

  • goldspaula
    Wow, my last weigh in for this challenge. Happy New Year Everyone!!! My ending weight this morning was 203.5! This is the first time in my life that I have not gained over the holidays. Thanks Don!!! You are so awesome and so inspiring. Thanks to everyone else for sharing your stories and lending your great motivation.

    I hope that the new year brings love, joy, peace and prosperity to all of you! It will be Heaven in 2011!!!!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Grouch201 - 202 as of this morning.

    Weighed in this morning at 198.2.

    Final weight is 200.00. Not at all sad about the up-tick considering I am saying goodbye to 38 pounds in 2010.
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I'm at 133.6 going into New Years.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Final weigh in for this challenge... (drumroll please!)

    SW 139.8
    CW 138.4

    Whoo-hoo!!! Actually lost! Here's to keeping it going in the right direction for 2011, hitting our goal weights and maintaining our new amazing lifestyle's and hot bodies! Happy New Year, be Safe!
  • DJackson230
    My final weigh in will be Monday morning.... Ok, Stay tuned... I think I will be up, but not to much....
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hey everybody! I see you all have done well! :) I was lucky not to just maintain this holiday season, but lose! Yay!

    Starting weight: 295
    Starting weight for challenge: 199
    Current weight: 187
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    OK, Well I have stayed at the 2lbs lost the whole time... I was hoping to lose more, but I didnt.... oh well at least I didnt gain.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm at down a little from the beginning of the holiday season. Pretty good, since I was the one who made the gingerbread men!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Well, it's been fun. Final results are:


    Total loss: 4.6 pounds gone!

    Now that was Happy Holidays!!!:wink:
  • mschaal

    mschaal - 196

    Check in - 188


    11.24.10 -- 196
    12.18.10 -- 188
    01.03.11 -- 180
  • DJackson230
    Omygoodness... I am so glad that I am determined. The old me would be so upset...
    I started the holidays at 225... I end them at 235... Well, I am 5 lbs off my maintenance weight of 230...(Hence DJackson230)...

    I really think I have found myself though... Thanks for all who particpated in the challenge... I knew it would be a struggle for me... I have to believe that I have added some muscle... Been working out hard...

    Be good my friends...
  • Chiquita_Banana
    sw 216.6
    cw 211.8
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    Alrighty! Day before Thanksgiving: 143
    Today: 141
    Yup, that's good...
    Now, to lose that last 15! Yeah baby!
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    First of all I must say this was absolutely BRILLIANT beyond words!!!
    Secondly I must say this was NOT easy to do. Yeeeeeeah, I thought it would be a lot easier....ha ha ha!
    Everyday I thought about this...hence the brilliance of the challenge! Knowing that I would have to show up here on Jan 3rd with my kept me on my toes and my grubby little hands out of the cookie jar more than I would have.
    But by the hair on my chinny chin chin I lost 1 pound.

    My start weight 178.5
    My end weight 177.5

    Phew am I glad this challenge is over!

    A HUGE shout out to our wonderful BRILLIANT leader DJackson230 WHOOOOOOOOP simply the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU!!!
  • goldspaula
    No one believes that I lost 9.1 pounds over the holidays. OMG Starting weight 212.6, ending weight 203.5. It is the most fantastic thing. 4 of my siblings have joined the gym!! I will have tons of company there now! Thanks to Don and all of you. You make this easy.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi and a Very Happy New Year to you all, I have managed to end up a pound lighter than when i started this challenge so i am really happy about that, many thanks for doing the challenge DJackson230
  • DJackson230
    FYI - 231.4... Down from 235! but not logging it until I'm under 230... Got to let yall know that I am a recovering "addict" lol
    Be well and keep working hard.
    I love my MFP buddies
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Well, I SHOULD have lost, because I was doing great until this last week. However, I can honestly say I did not gain. In fact, I officially lost .2 pounds. (I won't tell you how much it would have been if this was a week ago!)
  • goldspaula
    FYI - 231.4... Down from 235! but not logging it until I'm under 230... Got to let yall know that I am a recovering "addict" lol
    Be well and keep working hard.
    I love my MFP buddies

    We all are my dear. :D You are doing great!!!! Just look at that pic!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    164 pre-turkey
    haven't weighed my self since...

    To me it's all about a sustainable lifestyle. If I'm going to deprive myself of everything, I'll never be able to keep this up.

    Okay, The holiday calories were counter balanced by the stress of a death in the family and then by my getting sick, so I went down to 157 then back up to 160.