Weight loss help emergency!!



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My goodness! All I was trying to do was help and I'm being attacked! "It's against the rules", "Ignore the spammer", "Advertising will be deleted".
    Good luck to you all.

    Because it is. If it wasn't the forum would be nothing but coaches and sales people trying to drum up business. These forums work because they aren't allowed to be a sales platform. You aren't special, multipe people just like you have their posts deleted every day. I for one am glad of it.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Your definition of an emergency and mine must be different.
  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    OP you should have started sooner. There are NO safe, sustainable weight loss guarantees that will get you to 155 in 60 days. I agree with the poster who said - who cares what number on the scale. That day should be about feeling good in a dress that flatters your body and you are comfortable/confident in. Why make yourself miserable for 60 days and then have a lousy time at the wedding because you feel like crap....

    Start moving more and eating less. Weigh your food and eat at a sensible deficit. You won't be wearing a scale around your neck at the wedding so no one will now how much you weigh except you. They will only see that you are happy and healthy and they will be happy for you.

    Good luck!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    So why did you create an account on MFP then? To try to sell your product to people?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    hey, fatcity.....i get it! got work out or something!

    Attacking/insulting someone is also not allowed here. I highly suggest you read the Community Guidelines.

  • mandikerr
    mandikerr Posts: 8 Member
    Why do you have to be 150 at this particular event? Is there going to be a weigh-in? Of course not. Nobody but you will know your exact weight. Eat well, exercise wisely, and go to the wedding in a fantastic outfit that flatters your body at whatever weight you happen to be when the date comes.

    This. Absolutely this.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    hey, fatcity.....i get it! got work out or something!

    You didn't delete your post, so....I don't think you do.
  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    So why did you create an account on MFP then? To try to sell your product to people?

    hmmmm, let's go stalk my profile and see how many posts i've made since 2011??? that's what i thought!!! i thought about using mfp and then decided not to. that simple. i found another way and god forbid i mention it. aren't we all on here for support and encouragement?
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    So why did you create an account on MFP then? To try to sell your product to people?

    hmmmm, let's go stalk my profile and see how many posts i've made since 2011??? that's what i thought!!! i thought about using mfp and then decided not to. that simple. i found another way and god forbid i mention it. aren't we all on here for support and encouragement?

    Not necessarily. And we don't support spamming/advertising at all.

    For any lurkers, please note that spamming/advertising/selling of products or services is against the Community Guidelines. This holds true not just for the forums, but for groups, feeds, and private messages. Please report this to a mod if someone is doing this.

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Just do your best each day. Creating artificial expectations can lead to discouragement when you fall off pace. All you can do is make healthy food choices and move some each day. 2 months is 9 weeks and it would be very difficult to lose 20 or more pounds over that time...especially if you're not sure what you're doing. But, heck, if you can lose 15 pounds in 2 months, that's 15 fewer pounds than you are today.

    As for Insanity, I do not recommend it. Potentially very bad for the knees. Last summer I was mad at myself for gaining a bunch of weight back so I did Insanity thinking it was the "quick fix". The only thing I quickly fixed was effing up my knees. I mean, I did the 60 days...but I did it through increasing knee tendonitis because I'm just too dang stubborn sometimes. I went ahead and exercised 3 more weeks after that until I just couldn't handle the increasing pain in my knees...so I stopped exercising altogether, got discouraged, stopped eating healthy, and gained all of the weight I lost during Insanity plus some more before the end of the year. Fortunately, I got my head screwed on straight by the end of the year and beginning in January, I started doing it the right way again.

    Anyway, keep in mind that nutrition controls about 80% of fat loss. You can do all the exercise you want, but if the eating part isn't down pat, you're not going to lose any weight (for an example, go to YouTube, search for "Craig Ballantyne diet vs. exercise" and watch one or more of those episodes. As for exercise, do something you enjoy and that pushes you some given your current fitness level. For me, Insanity was not enjoyable...and that was true even before the knee pain started. I had to "make" myself do it each day...and that's just not something I want to do with exercise. Actually, most folks exercise more than they really need to....sometimes having a detrimental effect on weight loss because the body isn't given enough time to heal.

    Check out this objective article comparing P90X, Insanity and Rushfit...and you will see that Insanity falls way short in most part because its not scientifically put together all that well and has a greater risk of injury. http://www.acefitness.org/certifiednewsarticle/1443/p90x-insanity-and-rushfit-a-side-by-side
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    hey, fatcity.....i get it! got work out or something!

    Attacking/insulting someone is also not allowed here. I highly suggest you read the Community Guidelines.


    i'm the one being attacked!! for making a mistake, i'm the one being harassed! i highly suggest you back off!

    No one is attacking you. We are simply telling you that what you are doing is not allowed. If you can't handle being told that, I don't know what to tell you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    hey, fatcity.....i get it! got work out or something!

    Attacking/insulting someone is also not allowed here. I highly suggest you read the Community Guidelines.


    i'm the one being attacked!! for making a mistake, i'm the one being harassed! i highly suggest you back off!

    Going to assume you still did not read the rules. Let me help you out a little. Even if you feel "attacked", it is your responsibility to report it if you feel the need. Even if you actually are (which you aren't), you are still not to "retaliate".

    Again. Read the rules. It's usually the thing you are supposed to do when you participate in something.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    So why did you create an account on MFP then? To try to sell your product to people?

    hmmmm, let's go stalk my profile and see how many posts i've made since 2011??? that's what i thought!!! i thought about using mfp and then decided not to. that simple. i found another way and god forbid i mention it. aren't we all on here for support and encouragement?

    I'm here to support and encourage people to use MFP as it is intended, because it works. And it's free.
    I also support and encourage people not to get roped into fads/pyramid schemes/weight loss supplements/cleanses/whatever . Losing weight and getting fit doesn't have to cost any money or require any special products.

    To the OP and anyone else looking for a lifelong change: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    hey, fatcity.....i get it! got work out or something!

    Attacking/insulting someone is also not allowed here. I highly suggest you read the Community Guidelines.


    i'm the one being attacked!! for making a mistake, i'm the one being harassed! i highly suggest you back off!

    Are you mad?
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    you could do a juice fast or juice feast but most people tend to gain weight when they're done with it (more than they had to start with) because they just gorge themselves. There is also water fasting but its EXTREME and you really need a doctor's supervision for it.
    My best advice is to shoot for 2 pounds a week and accept that you should have started sooner. You could also wear a corset under your dress, might not sound flattering but it makes you really skinny looking.
  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.

    this better. is this profile pic make you happy! my son is autistic. oh wait...is that advertising autism in some way?
This discussion has been closed.