Calorie binge day



  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Why not just splurge on one meal only? I do that now and then, that way the whole day isn't wrecked.

    It's not wrecked if you know where you stand, people need to keep track of that. The only way to wreck it is by eating at TDEE daily. Results are still results even if they're very small.

    Uh, it would be very easy to undo and entire week of work in one day of calorie binging. No bueno!

    Assuming a person has a TDEE of 2000 calories. Average deficit is about 500 calories. They would need to eat 5500 calories to offset the entire week. Eat back the 500 calories for the week 500*7 = 3500 calories, on top of their daily TDEE, 5500. Doable, so no it's not "VERY EASY" to undo it. Even if they're small, their weight is realitivie to how much they eat. The smaller they are the less they eat.
    Last week I was able to see my brothers for the first time in a year. I spent 7 days with them and gained 6 pounds (more if you include the water weight that I quickly shed). We ate and drink more than we should have, but I was by no means stuffing myself. I can assure you eating 3k calories over maintenance is not difficult if you aren't careful. I managed to do it for a full week :)
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    well i am going at macdonalds for lunch today .its been a while:flowerforyou:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If you're going to do it, log it. It won't be pleasant to see, but you'll have a record to look back on to pinpoint why this gain/loss happened.

    I try to fit what I want in a day. It is easy for me to overeat and gain weight (then again, I gain weight by being female with a working uterus :laugh: ) when I'm not weighing my food/eating what I want (the cheat meal).
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Why not just splurge on one meal only? I do that now and then, that way the whole day isn't wrecked.

    It's not wrecked if you know where you stand, people need to keep track of that. The only way to wreck it is by eating at TDEE daily. Results are still results even if they're very small.

    Uh, it would be very easy to undo and entire week of work in one day of calorie binging. No bueno!

    Assuming a person has a TDEE of 2000 calories. Average deficit is about 500 calories. They would need to eat 5500 calories to offset the entire week. Eat back the 500 calories for the week 500*7 = 3500 calories, on top of their daily TDEE, 5500. Doable, so no it's not "VERY EASY" to undo it. Even if they're small, their weight is realitivie to how much they eat. The smaller they are the less they eat.
    Last week I was able to see my brothers for the first time in a year. I spent 7 days with them and gained 6 pounds (more if you include the water weight that I quickly shed). We ate and drink more than we should have, but I was by no means stuffing myself. I can assure you eating 3k calories over maintenance is not difficult if you aren't careful. I managed to do it for a full week :)

    How are you determining how much was water weight? Also, what is your TDEE?

    Also you're leaner than average. I am sure you didn't get that way just by a calorie deficit without exercise. I am sure activity plays a roll which also effects your TDEE... I am sure you have a bigger appetite than a person at the same weight who doesn't workout.
    My TDEE is 2550. I track my weight daily, and based on my calorie intake for that week, the numbers on the scale make sense within a pound. I'm lean now because I spent the last seven months lifting weights and eating right, but I had the same appetite when I started as I do now. Hence the initial weight gain.

    Yes, I do have a big appetite, but if you look, I think you will find that many of us are here because they also have big appetites. You may not, and that's great news for you. I just know that I personally can't afford an entire cheat day every week, so I caution against it. It may work fine for you, and even to OP, but it's probably not necessary for many of us here.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    If you're going to do it, log it. It won't be pleasant to see, but you'll have a record to look back on to pinpoint why this gain/loss happened.

    I try to fit what I want in a day. It is easy for me to overeat and gain weight (then again, I gain weight by being female with a working uterus :laugh: ) when I'm not weighing my food/eating what I want (the cheat meal).

    yes I am going to log it.I had a light breakfast and I will have a light dinner to fot in into my calorie for the day
  • laflordivina
    I have splurge days but still log in my diary.

    ^This. I plan mine for Saturdays.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    There is a huge difference between a "binge" or Cheat day and taking a day or two for a planned feedback.

    The binge is bad for a bunch of reasons. You can easily undo a weeks progress in a day - maybe more. Also, it is still reinforcing the bad habits that got you overweight in the first place.

    I would either do a single meal where you eat what you want, but put a 2-3 hour time limit on it - don't let your "meal" drag on for all day. I would suggest going to a fancy restaurant and enjoying yourself and celebrate your weight loss or something else. Then go to bed and get back to it tomorrow. This has some great mental benefits if you are feeling the grind, but not a lot of physical benefits. However, it shouldn't set you back too terribly as long as you don't let yourself "binge".

    The other option is to take 2-3 days and just plan to eat at maintenance or maybe 200 or so over. This has some great physical benefits if you have been dieting for a while without breaks. Mentally, it isn't much different from a normal day because you are still counting everything, but you have more calories to treat yourself to.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    O.o If it weren't for the ice cream I eat my cheat days are healthier than my normal days then again its easier to eat healthy when you actually cook it instead of grabbing something microwaveable on the way out the door.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I have one every week and I have for over 10 years. I plan it so I am in control. God rested on the 7th day so why don't we?

    I would still log it but don't freak out over what you ate or any weight gain.
    Because, you will gain weight but it's mostly just water from sodium and storing of glycogen.
    Let's say you burn 3,000 calories a day and you splurged and ate 3,500 calories. The odds of that 500 calorie surplus turning into 0.14 pounds of fat is slim to none because your body will most definitely be storing excess calories in your depleted glycogen stores. Which actually causes a greater short-term water weight gain then fat would.
    The point I'm making is many people after a "bad" day get on the scale and freak out because they gained 5lbs. Then they blame the junk food and splurging. Well my friends, they did NOT gain 5lbs of fat unless they literally had a 17,500 calorie surplus with completely full glycogen stores. The weight gain is just water and if you go back to eating right that water weight comes off fairly quickly.

    Mindset is so extremely important to long-term success. When we fall off the wagon, which most of us do. We lose motivation, control, and feel guilt. When you "JUMP" off the wagon, you remain in control and tell guilt to kiss your *kitten*.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    What I do when I want to eat a few more sweets or something else at dinner is still log the food & weigh it on my scale & then I'll just input it in another day during the same week. I do that so I know I'm being accountable & already had a dessert another day.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I guess there is something I'm missing. If a person ate at a 500cal deficit for 6 days (with the 7th to binge) that is a 3000cal total deficit for the week. How are you getting that it would take 5500 to offset the week of work?

    The only way I can see a binge day being okay is if you work the estimated calories into a deficit throughout the week. If you are working a plan for a 1lb/week loss (500cal daily deficit) and want a 3000cal binge day, your daily deficit would then need to be 1083!

    If you are just wanting to hit McDonald's once a week, that's different than a "binge day." That's a splurge meal, which is much easier to adjust for.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I guess there is something I'm missing. If a person ate at a 500cal deficit for 6 days (with the 7th to binge) that is a 3000cal total deficit for the week. How are you getting that it would take 5500 to offset the week of work?

    The only way I can see a binge day being okay is if you work the estimated calories into a deficit throughout the week. If you are working a plan for a 1lb/week loss (500cal daily deficit) and want a 3000cal binge day, your daily deficit would then need to be 1083!

    If you are just wanting to hit McDonald's once a week, that's different than a "binge day." That's a splurge meal, which is much easier to adjust for.

    That's because one "bad" day doesn't offset anything except the scale very short-term. After a high calorie day we feel bloated and weigh more due to water and not body-fat.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Having a cheat day can wipe out progress of a hole week.
  • donaldshaw70
    I had 5000 calories today as a reward for losing 8 pounds in 15 days. It won't make one bit of difference and by next Tues, I'll have lost a little more. It's all good. Everyone can have a day like this as long as they have a good week before and a good week after.

    Enjoy! :D