

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I too am just starting and been doing it for about a month now. I agree with the most of the responses and for me ive been doing lots of CARDIO. It helps with the burning of the fat so I rotate between tread, elliptical and bike atleast 5 times a week. I do a full body weight day three times a week. And I plan to keep that program in motion till I burn the fat off and see my muscles poke thru. Just give it sometime... by the way that was for you, me and whoever else wants it. :)

    so now Should i start a cardio program to burn fat and then begin weight lifting ?

    No. Keep doing what you're doing - give it around 8 weeks - and see what your body composition is like then. You'll have made strength gains and changed shape. You will have lost some fat - strength training doesn't get your heartrate as high but it revs up your metabolism, which stays high for hours after your session has finished, helping to burn calories for longer.

    If after 8 weeks you don't think you've made enough progress, add in some cardio then - HIIT training preferably - but keep on with the lifting.

    You have to give it some time. Results aren't instant.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Here's what you should do:
    1. Read this thread and all of the associated links. It's a whole lot of reading, I know, but it will give you a good base to get started:
    2. Read ^that thread *again* to make sure you understand, and if you don't, come ask questions.
    3. Unless you have a medical condition, a calorie deficit will create weight loss. Weigh and measure everything you eat and drink. Focus on calorie deficit. Not cleanses, fad diets, supplements or anything else.
    4. Lift heavy weights for 2 reasons: First, it will help maintain more lean muscle as you lose weight that you would at a calorie deficit without lifting. Second, it's excellent for your strength--physically and mentally.
    5. Add cardio if you want, but don't feel that you have to spend hours on it every week. Cardio has plenty of health benefits and is a great tool for getting to your calorie deficit, but nothing more. It's not required that you do cardio to lose weight.

    It seems complicated, but it's really not. It's all about changing your mindset. Calorie deficit and lift to minimize loss of lean mass. Cardio if you want (I use it when I want more calories :laugh:)

    I'd wish you good luck, but if you follow what's said in the sexypants thread, you're not going to need it. :flowerforyou:


    And, read this one, too.
  • lunanana50
    lunanana50 Posts: 32
    Please someone explain me what kind of result will weight lifting + deficit calories give to me ??
    Will i shape my lower body ?? (like lift my butt)
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Please someone explain me what kind of result will weight lifting + deficit calories give to me ??
    Will i shape my lower body ?? (like lift my butt)

    You will lose body fat and maintain muscle mass.

    Once you reach a body weight/body fat percentage you are satisfied with, if you want to shape your butt, continue to weight lift, but eat more calories. That is called a bulk.

    Read the threads other people posted, they really are helpful.
  • PinkInkAngel
    PinkInkAngel Posts: 29 Member
    I've been lifting for just over a year. My pant size has gone from a 10 to a loose 4. That's proof enough for me that my legs are NOT bigger. My legs LOOK more muscular...and better in my opinion.

    I've been eating a very small deficit and lifting progressively heavier. I don't know what your trainer is talking about.

    Trainers talk about the gym only. They do not talk about nutrition which is more important.

    ^^^^ so true!!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I too am just starting and been doing it for about a month now. I agree with the most of the responses and for me ive been doing lots of CARDIO. It helps with the burning of the fat so I rotate between tread, elliptical and bike atleast 5 times a week. I do a full body weight day three times a week. And I plan to keep that program in motion till I burn the fat off and see my muscles poke thru. Just give it sometime... by the way that was for you, me and whoever else wants it. :)

    so now Should i start a cardio program to burn fat and then begin weight lifting ?

    I suggest doing both.
    ok, but i still dont understand what result i will have

    calorie deficit = weight loss
    cardio = good for cardiovascular health (you know- your'e heart and lungs) + can help build extra calorie deficit
    weight lifting = good for bones- muscles and over all wellness + minimal calorie burns- but optimizes FAT loss so the weight you lose isn't muscle and fat.

    people who do calorie deficit only- with no working out- and to some extent cardio only weight loss people- find themselves here

    in this situation.

    so life- lift now.
    do cardio- do cardio now.

    both will help with your over all fitness and well ness but make sure you have a calorie deficit so you can lose weight.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    If you add muscle but don't lose fat, yes those areas will be bigger. The idea is to lose the fat.

    Or the idea is do both.
    I suggest just lift heavy in a calorie deficit till your legs are small enough.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I too am just starting and been doing it for about a month now. I agree with the most of the responses and for me ive been doing lots of CARDIO. It helps with the burning of the fat so I rotate between tread, elliptical and bike atleast 5 times a week. I do a full body weight day three times a week. And I plan to keep that program in motion till I burn the fat off and see my muscles poke thru. Just give it sometime... by the way that was for you, me and whoever else wants it. :)

    so now Should i start a cardio program to burn fat and then begin weight lifting ?

    I suggest doing both.
    ok, but i still dont understand what result i will have

    calorie deficit = weight loss
    cardio = good for cardiovascular health (you know- your'e heart and lungs) + can help build extra calorie deficit
    weight lifting = good for bones- muscles and over all wellness + minimal calorie burns- but optimizes FAT loss so the weight you lose isn't muscle and fat.

    people who do calorie deficit only- with no working out- and to some extent cardio only weight loss people- find themselves here

    in this situation.

    so life- lift now.
    do cardio- do cardio now.

    both will help with your over all fitness and well ness but make sure you have a calorie deficit so you can lose weight.

    Correct it is called skinny fat. I did that my second attempt.
  • lunanana50
    ok so i will do weight lifting+ deficit calories...when the fat will be off i will start with a surplus calories...

    i thought it was more complicated :)
    another thing: How can i calcolate my body fat % and my lean body mass % ?=)
  • lunanana50
    I too am just starting and been doing it for about a month now. I agree with the most of the responses and for me ive been doing lots of CARDIO. It helps with the burning of the fat so I rotate between tread, elliptical and bike atleast 5 times a week. I do a full body weight day three times a week. And I plan to keep that program in motion till I burn the fat off and see my muscles poke thru. Just give it sometime... by the way that was for you, me and whoever else wants it. :)

    so now Should i start a cardio program to burn fat and then begin weight lifting ?

    I suggest doing both.
    ok, but i still dont understand what result i will have

    calorie deficit = weight loss
    cardio = good for cardiovascular health (you know- your'e heart and lungs) + can help build extra calorie deficit
    weight lifting = good for bones- muscles and over all wellness + minimal calorie burns- but optimizes FAT loss so the weight you lose isn't muscle and fat.

    people who do calorie deficit only- with no working out- and to some extent cardio only weight loss people- find themselves here

    in this situation.

    so life- lift now.
    do cardio- do cardio now.

    both will help with your over all fitness and well ness but make sure you have a calorie deficit so you can lose weight.

    ok thanks you =)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ok so i will do weight lifting+ deficit calories...when the fat will be off i will start with a surplus calories...

    i thought it was more complicated :)
    another thing: How can i calcolate my body fat % and my lean body mass % ?=)

    Bod pod or Dexa scan. Those I read are the more reliable cost related options.
  • lunanana50
    ok so i will do weight lifting+ deficit calories...when the fat will be off i will start with a surplus calories...

    i thought it was more complicated :)
    another thing: How can i calcolate my body fat % and my lean body mass % ?=)

    Bod pod or Dexa scan. Those I read are the more reliable cost related options.

    is that a dop pod ?? where can i find it ??
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ok so i will do weight lifting+ deficit calories...when the fat will be off i will start with a surplus calories...

    i thought it was more complicated :)
    another thing: How can i calcolate my body fat % and my lean body mass % ?=)

    Bod pod or Dexa scan. Those I read are the more reliable cost related options.

    is that a dop pod ?? where can i find it ??

    I have no idea for you. Google it in your area. College in my area offers service to the public for bod pod.
  • lunanana50
    Look at that :

    If you are not strength training and still consuming lots of carbohydrates, you will most likely be losing muscle along with fat, which is not optimal but will help you lose body fat.


    so will i loose muscles ???:(
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Look at that :

    If you are not strength training and still consuming lots of carbohydrates, you will most likely be losing muscle along with fat, which is not optimal but will help you lose body fat.


    so will i loose muscles ???:(

    Eat an adequate amount of protein and lift in order to preserve muscle mass.

    Don't overthink it.
  • lunanana50
    Everywhere i read : "you have to lift heavy weight"
    but weight is a subjective thing.

    what weight is heavy ?
    Taking into consideration that i've just started lifting weights ?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    but if i eat less and i workout more...Won't i feel tired ? and Will i build muscle ?

    No you will not build muscle mass in your legs on a calorie deficit.

    correct. however you can get stronger while lifting on a calorie deficit. you will also burn fat while strength training on a calorie deficit.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Everywhere i read : "you have to lift heavy weight"
    but weight is a subjective thing.

    what weight is heavy ?
    Taking into consideration that i've just started lifting weights ?

    if you can lift it about five times and feel like you're really really struggling that last two reps, then you know it's heavy.

    for some people that "heavy weight" might just be a five pound dumb bell (for certain exercises). trust me, you're stronger than you think. girl i know was just starting to lift with some kettlebells and deadlifting 90 pounds. after a few weeks i told her to slap on some big girl plates (45's) on either side, and she was so intimidated, but managed to dead lift 135 for 3 reps.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Hi, I'm in the exact boat as OP as far as the legs. Thanks for the awesome information everyone! There is a lot of conflicting information out there as I keep hearing I can't build muscle in a deficit. From the comments I'm hearing here, I'm getting that you CAN.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    If you add muscle but don't lose fat, yes those areas will be bigger. The idea is to lose the fat.

    Or the idea is do both.
    I suggest just lift heavy in a calorie deficit till your legs are small enough.
