Too many opinions and ways to "diet"



  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Here's "my" way, which has helped to maintain my weight loss for nearly 20 years.

    Eat REAL food (most of the time) and exercise (more days than you don't).

    It's a slow process; but if you are in for the long haul, you will be able to lose weight and maintain it.
  • sheilaq14
    sheilaq14 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't believe in following fad diets either, until now I guess. In January, I read an article about modified fasting every other day and thought why not, I will give it a shot. I love to eat and overeat and I hate restricting food groups. I have iron will for restricting just not every damn day. It is the best thing that has happened to me in years. I have lost over 30 pounds so far and have started heavy lifting. It's not for everyone certainly, but I have never felt so comfortable about food in my life. Check out the Every
    Other Day a Diet by Varady if you are interested. Yes, it is trendy right now but for me it is The a Answer I have been looking for forever. Best of luck whatever you choose. I generally eat 2500 cal on up days and 500 on down days.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    people like to over-complicate what is really not complicated. nutrition isn't rocket science and living a healthful life is largely a matter of common sense. but of course, common sense doesn't sell books and DVDs and diet programs and fitness programs, etc.

    I stopped paying much attention at all to the diet and fitness industry when fruit and certain vegetables started to be labeled as dietary demons...just totally lacking in any common sense.

    My thoughts exactly

  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    People screw up by looking at things as a temporary fix, instead of a lifelong commitment. If you look at things as a lifestyle change, a small plateau during your weight loss journey is simply a negligible blip on the radar.

    My advice to you, and to everyone else, is find a style of eating that you actually feel you can follow for a long period of time. If you don't see yourself doing it a few years from now, or even a few months from now, then it's not going to work.

    Also avoid overdoing things. Too often I see people start out on extreme deficits and crazy workout programs. That never lasts, and it's always followed by a rebound.

    ^^ This. Luckily for myself, I have found a sustainable lifestyle that I will be able to do till the day I die and I find that a relief. I've tried crap like "Paleo" and "Atkins" type of things but realized a theme of amongst several people I interacted with of yo-yoing, and not being sustainable in the long term. The main thing I focus on personally is health and how I feel. I think everyone should focus on laying a strong foundation for the rest of their lives! However, I think people need to get away from the mentality of a "diet" because a "diet" will always fail in the longterm.

    What's up, judgey-mcjudgerson? I believe that reverting to unhealthy habits and yo-yo dieting is based more upon a person's willpower and commitment to one's own health and fitness than on the style of eating that they chose to follow. People give up all the time, regardless of their WOE. You've got to believe in yourself & make choices and changes that demonstrate that you value and respect yourself (at least, that's my take on things).

    I was simply expressing my feelings about those diets and that word best described my own personally expierence with those two different diets. It wasn't intended towards anyone else or anyone who chooses to go on that diet. I was directing it towards the diet itself as I don't have many fond feelings towards it, haha! I do agree with that it can be dependent on the person but not always. One of my closest friends, who I know to be very committed to everything she does, went on paleo for a year and the life drained out of her. I was simply stating my observations as you are too. Cheers my friend! :drinker: