What was you're tipping point?



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I always knew i wasn't where i wanted to be...but the time to change was when i got engaged...i don't want to be a chubby bride...so i have one year to lose and one year to maintain. Plus i don't want to be the biggest girl in the wedding i'm in this summer...that's always embarassing lol
  • n3rdybird
    n3rdybird Posts: 3 Member
    When I realized I had gained 30 pounds in four years due to crappy eating habits and little to no exercise. Not to mention, everyone making 'joking' comments that I was going to end up like my grandmother, who I love, but she is very large. Not to mention, I do costuming as a hobby, and I wanted to wear something pretty, rather than trying to pick out costumes that would hide my fat.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    For me it was when one of my dads friends who I hadn't seen in a while, so me out shopping and asked me if i was pregnant again...She was really embarrassed but not as much as I was, two day s later I found this site...thank goodness.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    three weeks ago when I could no longer fit in to my size 14 mom jeans. My boyfriend asked me what about that stack of jeans in the closet you never wear. What you mean the size 8s from two years ago? Enough is enough
  • Allison9
    my niece asked if there was a baby in there.....
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my student came up to me and hugged me around my fat middle. She looked up, eyes wide and innocent, and said "does it keep you warm at night like a polar bear?"

    Funny now, was heartbreaking then.

    I found MFP about a week later, and the rest, as they say.....
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I hae always loved to workout and being athletic. I ran cross country and coached cross country and track before having kids. I had 6 pregnancies/4 kids in a 6 year span. During that time I worked out when I wasn't on some sort of bedrest (you will notice more pregnancies than kids..so indicating troubled pregnancies) During my last pregnancy my oldest started doing judo...she was 4 1/2 but kept talking about taking some class with Daddy etc....over time all the kids became interested. We waited for them to express an interest. Well I grew up in a wrestling family and judo and wrestling are kindred sports. When My littlest was almost year and we were certain we were done having kids I realized I had no more excuses to not try judo. I joined the class with the kids. Over time I became embarassed at how exhausted judo practice was making me every Saturday morning...I knew I had so much more in me. I started hitting the gym,....my motto was "I can't be the chubby mom who gasses on the mat, pukes from practice or wets my pants"...LOL any mom would understand that one. After a few months doing whatever at the gym I started watching portions and I ran again. I rediscovered my love and addiction to running...there is no looking back now. I ran the Chicago marathon this year. I will run it again next year...and all because I didn't want to puke at judo.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    When I hit 200, I said that would be the highest I would let myself go. At 210, I said, ok this is the highest. At 220, I said, no, really, this is the highest I am going to go. At 225, I had to admit to myself that the trends were not looking good for my future. So, in the spirit of "if not now, then when" I started to explore options. I started working out a bit, trying to eat better, but I didn't get very good results.

    It wasn't until I really dug into and started to understand my food choices, calorie intake, etc. that I was able to see improvement. MFP has been a great help with this and has allowed me to greatly expand my diet. Before MFP, I was eating a very boring and predictable diet because I UNDERSTOOD it. With MFP, I can eat more diversely, more comfortably eat out, and see how it all fits together in a context.

    So, my tipping point was the decision to get into the best shape of my life before my 40th birthday. I am on my way.

  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I went to an amusement park this summer with my family. They have this new, really great looking roller coaster that I couldn't wait to try out. As I was standing in line I started freaking out....what if I didn't fit in the seat? This was my turning point, thinking that my out of control behaviour was going to prevent me from enjoying my day with my family. Fortunately (because I don't think I could have handled the humiliation I would have felt) I fit in the ride and swore that I would never be afraid to ride the coaster again....at least not for that reason.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I have three pair of Zoot Suit pants that cost $80+ each. After it got to the point that I couldn't wear them or ANYTHING else that was cute in my closet, enough was enough.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    When I became engaged and tried on my wedding dress for the first time. I had to buy it in the largest size possible (I'm blessed with a full bust), but when I tried it on I could hardly get it zipped. I loved it and didn't want to get a new one.... nothing would compare! So, I've been working my tush off, literally, since September.... I hope I need to spend a few hundred on alterations to have it taken in by the end. I want to look pretty for Dan on our wedding day. I don't want to look back at our pictures and focus on how fat I was.:-/

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have some facial hair on my chin. I kept it there as proof i successfully completed puberty as the sad lack of hair on my legs was not an indicator. I have found it difficult to keep it properly trimmed and shaped. One morning out of a sleep-encrusted eye, I jacked it up beyond repair (proof that sharp objects are a hazard in the morning for me). With a sigh of resignation, I shaved it off. To my amazement, I realized my goatee effectively hid my 2nd chin. I stood there staring at it in abject horror. For the next 2 days, every time I looked in the mirror, it reminded me of how out of shape I was and I was helpless to immediately resolve it. Oh, I could have shaved a spot off the cat and pasted it back on, but the cat is white, which would have looked strange and worse, he and I weren't on speaking terms at the time.
    So I then decided it was time the Chin family moved out. My first step was to buy a bottle of rogaine and slather it on my chin.
    But more importantly, it got me back in the gym.
  • dmedina
    I got tired of being "fluffy". I don't use the words "fat" or "obese", they hurt. I think I just snapped; i drove to a nutritionist and in 11 weeks have lost 21 lbs. Because of the holiday, I am weighing in tomorrow morning.
  • dmedina
    I got tired of being "fluffy". I don't use the words "fat" or "obese", they hurt. I think I just snapped; i drove to a nutritionist and in 11 weeks have lost 21 lbs. Because of the holiday, I am weighing in tomorrow morning.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I have some facial hair on my chin. I kept it there as proof i successfully completed puberty as the sad lack of hair on my legs was not an indicator. I have found it difficult to keep it properly trimmed and shaped. One morning out of a sleep-encrusted eye, I jacked it up beyond repair (proof that sharp objects are a hazard in the morning for me). With a sigh of resignation, I shaved it off. To my amazement, I realized my goatee effectively hid my 2nd chin. I stood there staring at it in abject horror. For the next 2 days, every time I looked in the mirror, it reminded me of how out of shape I was and I was helpless to immediately resolve it. Oh, I could have shaved a spot off the cat and pasted it back on, but the cat is white, which would have looked strange and worse, he and I weren't on speaking terms at the time.
    So I then decided it was time the Chin family moved out. My first step was to buy a bottle of rogaine and slather it on my chin.
    But more importantly, it got me back in the gym.

    Best. Post. Ever. !!!!! Pure Hilarity.

    For me, it was seeing the playback of my first swim meet in 10 years. My fiance was recording my swims and he just had to hit record when I climbed up on the blocks. All you could see in the little camera screen was my giant butt. I was mortified. I cried and cried, then cried some more. Oh, and the pictues he took of me in the kitchen in a tank top pointing at a GIANT pot of spaghetti that we had just cooked. Absolutely awful.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i had gotten broken up with by my then-boyfriend of a little over a year (my longest relationship). it wasn't due to weight or anything like that, but i was feeling pretty down after it, and decided to get into shape to attract the next one!

    also, just for your information, he and i are friends again.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Going over 200 pounds for the first time in my life.
    I knew I was fat before that, but I'm married and wasn't trying to attract anyone so I had a hard time motivating myself to REALLY do anything about it. But 202 pounds was NOT acceptable for me! And standing next to my sister and not feeling like a giant would be nice (she's 6" shorter and probably 90 pounds lighter than I was).
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    My tipping point was a rather slow motion :-)
    During this summer, the family of my son's girlfriend talked about having a beach holiday next year. I LOVE beach holidays, sunbathing, swimming, high temperatures... but my family prefers not so hot weather, no sunbathing, rather visiting places etc. So I thought I could join them for that holiday, I wouldn't have to have that holiday all alone, and still not bother my family about it.

    They are all slim and fit, and I am not :-(
    I looked forward to a holiday and feel ashamed of the way I'd look beside them. These thoughts developped over days and weeks and slowly turned into the wish to loose some of the weight and look less big next summer.

    I've been struggling these past few days though: they decided to go to a different place for holidays now :-(
    My motivation goal has disappeared and I haven't found a new one yet and I had a hard week accepting this. I haven't given up loosing weight, but I was quite down for a few days.
    Maybe I find somebody else to join me (my daughter offered but I always thought she was the visiting kind of person), and I'll get that beach holiday next summer!

  • haileemou
    My wedding dress arrived and it isnt a comfortable fit! I also have a hiatal hernia, slipped disc in back and i need to lose weight to feel comfortable and get well
  • Moogie2
    I saw a gorgeous coat - tried it on and looked like a whale in it.

    The diet begins!
