To much in my Oatmeal??

eric5577 Posts: 65 Member

I love me some Oatmeal in the morning, it just starts my day off right!! However, using this site I noticed that my Cal intake from this meal is 707 cal. I feel that is a lot to consume in one meal. Here is what I use:

1/2 cup oatmeal= 150cal
1/4 cup raisins= 130cal
1 cup Blueberries= 83cal
2 tbsp Cocoanut Oil= 280cal
1 tbsp honey= 64cal.

So, am I using to much? I love Cocoanut Oil, and the honey adds a little sweetness to it, but do I need both? Do I need blueberries and raisins??? Or is this OK for breakfast??


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member

    I love me some Oatmeal in the morning, it just starts my day off right!! However, using this site I noticed that my Cal intake from this meal is 707 cal. I feel that is a lot to consume in one meal. Here is what I use:

    1/2 cup oatmeal= 150cal
    1/4 cup raisins= 130cal
    1 cup Blueberries= 83cal
    2 tbsp Cocoanut Oil= 280cal
    1 tbsp honey= 64cal.

    So, am I using to much? I love Cocoanut Oil, and the honey adds a little sweetness to it, but do I need both? Do I need blueberries and raisins??? Or is this OK for breakfast??

    Hmmm, well, does it fit into your daily needs? Raisins are tricky, but I love those little buggers. Maybe a 1/2 cup of blueberries is better. That meal alone would pass my sugar macros.

    But, if it fits your calories, go for it. It looks like you have some weight to drop so it may actually fit into your macros.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    Not sure how it will fit. I have not added it today, I just started up again. The more I look it, the more I think I am over doing it with the raisins and blueberries along with the honey and cocoanut oil.

    Maybe switch it up from day to day....Raisins and honey one day, then blueberries and cocoanut oil the next.....IDK. I like the cocoanut oil to be honest, I have read good things about it.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Not sure how it will fit. I have not added it today, I just started up again. The more I look it, the more I think I am over doing it with the raisins and blueberries along with the honey and cocoanut oil.

    Maybe switch it up from day to day....Raisins and honey one day, then blueberries and cocoanut oil the next.....IDK. I like the cocoanut oil to be honest, I have read good things about it.

    If this is something you enjoy, figure out a way to make it fit. Does it keep you full for a few hour?

    Also, I'd double check the label on your coconut oil. The ones I've seen at 120 cals per TBSP not the 140cals you have.

    Another suggestion, maybe try making it with less coconut oil so you can use those calories elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with coconut oil at all. But it may taste the same with say 1tbsp.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    Honestly it does keep me full. I work overnights and I get out at 6am; then when I get home, I go for my walk. So I eat this around 5am so I have something in for when I walk at 630ish.

    Yes, I missed type. It is 120cal. I could use 1tbsp, but I add 2 now cause it is melted....hmmmm.....Maybe I am looking at this all wrong and it is one tbsp solid, which is what I usually, now I am confusing myself. So maybe 2tbsp melted is actually 1 solid??? LOL
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    Like they said above it if fits and keeps you full then keep what you enjoy.
    You could always try adding peanut butter as a different type of fat, its amazing paired with bananas+honey :)
    Or you could try shredded unsweetened coconut for less fat. 1/4C raisins are high in carbs because basically its 1 cup of grapes dehydrated( I'd go for the grapes IMO) Try just 2 TBSP. It also seems like you are adding alot of sugar to your breakfast! Here are some ideas to shake it up a notch:
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Honestly it does keep me full. I work overnights and I get out at 6am; then when I get home, I go for my walk. So I eat this around 5am so I have something in for when I walk at 630ish.

    Yes, I missed type. It is 120cal. I could use 1tbsp, but I add 2 now cause it is melted....hmmmm.....Maybe I am looking at this all wrong and it is one tbsp solid, which is what I usually, now I am confusing myself. So maybe 2tbsp melted is actually 1 solid??? LOL

    Measure out 1T SOLID then melt it and eat it that way one day.
    Then the next measure out 2T SOLID then melt, and eat it that way.
    If there is no taste difference, you should use the 1T SOLID instead and save that extra 120cals for something else.

    Another option I've seen people do, is butter. It's also a fat source and 1T SOLID is 100calories. It'd give you a slightly different taste than the coconut oil.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    how many meals per day are you eating, and what's your daily calorie goal? btw, your breakfast doesn't seem to have much in the way of protein...
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    So I cut some cal today with the oatmeal. I skipped the honey, and cut the blueberries down to 1/2cup and 1tbsp of Cocoanut oil. It came in just over 400cal. Going to see how this works. Might skip the raisins all together and only use them when I am out of bluebereies.....
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    how many meals per day are you eating, and what's your daily calorie goal? btw, your breakfast doesn't seem to have much in the way of protein...

    I eat 3 meals a day, and snake when I feel like it. I actually drink protein shakes when I get home from working out. Any suggestions as to what I can add for breakfast in terms of protein??
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    cut the oil and half the blueberries (you could prob drop the honey too but that's up to you - you have enough sugars coming from the fruit that it should still be sweet with out it)

    I would add your oil (I also love coconut oil) to a different meal - and not near as much - I have literally used 2 drops to cook an egg (hard to measure that small of an amount - just remember there are 50 drops in a TEAspoon and three teaspoons in a table spoon)

    If you want to keep the oil for other reasons (not just flavor) then use WAY less

    Although, I agree with most other posters - if you are hitting your goals then don't worry about it!
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    how many meals per day are you eating, and what's your daily calorie goal? btw, your breakfast doesn't seem to have much in the way of protein...

    I eat 3 meals a day, and snake when I feel like it. I actually drink protein shakes when I get home from working out. Any suggestions as to what I can add for breakfast in terms of protein??

    Theres a way to make oatmeal with eggs/egg whites I believe. You can also add some protein powder to it.
    However, if this keeps you full and you're hitting your protein goal with the other meals, I don't see a point in changing it up. You like your oatmeal ajd it works for you.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If you have raisins then why do you need blueberries and honey? Have you considered calorie free sweetener like splenda or equal or the all natural stevia?

    Are you using organic extra virgin coconut oil because that is only 120 calories per tablespoon. Do you really need two?
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    If you have raisins then why do you need blueberries and honey? Have you considered calorie free sweetener like splenda or equal or the all natural stevia?

    Are you using organic extra virgin coconut oil because that is only 120 calories per tablespoon. Do you really need two?

    I only started to use 2tbsp when it melted. I thought I was not getting enough. Then I realized that I was using 1tbsp when it was solid, and that was it. SO I went back to just 1tbsp today.

    I used the rasins and blueberries because I thought by adding more "good" food it was helping me, but did not realise how much cal it was in one mean.

    I wont use splenda and anything this is not natural...just a preferance of mine. Yes, I use Organic EV Cocoanut Oil.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    cut the oil and half the blueberries (you could prob drop the honey too but that's up to you - you have enough sugars coming from the fruit that it should still be sweet with out it)

    I would add your oil (I also love coconut oil) to a different meal - and not near as much - I have literally used 2 drops to cook an egg (hard to measure that small of an amount - just remember there are 50 drops in a TEAspoon and three teaspoons in a table spoon)

    If you want to keep the oil for other reasons (not just flavor) then use WAY less

    Although, I agree with most other posters - if you are hitting your goals then don't worry about it!

    I only use Cocanut oil in my oatmeal. I have not tried cooking with yet.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    how many meals per day are you eating, and what's your daily calorie goal? btw, your breakfast doesn't seem to have much in the way of protein...

    I eat 3 meals a day, and snake when I feel like it. I actually drink protein shakes when I get home from working out. Any suggestions as to what I can add for breakfast in terms of protein??

    Theres a way to make oatmeal with eggs/egg whites I believe. You can also add some protein powder to it.
    However, if this keeps you full and you're hitting your protein goal with the other meals, I don't see a point in changing it up. You like your oatmeal ajd it works for you.

    I cut some stuff out today, which dropped the Cal down. I prepare my oatmeal ahead of time, so the raisins were already in there. I plan on taking them out completly and just use the blueberries for now. Going to see how today goes in term of cals, then go from there.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    I giggled a little at your post. Not mean, but kinda cute the way you like your oatmeal. :)

    I eat a double portion of old fashioned oatmeal, Quaker Oatmeal. I eat it with unsweetened soymilk. Keeps me full for hours. Love it.

    I add an extra cup, (maybe a little less) water than the recipe calls for. I put the oats in the pot along with the water and salt. Bring the whole thing to a boil, and then simmer it on low heat till it gets creamy. It takes longer but tastes so much better.

    BTW, I am a raisin eater too. While a 1/4 cup of raisins is a serving, and a serving is to weight 40 grams, I have to weigh the raisins to make sure I get 40 grams. A quarter cup has always actually weighed less than 40 grams when I measure it with a cup.

    And did you say that your oatmeal came with raisins? If it does, I don't believe it had a 40 gram serving of raisins in it. Honestly, you would have to remove each raisin by hand and weight them on a scale. Too much work for me.

    I would rather by plain oatmeal and weight out what I put in it.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    I giggled a little at your post. Not mean, but kinda cute the way you like your oatmeal. :)

    I eat a double portion of old fashioned oatmeal, Quaker Oatmeal. I eat it with unsweetened soymilk. Keeps me full for hours. Love it.

    I add an extra cup, (maybe a little less) water than the recipe calls for. I put the oats in the pot along with the water and salt. Bring the whole thing to a boil, and then simmer it on low heat till it gets creamy. It takes longer but tastes so much better.

    BTW, I am a raisin eater too. While a 1/4 cup of raisins is a serving, and a serving is to weight 40 grams, I have to weigh the raisins to make sure I get 40 grams. A quarter cup has always actually weighed less than 40 grams when I measure it with a cup.

    And did you say that your oatmeal came with raisins? If it does, I don't believe it had a 40 gram serving of raisins in it. Honestly, you would have to remove each raisin by hand and weight them on a scale. Too much work for me.

    I would rather by plain oatmeal and weight out what I put in it.

    I should have claified. I prepare my oatmeal out. Meaning I measure the oatmeal and raisins out, then put them in containers. That way I just grab a container and dont have to measure everyday..LOL! I also prepared my Cocanut Oil that way too. It was just easier. I plan on making the oatmeal now with out the raisins, as I like blueberries better, and I can get the sweetness from them. I plan on using just 1/2cup BB to see where I am then.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    how many meals per day are you eating, and what's your daily calorie goal? btw, your breakfast doesn't seem to have much in the way of protein...

    I eat 3 meals a day, and snake when I feel like it. I actually drink protein shakes when I get home from working out. Any suggestions as to what I can add for breakfast in terms of protein??

    Theres a way to make oatmeal with eggs/egg whites I believe. You can also add some protein powder to it.
    However, if this keeps you full and you're hitting your protein goal with the other meals, I don't see a point in changing it up. You like your oatmeal ajd it works for you.
    I agree with this on all accounts. I make my oatmeal with just egg whites and cinnamon. Not a lot of protein from the egg whites, but it's enough for me. Sometimes I even mash up a banana, mix it with the oats and egg whites, put it on the griddle and make my oatmeal into a pancake instead. Sounds weird, but I love it! It's all about finding what makes you happy and full.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Holy shmoly. Coconut oil has so many calories. Good to know. Do you really need it? I can't imagine how it tastes; I only ever use it as body oil.

    Anyway...I only eat that many calories in one sitting like once a week. That isn't even a very large serving of oat meal.

    A friend of mine introduced me to steel cut oats which I ate as a savory meal with a hardboiled egg and red cabbage, a little salt. That probably has less calories.