To much in my Oatmeal??



  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    yeah, I think those raisins were adding too many extra calories. I think you'd get more bang for your buck with variations of fresh fruit instead of dried fruit.

    I add liquid egg white and soluble powdered fiber to my oatmeal before heating. Neither affects the flavor but the egg white makes the oatmeal texture a bit fluffier and creamier. Liquid egg whites last really well in the fridge. You could easily measure out both fiber and egg whites ahead of time into your week's containers.

    Three tablespoons of Liquid egg whites adds five grams of protein for only 25 calories. Two teaspoons of soluble fiber powder have 3 grams of fiber for only 15 calories. Adding protein and fiber really help make the bowl more filling and keeps me satisfied longer.
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    You could always take out the oil..... add 1/4 cup of nuts for 200 or 1/8 cup for 100.... instead of the 280
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm guilty of occasionally making oatmeal that is really heavy in calories. I am addicted to oatmeal. If I were you, I'd cut the blueberries in half. I usually use about 1/2 cup in my oatmeal, and it doesn't suffer. Still has that blueberry flavor that I like. You could probably take out the oil, too, or cut it in half. That would eliminate a lot of calories.

    If it isn't filling without the oil, have you tried your oatmeal with peanut butter? I find that adding that fills me up until lunch.

    The important thing, though, is whether or not it fits into your daily allowance. If it does, and you like it... don't change a thing. If it doesn't, I would just cut the coconut oil and the blueberries in half. And maybe, sometimes, substitute the raisins for something else.
  • fatnomoremama
    My daughter used to make it for me every morning. She doubled the amount of water and doubled the cooking time which makes it double in volume and is very filling. I would add 2 tbsp. of all natural peanut butter. Heavenly! I miss it, but trying to cut down on carbs.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    Hmmm. Who knew oatmeal would be such a hot topic...LOL....

    All great answers. I have put PB in my Oatmeal before and it does taste pretty good if you ask me, and it is actually lower in Cal than the Cocoanut Oil. I cut it back down to 1tbsp. I like the oil, I have read it does good things. Cut the BB in half, and stop with the rasins. Hope that works. Today my oatmeat was at 400 cal, and I am seeing how that fits in. So far, not so good...HA!!! Here is how it broke down

    Oatmeal= 150cal for 1/2 cup
    Rasins= 130cal for 1/4 cup
    Blueberries= 42cal for 1/2 cup
    Cocoanut Oil= 120 for 1tbsp.
    Total= 442......ugh
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    i need at LEAST 5-600 cals to start my day!!

    Can u cut the cocnut oil out or reduce it by half? Use stevia instead of honey?

    I love me some oatmeal too, soaked overnight in greek yogurt :)

    Explain?? Soaked in greek yogurt over night??? Hmmmmm
  • fatnomoremama
    Never tried oatmeal soaked in Greek yogurt, but have tried the chia seeds like that. Love them. :smile:
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    Never tried oatmeal soaked in Greek yogurt, but have tried the chia seeds like that. Love them. :smile:

    I have done Chia seeds in Almond milk. That was pretty good!!! It is like a pudding!!!
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    torani has sugar free syrups in a bunch of flavors like coconut you could use instead of the oil... without the oil it was be a lot less calories and you can keep all the fruit!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would have to ask, if you are worrying about the calories in this breakfast, given you have 3 meals a day, what is your calorie goal per day because as a guy, I hope you are eating over 1200.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    I would have to ask, if you are worrying about the calories in this breakfast, given you have 3 meals a day, what is your calorie goal per day because as a guy, I hope you are eating over 1200.

    They have me at a little over 2400. I weight 325 now....There are times I need to snack, esp when I work out. Just thinking I can spread those Cal around.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would have to ask, if you are worrying about the calories in this breakfast, given you have 3 meals a day, what is your calorie goal per day because as a guy, I hope you are eating over 1200.

    They have me at a little over 2400. I weight 325 now....There are times I need to snack, esp when I work out. Just thinking I can spread those Cal around.

    I guess it depends when you get hungriest. I, personally, am not a breakfast eater and tend to prefer eating my food in the afternoon/evening. Some people prefer a huge breakfast and to eat lighter the rest of the day. I think 500-600 calories for breakfast, especially with such a generous calorie goal, is a reasonable number, and if you really enjoy what you have...well, I say keep having it until you get bored and change it up.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Coconut oil in oatmeal, how interesting.. never considered that when I ate it, and felt it definitely needed something to add some staying power to keep me full, as I often needed to eat something else 2/ 2.5 hours later.
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    I would have to ask, if you are worrying about the calories in this breakfast, given you have 3 meals a day, what is your calorie goal per day because as a guy, I hope you are eating over 1200.

    They have me at a little over 2400. I weight 325 now....There are times I need to snack, esp when I work out. Just thinking I can spread those Cal around.

    I guess it depends when you get hungriest. I, personally, am not a breakfast eater and tend to prefer eating my food in the afternoon/evening. Some people prefer a huge breakfast and to eat lighter the rest of the day. I think 500-600 calories for breakfast, especially with such a generous calorie goal, is a reasonable number, and if you really enjoy what you have...well, I say keep having it until you get bored and change it up.

    I was never a big breakfast person, but I am now. i just operate better and feel better through out the day. I will see how it goes. Right now I am doing good with my numbers, I prod could keep the oatmeal they way it is.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I giggled a little at your post. Not mean, but kinda cute the way you like your oatmeal. :)

    I thought I was the only one who thought this was cute. :laugh:

    Honestly, cutting the blueberries in half, would ONLY save him 40 calories. I think you should keep everything, but cut that coconut oil in half, and take your raisins down to 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons). I know that's not many raisins, but at least you'll still have some in your oatmeal. :laugh: That'll take the calories down to 510 or less. Btw, I've read that it's best to keep your meals at 500 calories or less. :smile:
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I giggled a little at your post. Not mean, but kinda cute the way you like your oatmeal. :)

    I eat a double portion of old fashioned oatmeal, Quaker Oatmeal. I eat it with unsweetened soymilk. Keeps me full for hours. Love it.

    I add an extra cup, (maybe a little less) water than the recipe calls for. I put the oats in the pot along with the water and salt. Bring the whole thing to a boil, and then simmer it on low heat till it gets creamy. It takes longer but tastes so much better.

    BTW, I am a raisin eater too. While a 1/4 cup of raisins is a serving, and a serving is to weight 40 grams, I have to weigh the raisins to make sure I get 40 grams. A quarter cup has always actually weighed less than 40 grams when I measure it with a cup.

    And did you say that your oatmeal came with raisins? If it does, I don't believe it had a 40 gram serving of raisins in it. Honestly, you would have to remove each raisin by hand and weight them on a scale. Too much work for me.

    I would rather by plain oatmeal and weight out what I put in it.

    I thought I was the only one who thought this was cute. :laugh:

    Honestly, cutting the blueberries in half, would ONLY save him 40 calories. I think you should keep everything, but cut that coconut oil in half, and take your raisins down to 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons). I know that's not many raisins, but at least you'll still have some in your oatmeal. :laugh: That'll take the calories down to 510 or less. Btw, I've read that it's best to keep your meals at 500 calories or less. :smile:

    Excuse me....I don't seem to know how to post today. :huh:
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    Coconut oil in oatmeal, how interesting.. never considered that when I ate it, and felt it definitely needed something to add some staying power to keep me full, as I often needed to eat something else 2/ 2.5 hours later.

    Ya it makes it much better. Coconut Oil can increase your energy, helping you burn more fat, which is why I like in the morning before my walk, I actually feel stronger...IDK, its weird... I also read it can reduce your hunger.
  • BuildaBetterBody4
    The honey paired with the raisins may be bit much based upon what I have read about the way our bodies metabolize sugar. The body can only metabolize so much sugar per hour the rest is stored as fat. Using MFP made me realize how much sugar I was taking in from sugar in my coffee, sugar in my oatmeal, honey in my tea etc. I now use only raisins in my oatmeal. I've totally cut out coffee altogether and I drink unsweetened ginger tea. Maybe try alternating some of your additions to your oatmeal and occasionally go all out as a treat. Also, if you are just getting off work, aside from your walk are you then going to sleep on all those calories? That's another way your body will store all of those calories as fat. My morning meal normally consists of steel cut oats raisins and almond or coconut milk and cinnamon. I do 3/4 of a cup of oats but eat it over the course of three sittings over a couple of hours. About 600-700 calories.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Honestly, that seems like a lot of calories and not a lot of protein for b'fast.

    If you like oatmeal, keep the blueberries and maybe the coconut oil. I used to eat raisins in oatmeal, but seriously too many calories for too little taste.

    I switched out oatmeal completely for greek yogurt in the morning. For about 70 cals of yogurt (1/2cup), you get about 11 grams of protein.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I read a little more of this thread.

    This is usually what I have for b'fast:

    1 chicken sausage= 100-130 cals(12grams of protein);depending on the brand
    1 egg= 70cals (7 grams of protein)
    1/2 cup of greek yogurt= 70 cals (11 grams of protein)

    That runs about 275 cals/30 grams of protein. You could add 1 tblspn of coconut oil to the yogurt (I use 1/2 tblspn in my coffee). That puts you up to around 400...throw some blueberries in the yogurt, and you are still barely over 400 cals.