Rice White/Brown?



  • Jason7Scott
    Are you trying to tell me that if i consumed the same amount of white pasta/bread/rice, as i did with brown pasta/bread/rice, my weight or BF% would be the same? I would have to (and would always) disagree.

    I am fully aware that a calorie deficit is required to loose weight. I'm not clueless.

    This is a community.. am i right? The advice i give is from pure experience. How exactly am i in the wrong for providing advice for something i have personally experienced myself, and saw results from?

    The bottom line is. I cut out refined products. I choose brown pasta/bread/rice over white pasta/bread/rice. I did not before. When i did make this cut, i began loosing BF%, felt fuller for longer and helped me maintain my calories. You cannot deny to me the results i have seen from doing this, no matter how many sources you post.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Are you trying to tell me that if i consumed the same amount of white pasta/bread/rice, as i did with brown pasta/bread/rice, my weight or BF% would be the same? I would have to (and would always) disagree.

    I am fully aware that a calorie deficit is required to loose weight. I'm not clueless.

    This is a community.. am i right? The advice i give is from pure experience. How exactly am i in the wrong for providing advice for something i have personally experienced myself, and saw results from?

    The bottom line is. I cut out refined products. I choose brown pasta/bread/rice over white pasta/bread/rice. I did not before. When i did make this cut, i began loosing BF%, felt fuller for longer and helped me maintain my calories. You cannot deny to me the results i have seen from doing this, no matter how many sources you post.
    When I was fat i wouldn't touch white rice and only ate brown rice due to misinformation. I now only eat white rice and am lean... therefore brown rice is bad....how can you deny my results
  • Jason7Scott
    brown rice/pasta is low GI. This means brown rice will digest slower, keeping you fuller for longer

    Was this not the post that started our debate? However, you are right, perhaps i should have been more clear at this point that is supports maintaining the calorie defect. Here's a cookie.
    Explain to me how your bf would be higher if you consumed the same units of energy in white rice as opposed to the same units of energy in brown rice. How exactly is your body fat going to end up higher?

    Did not state that if you consumed the same UNITS OF ENERGY. I stated if you consumed the same amount, there would be a difference. Question is, do i want a smaller amount of food, giving me less energy, potentially increasing my risk of snacking, or do i want a meal that will keep me full and avoid the snacking aspect.

    Await your response to tell me otherwise.. i am sure its coming.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    The following is from Alan Aragon.

    White rice actually has an equal or better nutritional yield & also has a better nitrogen-retentive effect than brown rice. This is because the fiber & phytate content of brown rice act as antinutrients, reducing the bioavailability of the micronutrients it contains. Since no one is reading the fricking link, I'll just lay things out here:

    Comparison of the nutritional value between brown rice and white rice

    Callegaro Mda D, Tirapegui J. Arq Gastroenterol. 1996 Oct-Dec;33(4):225-31.

    Cereals are considered an important source of nutrients both in human and animal nourishment. In this paper nutritional value of brown rice is compared to that of white rice in relation to nutrients. Results show that despite higher nutrients contents of brown rice compared to white rice, experimental data does not provide evidence that the brown rice diet is better than the diet based on white rice. Possible antinutritional factors present in brown rice have adverse effects on bioavailability of this cereal nutrients.


    Effects of brown rice on apparent digestibility and balance of nutrients in young men on low protein diets

    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1987 Jun;33(3):207-18. .Miyoshi H, Okuda T, Okuda K, Koishi H.

    The effect of brown rice with low protein intake was studied in five healthy young men. Feces were weighed, the digestibility of nutrients was determined, and blood tests were made. Each subject followed a diet consisting mainly of polished rice for 14 days and one consisting mainly of brown rice for 8 days. Both diets contained 0.5 g protein per kg of body weight. The brown rice diet had 3 times as much dietary fiber as the polished rice diet. On the brown rice diet, fecal weight increased, and apparent digestibility of energy, protein, and fat decreased, as did the absorption rates of Na, K, and P. The nitrogen balance was negative on both diets, but more negative on the brown rice diet. The phosphorus balance on the brown rice diet was significantly negative, but other minerals were not affected by the diet. The levels of cholesterol and minerals in the plasma were not significantly different on the polished rice diet and the brown rice diet. Comparing these results with data on standard protein intake (Miyoshi, H. et al (1986) J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 32, 581-589.), we concluded that brown rice reduced protein digestibility and nitrogen balance.

  • Jason7Scott
    When I was fat i wouldn't touch white rice and only ate brown rice due to misinformation. I now only eat white rice and am lean... therefore brown rice is bad....how can you deny my results

    Not denying your results. If you can have it great. I much prefer white pasta over brown pasta, but i make a choice not to have it as i am in a calorie deficit. But as i mentioned, nor can you deny the results i have experienced from making the change.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    In my opinion brown rice tastes better. But there is only 1g more fiber in brown rice than white rice so there really is no difference.
  • teabee17587
    stay off the rice if your trying to lose weight it is very dense in calories and doesn't fill me up much personally but i dont bother with brown rice because i doesn't provide and bonus if the rest of your diet is balanced and the prepossessing isn't bad
  • Jason7Scott
    You clearly love a debate ;)

    Hard to peddle back a quote. My wording could have been better, i give you that. However, you also threw in your own curve ball by assuming i was talking about the units of energy in the amount of foods consumed, which gave you a nice edge to your argument. By consuming brown rice over white rice. I don't snack because i choose to eat these foods. Works great for me, and i am sure there are others.

    Don't believe i even mentioned the word calories through my posts? Re-reading posts, i noticed you did. Seems we have created a debate that never deserved a debate to begin with.

    However, i am fair. The research posted above gives evidence to prove your theory. Great! I will take a deeper look into that. Maybe i don't need to be so religious about brown rice v white rice, but it does support in maintaing calories.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    stay off the rice if your trying to lose weight it is very dense in calories and doesn't fill me up much personally but i dont bother with brown rice because i doesn't provide and bonus if the rest of your diet is balanced and the prepossessing isn't bad

    It's not that dense. Peanut butter is dense. Rice, not so much.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    There is very little difference in the nutritional value between white and brown rice (cooked).

    They are both basically a neutral food - apart from converting into glucose for quick energy (which you can get from a multitude of more nutritional sources) it gives very little nutrients back for the cost in calories.

    That being said there is nothing bad about rice and given the choice I take white every time over brown.

    If you've covered your micro nutrients and protein for the day and have calories to fill then rice is as good a source as any.

    Log it and enjoy it!
  • teabee17587
    stay off the rice if your trying to lose weight it is very dense in calories and doesn't fill me up much personally but i dont bother with brown rice because i doesn't provide and bonus if the rest of your diet is balanced and the prepossessing isn't bad

    It's not that dense. Peanut butter is dense. Rice, not so much.

    yea well thats a form of nuts and your not having peanut butter for dinner but anyway the point of what i was making out of all the carbs to have in a main meal rice shouldn't be to often because it is dense in calories and very easily miss portioned when not in a boil bag,scale,cup or microwave pack