Should I keep cutting or bulk? (Pics)



  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Looking at the veining, you're sub 8% and should bulk. LONG and SLOW bulk, progressive lifting program, keep the protein up, watch your macros, get enough micros, and enjoy getting to eat more.

    What you're seeing is skin. As you bulk up, that will definitely tighten up.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I am going to buck the trend here and say no cut, no bulk, but rather tone. Lift weights and push yourself a little more each time. At your height, your ideal weight falls between 132 to 178 lbs according to Calorie King. So your current weight puts you on the lower end of that range. The Mayo Clinic suggests a daily caloric intake of 2,000 per day. I caution on the use of bulking agents (such as Super Mass or Serious Mass) which can be found at GNC or Vitamin Shop. These products contain massive amounts of protein which can reak havoc on the kidneys. Congrats! Today you are my idol.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Appreciate the replies. I was significantly over weight my entire life up to this point and it was always a big issue for me. It's embarrassing to admit but I think I do have some body image issues as a result. Generally I can recognize the progress I've made, but sometimes all I can focus on and see is the fat that is still there. Getting some unbiased opinions is just what I needed and seems to be confirming what I suspected, so this has been helpful.

    Echoing others, very well done losing all that weight! That is some impressive dedication and persistence.

    I don't see any significant fat -- you've got a little excess skin, but that will most likely tighten up over time, especially if you work on building some muscle underneath.

    And again echoing others - I say definitely bulk! Bulking is more fun than cutting, though in many ways it can be more challenging, I think (only completed one bulk myself).

    You're low enough body fat that you could bulk for a very, very long time without getting your BF% too out of whack. Good luck!
  • alpinehealth
    alpinehealth Posts: 85 Member
    Eat some clean food man and start pushing some heavy weights and build some muscles. Personally I don't think the way you look looks good.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Time for the bulk...:drinker:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Another bulk vote.
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    Another 'congrats on the weight loss!' - my goal is 140 and I'm a 5'4" female! And bulk. Bulk loads.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    Your perception of yourself is not accurate. You appear to have very little fat - you are very lean. I see loose skin, but loose skin does not = fat.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Another vote for bulk. You look good now and would look better with more muscle. Not body-builder competition type muscle--think more 'olympic swimmer' or 'underwear model' as your target look.

    Also, you might want to read about appropriate body fat levels for men. Find a body fat measuring scale or a gym that offers body fat measurement on a pay-per-use basis. Since you are no longer fat, the fat % method will help you stay in the healthy zone of neither too fat nor too thin as you build your muscle mass.

    add: on the 'loose skin' issue, if you bulk just a little I think the skin issue will resolve itself. Instead of containing fat volume, the skin will contain muscle volume. It'll be fine.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Looking at the veining, you're sub 8% and should bulk. LONG and SLOW bulk, progressive lifting program, keep the protein up, watch your macros, get enough micros, and enjoy getting to eat more.

    What you're seeing is skin. As you bulk up, that will definitely tighten up.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Great work. Gotta love body image issues huh? You're probably 8% bodyfat, have a visible 6pack and you're thinking you still have fat to cut. Too funny isn't it?

    Add calories SLOWLY (100-200/week until you start gaining) and pick a good lifting program. You will be amazed at the results.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Great work so far! :)

    You have some excess skin on your stomach because you used to be overweight; that is not body fat. You can tell by looking at your veins that your are at a low body fat percentage. (Your BMI is actually considered to be underweight by some doctors because of your age.) I think it's time to slowly bulk up; eat a little more and start lifting weights. :)
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I don't see fat I see loose skin, and you have a lot less than me so good work. Im following the crowd, which I don't often do. Start lifting, strength or bulk. Probably eat maintenance a while then slowly increase calories. Otherwise you will freak out about putting weight on like I did last year.
    Be aware, you will put on a few pounds quite fast, mainly water and glycogen storage as your muscles prepare to build. This is not a bad thing. Start to use your mirror and tape rather than scales. Muscle is heavier than fat. You will put weight on, and a little fat. But after a few months you can do a little cut and you will like the result.
  • Shackleford83
    Shackleford83 Posts: 5 Member
    Well folks, considering the clear consensus I'm glad I finally decided to seek advice on this. I certainly recognize I'm pretty lean, but the fact my belly still rolls over my pants when sitting or bending over is what has kept me in the cutting mentality. I guess it's just a reality of being so over weight for so long. Adding lean mass to begin filling in the skin and allowing more time for it to adjust will give better results. It's something I've thought about many times, but I just couldn't decide on my own if it was time to make that transition yet.

    I'm convinced and I'm transitioning to focus on building muscle starting today. It is a relief mentally to be ending this. Thanks for the replies.
  • TheMetalMan0
    TheMetalMan0 Posts: 64 Member
    Good decision.
    There's no way the "roll" you have is fat, so further cutting isn't going to help.
    Get bulking!
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    Well folks, considering the clear consensus I'm glad I finally decided to seek advice on this. I certainly recognize I'm pretty lean, but the fact my belly still rolls over my pants when sitting or bending over is what has kept me in the cutting mentality. I guess it's just a reality of being so over weight for so long. Adding lean mass to begin filling in the skin and allowing more time for it to adjust will give better results. It's something I've thought about many times, but I just couldn't decide on my own if it was time to make that transition yet.

    I'm convinced and I'm transitioning to focus on building muscle starting today. It is a relief mentally to be ending this. Thanks for the replies.

    That's why it can be very beneficial to get an outsiders opinion. When you've been staring at yourself in a mirror your whole life, you tend to lose the appropriate perception of yourself which is exactly what you've done. You used to be overweight, and you're so terrifed of letting yourself get that way again because, I assume, being that way made you very unhappy, yet your focus on dropping ALL of the "excess" weight has caused you to lose what can be considered too much. It's a ridiculous, yet understandable, cycle. The more lost in your own head you get the more you lose focus, so I'm glad you're starting to turn it around a bit.