5'2" and under weight range

I am barely over 5 feet tall. My ideal weight range suggests 98-132 pounds. I was thinking for me 130-135 pounds since that is about where I have been before and have been comfortable. Just curious, if you are around this tall, what is your "goal."


  • spunkysassylady23
    spunkysassylady23 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5'2" my goal is between 125 and 135 as that is where I feel good. Good luck on your journey.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I am 5'2" and when I was 115 long ago it was too skinny for me. 130-ish would be good. 125 would be skinny good.
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I am 4'11" almost 5', and I used to be 112 pounds and I loved to be healthy skinny, but I would be happy to be at 120.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi! It also depends on your body frame. I'm 5' and have a medium frame so, my goal is 115. Here are some links I used to help me decide. The first will help you calculate your body frame size and the second is a chart to tell you the healthy weight range.



    Hope this helps!
  • junebug523
    Hi! I am 5'2" with a medium frame, and my goal weight is 125. However, something I'm noticing is that as I become more and more fit (i.e. with running, getting stronger, etc.), the less I am caring about the number on the scale. If it comes down to it, I'd be happy as a fantastically fit and healthy 135 lbs...which is close to the upper end of my BMI range. Also, keep in mind things like waist size, etc. My waist is already well within the recommended area, because I carry most of my weight in my hips/thighs. Waist size is a bigger predictor of later health problems, so I know that even though I still have some weight to lose, I'm not in a danger zone. Just some things to consider. Good luck with your goals! If you are comfortable between 130-135, then stick with that plan and keep focusing on eating well and exercising.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi! I am 5'2" with a medium frame, and my goal weight is 125. However, something I'm noticing is that as I become more and more fit (i.e. with running, getting stronger, etc.), the less I am caring about the number on the scale. If it comes down to it, I'd be happy as a fantastically fit and healthy 135 lbs...which is close to the upper end of my BMI range. Also, keep in mind things like waist size, etc. My waist is already well within the recommended area, because I carry most of my weight in my hips/thighs. Waist size is a bigger predictor of later health problems, so I know that even though I still have some weight to lose, I'm not in a danger zone. Just some things to consider. Good luck with your goals! If you are comfortable between 130-135, then stick with that plan and keep focusing on eating well and exercising.

    Yes, this is a really GOOD point! Glad you mentioned it! Focusing on body fat % is also a good idea.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Thank you!! karincakes - I will check out those sites. I think as I get closer to my goal I will assess my whole situation and decide where I am most comfortable!!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I am 4'11" and would like to be 140-145lbs. In my previous life (around the age of 21), I was about 115-120lbs and a size 4. I looked horrible. I was gaunt, pale, and just plain sickly looking. Once I gained some weight and got to 140, I looked my best. I went through Fire Department training and the Fire Academy while swimming for my college, so I gained a ton of muscle. Now, at 31yo, I am still swimming and still have the muscle, it's just covered by a nice fluffy layer. I'm at 185 now, but look like I weigh 160. But I would be happy at 140lbs. I also have a large frame. I give big-boned an all new meaning!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am 5 feet tall with a small frame. I just reached my goal of 103 lb (I was 98 lb when I got married loooong time ago). I lost 11 lbs in less than a year, over 6% body fat, and almost 9 inches from my waist, hips, abdominal area and thights.

    I was miserable, short of breath, and without energy at 114lb. So yes, everything depends on your body type. I have small bones than can not take too much weight.

    I still have extra body fat that I need to loose, and more inches in my abdominal and hip area., and I also need to tone up more. But I feel great, I exercise a lot, I eat healthy and I just entered the maintenance mode.

    I know that some of you may be thinking that my weight is too low; however and as point of reference, let me tell you that I gained less than 20 lbs with my first child and he was 8.9 oz ( natural child birth). We are all different, and what is too little for some, it is just perfect for others., and viceversa.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Wow - shocking! I always thought I was a medium frame. After I took the body frame size test I found out I'm a large frame. That makes a huge difference in what my "goal weight" should be!!
  • catrinpersephone
    I'm 5'2.5 and I have a small frame, which means every pound shows :/. My GW is 98 lbs, even though my BMI will be underweight, (I don't put much stock in them anyway) I really won't look it.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I am barely over 5 feet tall. My ideal weight range suggests 98-132 pounds. I was thinking for me 130-135 pounds since that is about where I have been before and have been comfortable. Just curious, if you are around this tall, what is your "goal."

    I'm 5 ft 1 and my goal is 125, however my body appears to think it's comfortable at 131 one because that is where I've been for a month. :laugh:
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I am barely over 5 feet tall. My ideal weight range suggests 98-132 pounds. I was thinking for me 130-135 pounds since that is about where I have been before and have been comfortable. Just curious, if you are around this tall, what is your "goal."

    I'm 5 Ft 3in tall and I'm aiming for 130, but to be honest, once I get under 140lbs, I'll be pretty happy.

  • DayAtATime
    I am 5'3 and I have my goal weight at 125. I am currently at 137 (down 7 lbs from high) and actually feel OK at this weight. I am a medium build and do alot of strength training and exercise that has helped be heavier and look better at a higher weight. Most of my life (until 50, menopause and finnally quitting smoking) I was about 110-115. For me, I don't think that will be a long term realistic weight. So, I am heading for 125 and will assess at that point.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" so getting under 140 is a healthy weight for me based on BMI. I'm shooting for somewhere in the 130s, but with all the working out I've been doing, body fat % and how I actually look is much more of a determining factor. I don't want to force myself down to 125 or something and have to give up muscle mass or not eat to get there. I'm just planning to get below 140 and reassess based on how I look (I want the muffin top and pooch gone!) and see what my body fat % is. At 31.3% according to my scale, I'm already a healthy body fat, even if I'm still around 13 lbs "overweight". So, I doubt I'll try and push myself anywhere below 130 based on that. I'm already a size 8 in pants, so I'd likely be a size 4 or a small size 6 once I got to where I want to be. I'm happy with that.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I'm 5'3 - I was 135 when I was 18 and I always thought was chubby. Than few years later I was 185lbs. Boy did I regret every thinking I needed to lose weight at 135!

    I started getting into shape this past July - I was 175. Now I'm at 145. I had set that as my goal weight. My friends always tell me I look so skinny! LOL I decided that I want to go for 140 because I rather vary lbs from 140 - 145.

    But since I hit the 140's, my main focus is on toning/keeping in shape vs losing weight. If I happen to get down to the 130's that is fine for me too. I decided though I don't want to go past the 130's because I said if I ever get down there again, I will never complain about it! lol
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member

    I'm 5 ft 1 and my goal is 125, however my body appears to think it's comfortable at 131 one because that is where I've been for a month. :laugh:

    This is sooo me right now! I'm 5'2 and currently weighing 131... my goal is 125 but I can't seem to BUDGE from 131. I did drop to 130 for a whole 24 hours but then right back to 131!!!!! ugh.... so frustrating
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 126 - 10lbs under the top of the 'healthy' range and 70lbs down from where I started. Having said that, I agree with every word of Junebug's post - if I am happy in my skin at 130-135, that's where I stop. It's less about the numbers, more about how I feel.
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5' 3". My goal is 115 lbs. I used to weigh that, and I was a smaller size but still had considerable meat on me. I may shoot for lower than that once I hit that goal, as when I used to be that size I ate badly all the time so I might naturally end up skinnier than that. That's the last weight that I felt comfortable at.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I am 5'0 and got up to 143 when I was pregnant for my daughter. After I had her I quickly got back down to about 135. I then started to eat healthy and got down to what I am now 125. My goal weight is 115. I have a medium frame and muscular. I'm hoping to get down to 115 by February 2011. If I get down to 120 and maintain, I'd still be happy!