My feet are killing me



  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You must get the proper shoes... I know the price sucks, but it really is worth the money.

    When I was in high school I ran track and got the worst shin splints. Literally made me cry and have to ice my legs down at night. Once I got the right shoes the shin splints decreased. They watched me run on a treadmill and analyzed how I run and everything to find out what shoes were gonna be beneficial for me because everyone is different and what works for me might not work for you.

    If you invest in the proper pair and wear them only to train, they should last you a long time.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    As others have said, you can get cheaper ones. Typically stores will sell last years version for a discount. One thing to remember, in theory you're gonna use these a lot. While price is something to consider don't substitute quality to save a few bucks. I would gladly pay full price for a good pair of shoes if it means not having foot pain and saving trips to the doc/PT.
  • zenrunner1
    zenrunner1 Posts: 12
    As many here have already said, price isn't the only consideration when buying running shoes - they need to be the right shoes for you. Shoes are the only piece of equipment you need for running, and they make a huge difference in how you feel, how you recover, and whether you get injured or not. Age, fitness and weekly mileage certainly affect which shoe you need; but I would never recommend choosing a shoe based only on price.

    I run in the Hoka One One Mafate 2 which sets me back about $150 every three months or so. I am 49 and run 40-50 miles a week. Last year, I decided to try another shoe to save a few bucks, and I ended up with a stress fracture. When I got laid off and had to take a job with a much lower salary, I gave up Starbucks, the nail salon, and coloring my hair so that I could still afford my Hokas - that's how important they are to me!

    By the way, I am amazed at how many people balk at spending $100 on a pair of running shoes; but think nothing of spending that much or more on their cute little color coordinated running outfits!
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    Just ran across a good article on the subject of running form and footwear:

    3 Common Misconceptions About Minimalist Footwear and Running Form