Slow Ticker = Low Calories??



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    He likes to flash the SWAT cop thing around to make the ladies swoon!!!! Is it working ladies??

    Huh? Wha..? Did somebody say something? Sorry, I was swooooooning.


    Girls, you MUST stay strong! Repeat after me...SWAT COP SCHMAT COP!

    shhh!!! Quiet Tam, you are ruining all the swooning!!!

    But, see........they don't quite understand the repercussions of your inflated head!!!! Want me to define "repercussions" for you Sarge? I know you have a hard time with big words. :laugh: :laugh:

    *ducks and runs*

    I have no need of your help!!!

    Internetz google-fu ftw!!!

    Main Entry: re·per·cus·sion
    Pronunciation: \ˌrē-pər-ˈkə-shən, ˌre-\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Latin repercussion-, repercussio, from repercutere to drive back, from re- + percutere to beat — more at percussion
    Date: 1536
    1: reflection, reverberation
    2 a: an action or effect given or exerted in return : a reciprocal action or effect b: a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event —usually used in plural
    — re·per·cus·sive \-ˈkə-siv\ adjective

    So your brains aren't in your biceps??? Good to know!!

    Lord no! That would be....weird!

    Ok, NOW you are trying to convince me you aren't weird?? You have gone too far now!!!