three... Since I keep seeing you all mention FitBit, so I am going to have to check that out too.
  • StrongHealthyPowerful
    StrongHealthyPowerful Posts: 98 Member
    Looks like there’s a lot of 20-somethings at desks these days. Haha. I’m 29, work at a desk most of the time, but also run around at work a bit, which is good. Up until two years ago, I always had jobs on my feet, and it definitely is an adjustment. It takes being pretty intentional with your activity level, whereas before I had no choice but to be all over the place. Just started using a fitbit zip a few weeks ago, and it really does motivate me to move. I also live close enough to work to walk, so that helps a lot.

    One thing that has helped me is I keep a 12 oz glass for water on my desk, and I try to finish it 4-6 times a shift, which forces me to walk to refill it. I also am not allowed to leave for the day until it is empty, so that ensures that I at least finish the one I’m working on.
    If you’d like friends, feel free to add me.
  • modevia
    modevia Posts: 13
    Yeah, it's all about commitment and acting like if you were already in your goal weight... Believing that you ARE already inside the person you want to be.
    We all have abs beneath our love handles or fat...

    "It's not about dieting and working out, it's about keeping your OWN promisses"

    I read that from Chris Powell's blog, I loved that quote
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I am currently the same weight you are, and have the same goal. I also have a sedentary job, and wear my fitbit to track my activity level. Feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • melissacaniv
    I actually just recently started my desk job as well and I'm not able to get any exercise in while i'm there since im in the middle of a bunch of people at their desks. I recently have had to completely change my diet so I can meet my goals since now I move less during the day. Add me if you wish I need the motivation!
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    hey all,

    same here, desk job. I try to walk a lot during the day on breaks and stuff. I also have a fit bit so it really helps me stay motivated!. feel free to add!!

    I'm 5'2 153 and want to loose about 20lbs
  • samanthaalgar27
    samanthaalgar27 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm 26 and work in an office. I bought the fitbit ONE and I love it! It's great, It really does motivate me to walk. On average I do approx. 11k steps a day but I walk to and from work (about a mile each way) and always seem to be up out of my chair!
    I'm currently 131lb and hoping to get down to 126lb but I always seem to struggle with these few pounds! Add me if you like! :-)