When did it click for you?



  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Mine was a couple of years ago. I was not even 30 yet. I went to bed every night with a heating pad next to my bed knowing that at some point I would need it to soothe the back pain. I had 2 little boys and would get exhausted playing with them. I was not obese, just overweight. I realized that if I didn't do something, I would be miserable, obese and in lots of pain by the time I was 40. I was not going to let that happen.

    And I didn't! 31 now, 35 pounds less and feeling great!
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Couple of catalysts. Having to buy the next size up for christmas do (uk Size 20 trousers, size 18 top) then the pictures (all taken without my knowledge) on facebook. Sick of feeling fat and unattractive and ashamed of letting it get to this. Add in my knees aching and knowing excess weight isnt helping, it was definitely time.
    Now 7 months on, 57 lb down and UGW hit, wearing size 12 trousers and size 8-10 tops, I feel fantastic.

    I too have a fantastic and supportive husband who has said at any weight he finds me attractive, but has come to the gym with me and be a willing participant in our healthier diet.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    Last summer I had gotten to my highest weight ever tipping the scales at about 280. I suddenly learned in July of 2013 that my brother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. I thought about how he could not change his life path, but I could change mine by changing the quick and easy and highly sugar filled calories that I was taking in and swapping it for a healthier nutrition and exercise plan. My brother passed away in Sept of 2013. At that time I had already lost about 30 pounds. At the funeral I noticed that my siblings were dwindling away and I needed to commit to this healthier life path if I did not want to be the next one to fade off this planet too soon because of poor life choices. So I have been sticking to MFP everyday (except for a few days recently when in hospital). I am now at 171, almost 110 pounds lost. I have gone from a size 26/28 jean to a size 14 jean. Last year when I started this journey I hoped to get to between 150 and 165. (That is the goal I set with the support of my doctor as a realistic goal for me.) I am amazed that I am so close to my long range goals. I have had to stop exercise while recovering from surgery so will not be able to get back on the fitness track until mid August. Being sedentary this month has really been difficult. I do not want to get back into my old bad habits. But I know I can do this! If I can do this others can also.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    When did it click? 93 days ago and 273 lbs.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    When I almost couldnt see my ******$## from the side naked.!!
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Things are still clicking for me each day, but a combination of factors led to my beginning this journey.

    *One day I noticed that in a front view of me in my jeans that where the crotch is was actually the bottom of my stomach and then my legs. Seeing that my weight had caused this development - something that could be noticed through my clothes - really grossed me out. Did not like that at all, and I don't think anything has disgusted me as badly as not having a crotch anymore because my belly hang was that bad.

    *I had been having a long bout with acid reflux/indigestion. Antacids weren't working anymore to control it, and it eventually became a daily problem. I changed my eating to "bland" which meant cutting fat, sugar, and dairy. My indigestion improved a lot after about a week, and this small step in monitoring and controlling what I ate and practicing some restriction is what really got the ball rolling.

    *Since I can't eat bland forever, I decided to watch my calorie intake for a bit and joined MFP, cutting my calorie intake pretty much got rid of the indigestion completely, and I found it easy enough to do that I continued for weightloss.

    I've lost 24 lbs in 2 months. 287 to 263. I'm 35.

    Your man sounds like a good guy.

    (edited- made a correction)
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    Things have "clicked" for me a few times, but I feel like this time around is different for me, because I'm doing it more for health reasons than anything else. I used to be quite athletic and fit when I was younger - never super skinny but always average weight and healthy for my height and age. Now I'm many pounds overweight and getting closer to 30. My metabolism is definitely changing, and so I need to change. Plus, heart problems and diabetes are common in my family. I'd rather change my life now instead of being forced to once disease and illness hit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When my doctor told me that if I didn't get my blood work cleaned up and start taking care of myself that I would probably be very sick within a decade or so and probably dead by 60.
  • laurenshredsit
    laurenshredsit Posts: 8 Member
    I just want to thank you all again for sharing your own stories. They really have been inspiring and have kept me on track the past couple of days.

    And thank you for the compliments that I passed along to my husband! He is truly a wonderful and supportive man. I'm very blessed to have that kind of support system. He has even started running with me! Speaking of, if anyone else is doing or has finished Couch 2 5k, feel free to add me! I'm on Week 2 and loving it. :)
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Save to read later! Awesome stories!
  • mrastaffordML
    It clicked for me after I started feeling uncomfortable and the weight was hurting me. Like when sitting in certain positions were uncomfortable because of my fat. Sounds awful and it was... I also felt sluggish and tired all the time and desperatley wanted out.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    It clicked for me when I went to my families and my sister took some pictures. I had never seen myself in such a way before. I had always been healthy. That year I had been struggling with depression and alcoholism. I had become completely blind to what I was doing to my body. I quit drinking shortly after that. Sober I noticed I couldn't sit my favorite way in chairs, and I couldn't tie my shoes without getting out of breath or just giving up all together. Also, when I would walk around my shorts would cut into my thighs because of the friction of my leg fat....eewwww painful and that completely grossed me out.

    I have been on the right track for some time now and couldn't be happier. My energy levels are wonderful, and it's inspired me to cut caffeine and nicotine out of my body more along with the alcohol. My mood swings have improved too. I have bad days, but not nearly as often.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    All inspiring stories from so many beautiful people. I don't remember, but I think it started when I quit smoking Oct 2012. All my friends thought I had left the country, as I just stopped socialising.
  • atbrod
    atbrod Posts: 15 Member
    I am in a similar boat. I have tried. And tried. And tried to lose the 20 pounds I lost (and regained) two years ago. I do well until about Day 5, and then justify a four-day binge by telling myself, "It's not that bad." Problem is, two-plus years of bingeing on sugar/chocolate has put me right back where I was... and then some. It's almost as if I am scared of Day 5 and beyond. Afraid of success maybe? Not sure. But it helps to type/write my feelings and see them in black and white, so I will continue to voice them on MFP and believe in myself.

    All it takes is a little courage... one day at a time.