What was you're tipping point?

Just curious to when and WHY everyone started to workout / lose weight?

For myself, I believe it was just proving to myself that I could do it. That I could lose weight etc. And it is the same thing now, proving to myself that I can get stronger, lose more body fat, etc etc, Each and every day I have to re-prove to myself that I can do it.


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It was when I found out I have the BRCA II genetic mutation that indicates I'm more likely to get cancer than your avareage overweight, inactive, 40 something female. I felt like this was all the warning I should have to get and it was time to get serious.
  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    for me it was to have more energy to be able to keep up with the family when on vacation (hikes and walking around in general) now they can't keep up with me, lol.
  • FelipaJ
    I got some bad tests results back from the doctors, I was afraid of not seeing my little boy grow up. All my numbers are in an exceptable range now :happy:
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Seeing 190 on the scale!
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    My Back. After My c-section my back kept giving out on me. I got scared. I want to be healthy person, take care of my body and my body will take care of me.

    How much is you body and health worth do you? For me priceless.
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    For me it was after dad died 8/18/10 of a sudden heart attack at the age of 67. He was diabetic, yet active, but on lots of medications and did not eat right. We all lied to ourselves and thought he was doing fine and enjoying retirement and then ended up having 2 heart stents put in and a week to the day later literally fell over at home. I do not want to do that to my family. I am the heaviest out of 8 children and going to be 45 in June - All of my labs come back "fine" or borderline every year at physical time so I lie to myself that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm tired of hurting from head to toe on a daily basis. Now if I could just throw away the cigarettes I'd be golden!!! (I want to, but what is holding me back??!!)
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I decided to start losing weight when I started getting too big to shop at my favorite store. I already had to buy my pants at plus sized stores but didn't want to have to start buying my tops there too. That was 43 lbs ago.
  • Uptopargolf
    Good for everyone. No matter what you're reason. The fact that we are doing it is enough in itself. But clearly I think having some sort of motivation or 'tipping' point helps.

    Sometimes when I look in the mirror in the morning and I don't feel like working out, I just sit there and try to picture myself when I weighed 240, and tell myself how I never want to get back there.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I was facing having to buy more and larger clothing and didn't wnt to go there. I also decided I didn't want the image in the mirror to be a factor in my depression any longer. I figured in order to get myself feeling happier, I would need to change from the outside in. I know it might sound backwards, bu it has been working for me so far so I am going to just keep on going.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Looking in the mirror naked, flexing, and NOT seeing my abs. I do far too many crunches/situps per day to not see my abs! It wasn't the lack of abs it was the over abundance of fatty tissue. :)
  • psymastr
    Some people took a group photo of me and I looked like I was a monster... time to lose my 40lbs that I've been putting off for a year already...
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I got some bad tests results back from the doctors, I was afraid of not seeing my little boy grow up. All my numbers are in an exceptable range now :happy:
    Good For You Girl!! :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Passing my "I'll never get this fat again" weight after 2 years and doing it in 3 months. 30 lbs in 3 months is NOT good.
  • Uptopargolf
    Looking in the mirror naked, flexing, and NOT seeing my abs. I do far too many crunches/situps per day to not see my abs! It wasn't the lack of abs it was the over abundance of fatty tissue. :)

    Haha. Story of my life...
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    I knew i was gaining weight after i moved back home, but i didnt have the balls to actually step on the scale because i was scared to see what the number was.... then when i did (after two months) and it was the highest number i have ever seen.... (that was yesterday) ha ha ha.
  • MrsMills712
    When I pulled every item out of my closet and violently threw it across the room because after trying item after item on, I couldn't find anything that I felt comfortable in. I refused to go out and buy more clothes in a bigger size when I had closets and drawers full of perfectly fine clothing.

    When my sister-in-law started losing weight before her wedding, and she offered to give me all her clothes that were too big for her. (Which by the way, I have given back to her because they fit her again now and are too big for me. Whoo hoo!) :)
  • Uptopargolf
    I knew i was gaining weight after i moved back home, but i didnt have the balls to actually step on the scale because i was scared to see what the number was.... then when i did (after two months) and it was the highest number i have ever seen.... (that was yesterday) ha ha ha.

    That happened to me a while ago. I lost a lot of weight and swore I would never put it back on.. and I was to scared to even step on a scale because I knew I had put it back on. I won't even forget that day. I can remember every detail after seeing that number on the scale.

    P.S I love the quote in your signature.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    before i had kids i was 130lbs(had worked to get down from 184lbs) and then, after 2kids within 12months of each other i realised that i was buying size 14s(uk sizes) and they were skin tight, that was when i decided that i wasn't going to let myself get any bigger, i needed to be healthy and full of energy for my kids
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I reached 14 1/2 stone (203 lbs) after university and was a UK size 16. I realised that I had to lose weight otherwise I never would! I couldn't keep putting it off year after year, or let it get worse. Now that I'm losing weight, I just don't know why I didn't start earlier. I'm 30 lbs down now and a comfortable UK size 14. And I'm over halfway to my goal weight now
  • skinnyack
    I knew I was heavy, and I had even already started working out with a trainer- then I went on vacation (cruise to Mexico). The third day my boyfriend surprised me and we designed an engagement ring, the fourth day he surprised me and proposed (I had told him he had to wait to ask my parent's permission which I figured would be a week til we got back and/or had cell service). Should've been, and still in someways are the best days I've ever had- but, I deleted over half the pics when I saw I looked like the marshmellow man in all of them. I had FAT on MY SHOULDER BLADES! My stomach was out of control. I had been in denial until that point. Luckily my soon to be sister in law didn't delete photos and they are now posted in my profile pics as befores... and some updates in the same shirt at around 8 lbs down.