feel exhausted and no energy after initial workout



  • dbsscott1
    dbsscott1 Posts: 6
    My first Suggestion would be to up your water intake and make sure you are eating enough, and also making sure you aren't eating complete trash (I.E. Pizza everynight, fast food, etc....) This is a problem tons of people have, and I have had many times. If you try increasing water and that doesnt work, then I would suggest something to replace lost water and electorlytes and give you that boost you need. I have a couple suggestions down below for this.

    "rehydrate" and "rehydrate gel"

    which can be found at this site


    If you are looking for something to boost you at the beginning of the workout, and help your muscle recovery and endurance then check this out:

    "O2 gold", which can be found at the same link above...I personally havent tried this supplemnt, but do plan on it. I have a buddy who manages a crossfit gym in my town, he told me about it a few days ago when I was buying some supplements for myself. He said he could definatley tell the difference, and his endurance truely increased. Everyones different and it may not have the same affect on you or I but he seems to love the stuff..