home gym vs. gym membership



  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm glad you decided on the gym, I think you'll enjoy it.

    It'll be good to work out with your friends, but as mentioned here before if you're still undecided I'd recommend LA Fitness, they have really done a great job with upgrading their equipment lately.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Although it's nice to have a piece of fitness equipment at home, most of the time it becomes a laundry rack or dust collector. I know that I tend to work out a lot harder when I go to the gym, whether I'm taking a class with an instructor, or by myself. I believe having other fit bodies around really motivates you to push yourself, plus you're always wondering if people are watching you. I'd recommend the gym this year, then put the equipment on your wish list for next Christmas.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Excellent choice for all the reasons above, but one huge one I don't think I saw. Free weights are always better than machines. Period.
  • sempernova
    sempernova Posts: 101 Member
    I have a gym membership as I work from my home and get sick of my own company. :sick:
    I also work harder in the gym coz I don't want anyone to see me slacking off!
  • Helent26
    Helent26 Posts: 35 Member
    I think probably the gym membership - there's the social aspect, your friends are already members, which also adds a little healthy competition! The fact you prefer to run - you can use the treadmills inside for the cold days. There are a variety of exercises to do at the gym for toning arms and abs - the machines there also help you to decide the areas and they have different machines for different muscle groups in the same area, therefore giving a better way to tone these areas that you would no necesseraly know how to at home

    The plus point to a home gym is - if you don't like exercising with other people due to self consciousness etc this is ideal, also you can workout whenver you want, whereas a gym maybe closed. Working out at home can become boring and you may find 'other things' that need doing such as house work lol, i know this because that's usually my problem :sad: hehe

    Hope this helps! Good luck finding what suits you :flowerforyou:
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    In my opinion if you are motivated by working out along side other folks and cannot get into home workouts, then by all means choose the gym. However after working at 24 fitness for 6 years, "going to the gym" lost it's "magic" for me. first of all it's the security aspect, I wouldn't take anything to the gym that you couldn't easily part with, there is much locker/car thrift. Then you have to consider the time involved getting dressed, putting some things together in a bag (towel, Id, etc) and driving to and from the gym. time that you could be using to exercise if you had the equipment set up in your home. Also, sometimes the weather is nasty, wet-cold-snow. and It would be nice Not to get out in that. Also at home you can control the temp/music just the way you like it.You can bring your own music to the gym, then again whatever device you use to store your music could be left on the treadmill/ elliptical-- something else to worry about. Also I might mention, there is a thread on MFP that is talking about creepy people you see at the gym, Well let me tell you employees at the gym talk about the members all the time! I am thinking of one case now involving a trainer in his mid 20's, his client was a woman in her mid 40's and let's just say she had a major crush on this guy, well each time she was scheduled to come in, he would stand around front desk and talk about personal things that she was doing that I really didn't want to hear. So, anyway, even though I have locked in an almost free lifetime membership to the gym, I prefer to workout in the privacy of my home. Play my exercise DVD's, know my equipment is clean, and not worry about anyone stealing my stuff.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Good choice going with the membership! I used to have a treadmill at home and other equipment but it was too easy just to walk past it, as I was self-conscious to use it when anyone else was home (they always felt the need to give me fitness tips, not helpful when i didn't want to work out to begin with). But the pros were the being able to play music and sing and my treadmill faced a window looking out onto the street so I could people watch at the same time! I have access to a gym now and I work out more often, especially now that I can go with my family rather than working out in front of them. I grab a spot in the back of the cardio room and I can still people watch (I also turn up my music and dance because they can't see me lol)

    Totally de-stressing when the gym isn't packed (its a marine gym so lots of very fit people) and usually it doesn't get to bad. Plus once again I am in the back so its all good and I'm motivated by the Marines working so hard around me.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I had a choice and chose membership gym. Mine was due to lack of space in my tiny apartment.
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