Fat vs muscle for dummies



  • misstweedy
    misstweedy Posts: 45 Member
    Lovely. Evidently OP is too uneducated to be aware of the concept of density vs weight and to explain it in his own words, because of course density is what we're talking about here. In more than one sense of the word.
  • RhapsodyInC
    RhapsodyInC Posts: 10 Member
    Well... obviously.
    Nice article though, thanks for posting the link ChunkLaFunk: it's much better with pictures.
  • T_Ciku
    T_Ciku Posts: 133 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    People may still be loosing fat, however they may also be gaining muscle, so the scales may not show the expected loss of weight they were anticipating.
    Errr no they wont be . You need to be eating at a surplus plus some heavy progressive lifting to gain muscle. People seem to assume that gaining muscle is easy. it's not
  • misstweedy
    misstweedy Posts: 45 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    Well, if she hadn't opened her post with a blanket insult to all and sundry and then proceeded to demonstrate that she actually doesn't have a grasp of the very basic concept of weight / volume / density, I don't think people would have reacted the way they have. And yes, I expect that concept to be common knowledge, it doesn't have anything to do with weight loss.
  • evaeli123
    evaeli123 Posts: 5
    one kg Sugar is the same as 1kg Brick..... if you put both on scales....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    wow...I feel like I am in a room with my son aka man child tell me how it is and how I should behave and what I should and shouldn't do...*shakes head*

    Why is it that some...note some young people just don't get it????? holy moly..

    ETA: FYI "old" people usually "school" or as you call it "bully" young people to ensure that this type of attitude doesn't get them fired from jobs that they need or get them punched in the face...trust me on that...thinking you "Know it all" doesn't get you far in real life and apparently on forums as well.

    to the OP TL;DR but already knew the fat vs muscle thing...but really why post? to early in the morning for this stuff not enough coffee yet....
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.
    No, I'm pretty sure that every single person is aware that a pound is a pound.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.


    The OP calls the entire forum a bunch of ignorant dummies and you accuse us of being bullies. Is this what young people do nowadays? Yeah, being called stupid might be helpful for someone new... LOLOLOL
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hmm and then there was that copyright thingy down at the bottom...
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    you've been here a day and a half and your first post is to educate us dummies with a copy pasta WoT?


    I love you so hard for posting this gif.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    I keep hearing uneducated people saying that fat doesn't weigh more than muscle. If you have 1 lb of fat and 1 lb of muscles, they weigh 1 lb. huh(Don't pretend you don't say it, I see people jumping down people's throats on MFP simply because they are too uneducated to comprehend something this simple, thus proving how uneducated they are) I know this is difficult for many of you to grasp.

    From the article you just pasted:

    Remember, a pound is a pound. One pound of fat is going to weigh the same as one pound of muscle

    So......what? You just decided to provide an article to prove yourself wrong?

    ^^So much this. Read your own references, OP.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    The OP should probably realize that she should not expect people to agree and kiss her a** when she comes in a forum with a condescending, s***y attitude in her first post right off the bat. Sorry, that's just not how it works. That's not how any of this works.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Same with "toned". Yes, it's a made up word, but aren't many other words in modern language? The speaker and the listener both have a clear mental image of the general "toned" look. It's all semantics to me.
    All words are made up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    You've got to be kidding.

    We are all in the wrong when it was the OP who basically blasted people for a supposed misconception that she ended up providing an article that proved her wrong? Oh. Okay.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    gettin' me some edumication...
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I wish the OPs post had been more dense like a lb of muscle instead of less dense like a lb of helium.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Holy wall of text, Batman!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    TL;DR, but I will say that you're loquacious for a young 'un.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    I wish the OPs post had been more dense like a lb of muscle instead of less dense like a lb of helium.
