


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    So I am starting CrossFit next week and was just wondering if any of you guys are 'CrossFitters' and what I should expect, what gains did you get from it, did you have a lot of injuries, etc. Thanks :)

    PM sent. But I agree with jimmmer. Some boxes are well run, some aren't. Make sure yours is the former and if it's not take control of your own workouts, focus on learning the movements correctly and THEN add weights or intensity.

    Good luck!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    My best advice is to keep an open mind and go into it with a positive attitude. Be patient. You will be throwing heavy weights on soon enough but work on form to begin with. It's you against you, always, but use the camaraderie of the others in your class to push yourself. There is always a little bit more in the tank and Crossfit will teach you where your true limits are.

    If you put time into it, you will see remarkable change. Eat well, rest often and stick with it. I lost 30 lbs in my first 4-5 months of Crossfit and now I am working on maintenance and just getting stronger!

    I am coming up on my 1 year Crossfit anniversary and couldn't be happier that I made the choice to try it. It was scary at first but I am a better person for it. It has changed my life in so many ways and I am never looking back.

    How long did it take for you to be able to get the forms of all of the exercises correct?

    I'm about a year in as well. Some of them are easier than others. The Olympic lifts you'll be working on for years. Mine are much better, but for example my hip mobility still limits how deep I can squat, so that affects those lifts directly. I also can't do a proper front rack position. It's much better than a year ago but still a work in progress.

    If you stick with it pick a skill like double unders and chip away at it every day until you get it, then move on to something else
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I still haven't got them completely, after 8 months, on my max lifts. I will lose my balance in the snatch or drop my elbows in the clean. The gym is set up so I can safely bail out of lifts. I have seperate Oly technique sessions to focus on it, but as ever when you fix one thing you break something else. Sometimes I get out a perfect rep and totally lose it on the next. It takes time, these are not easy lifts, but that's what I love about them. Our format is usually 10 mins of skill, 20 mins of strength and 20 mins of metcon. Sometimes there's 10 mins of mobility and less time doing skill or metcon work.

    I can't work out in a regular gym anymore, I hate the cold atmosphere and morgue-like silence where the only sound you hear is the dreadmill running. I prefer my workouts to be social, among people laughing and joking, encouraging each other, sharing barbells, doing handstands, rope climbs etc
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Yeah I am seeing how long it will take me to be able to do a snatch or just a simple clean correctly. My body isn't used to these movements but I feel encouraged from your comments and encouragement, thanks :blushing: