
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I did not weigh myself yesterday, which was the first morning back from our trip, because my feet were still puffy so I figured I was retaining some water, but this morning my feet were nice and bony, so I got on the scale. Relieved to find it was EXACTLY where it was before we left on our trip. I was afraid I had gained. But during the trip I tried really hard to make good choices, even though I couldn't manage to limit the salt as much as I like. I did walk over 35 miles in the week, so I was hoping for a little loss, but this is ok. At least it's not a gain. I hate having to lose the same pound twice.

    Barbie, I laughed out loud at your joke about the zucchini. I'll have to try that with cherry tomatoes.

    Kim, I missed your post that had a video. I'm going back to look for it!

    Sue from Syndey, welcome! I love hearing about life on the other side of the world.

    Rori, not gaining is great on a schedule like yours. Good job!

    YannieJannie, congrats on re-losing that five+ pounds!

    About singing...My sister and I were in the Acapella Choir in high school, and loved it. We had to audition twice to get in, so I must have done fairly well. But now, if I try to sing my family clap their hands over their ears and the dogs leave the room, so I must have lost some skill somewhere.

    Well, I'd better get started doing something productive. I hope everyone has a great day.

    In Kansas, where the weather is much cooler than we have any right to expect this time of year. Fingers crossed that it continues.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Bumpity Bump:heart:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,201 Member
    Joyce I found out about the contest in AARP. I submitted my entry the last day of the contest. They might have it again next year. Have your husband check the AARP website. You had to sing a song acapella and submit it on line. For me the goal was just to submit the entry. It gave me a reason to get a new camera that I used on the garden tours and to learn how to download a video and post it. I have downloaded pictures but not videos. I was more interested in the process than taking it any further than that. For entering the contest I became part of their rewards program. I can use my points to get coupons like $10 off Famous footwear on a $50 purchase. So the new camera and rewards program made it worth my time. I can also take entering a singing contest off my bucket list.:laugh:

    For me I enjoy singing in my church choir. As I said I am hoping the hire the young man because I think he has a knack for respecting our musicality while joining our voices as one. The other candidate was good too. I just didn't feel the same level of respect. Our last director was in my opinion too picky. He spent so much time and effort getting every note and word spoken correctly that it took some of the fum out of it. For me the heart of what the piece is trying to say is the driving force missing a few pitches is not important to me.

    For August I will continue to set daily goals that help me stay healthy emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Each of these pieces are like the legs of a table. I need all four strong so the table (me) is secure.

    Today I will work on the emotional piece with our son moving back home I am grieving and trying to sort out the emotions that come with it in healthy ways by crying and taking time to work in my garden rather than turning to food, so tomorrow I can be in a better place to support my son and myself emotionally.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I’m so sorry your brother and SIL are having such significant trouble with their son. I hope the tough love works for them, and for him. It is probably the best choice they have and it takes courage to follow through. I’ve had a few obsessively defiant students in the course of my teaching career, and some of them went on to become career prison inmates. I even had a few whose stated goal was to go to prison. They thought it proved they were tough guys. :frown: These kids had every support the school could offer, and confused, frightened parents.:flowerforyou:

    Kim: I followed the link to the news story about your cooking camp. WOW! The students/campers were happy and you looked confident and in charge. I’m sure you made a difference in their lives.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Sue: Welcome. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Your water drinking puts me to shame. I think many of us have physical features we’d like to trade in for something better. I’ll bet your “bowling ball” isn’t as awful as you think. I still have work to do on my middle, too. Maybe someone here has a good plan for getting tummies to be flat and firm. I’ve made good progress with my yoga, but haven’t worked specifically on my middle. Maybe that is what I should ask for when the teacher asks what we’d like to work on.:flowerforyou:

    Barbara: The next time we pass Boise we will be rushing to CO when our grandson is born in September. Perhaps there will be time for a visit on our way home.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: You lead an adventurous life. All your travels seem to suit you.:flowerforyou:

    Lily: I’m glad to see your post, and laughing about the zucchini.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Thanks for sharing your cucumber recipe. We had a rip-roaring thunderstorm last night and have been awake ever since. There was quite a light show, and it was all sheet lightning.:yawn: :yawn:

    Yanniejannie: If I counted all my coffee, I’d be well over my water goals, but I think that only water is water. I do feel better when I drink more of it.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m so impressed that you were able to have your vacation without gaining weight. That shows a lot of good choices on your part. I somehow doubt the dog leaves the room when you sing, as mine sticks around for my singing and I’m sharp, flat, and generally off key. At least he doesn’t howl along with me.:tongue::laugh:

    The sailboat is nearly ready to serve as a guesthouse. I've laundered the sheets and they're ready to go down to the boat. The guest room is ready for DDIL’s parents, and we still need to work on fishing details and stock up on food. They’re planning to be here tomorrow. DH thinks his anchor line is too short. I think DH aggravated his back breaking in the new engine on the fishing boat. We bounced over chop and other people’s wakes too many times. It seemed fun at the time, but the consequences are terrible. He is on significant pain meds and has to schedule an MRI. The doctor thinks he may need to have surgery and fuse a joint. I hope not. I would appreciate prayers for his back situation from those of you who pray.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,472 Member
    Gilad's 45/45 split DVD is 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of toning. I did the 45 minutes of cardio twice today and will do the 45 minutes of toning tomorrow.

    Linda - have fun camping. I always liked when we went camping, except that we needed to hang the garbage from a tree so that the bears wouldn't get into it! One thing we learned about was Afterbite. That is GOOOD stuff, really takes the itch out. Now, I'll warn anyone, if you have an open wound, it will sting like no tomorrow. But it does take the itch out.

    Barbie - with you as the teacher, I know your dances at the RFL will be great

    Kim - I always used to put an "x" on the top of the pie, guess I should put more slits in it. Happy early birthday, sounds like you have a great day planned

    Sue - welcome to a very supportive group. Keep logging in here, the weight will come off.

    Rori - you do so good being away. It's hard, I know, but you manage, which is awesome

    Jan - I think once I used a crumb topping and didn't have a problem. What kind of crumb crust did you use? I wonder....maybe a regular crust on the bottom and the crumb crust on the top?

    I had really gained around the holidays, got up to the 140's. Lately I've been in the low 130's, so I'm proud of the fact that I've been able to maintain that. There were about two instances where I got just a nick below 130, but that didn't last long at all.

    barbie - I honestly think that maintaining weight is harder than losing.

    Got up, just had some cherries while I was getting dressed then took Vince to the eye md. They took the patch off. He has to wear it at night for a few nights just so that he doesn't accidentally in his sleep scratch his eye and move the lens. He goes back in 2 weeks, at that time they'll probably do the pre-op for his next eye

    jb - I would opt for making the fruit leather. Yes, you'll have the oven on, but it'll be on at a very low temp. Wonder if you could do it in a crockpot? You can make it while you're sleeping. I love when I make my own, it has a much better taste. Don't forget about cucumber dips!

    Jan and Kim - I count my tea also, as long as it's decaf.

    Sylvia - I volunteer at the church, but I always say if they want to clear the church out in no time at all, have me sing! I don't mind doing anything else, but NOT singing.

    Going to post this now to mark my spot.

    Jessica called, she and Kris should be here in time for dinner. I'll make spaghetti for them and Vince and I'll have the salmon Vince was going to have yesterday. I do want to do whatever I can to get that salmon container out of the refrigerator.

    Michele in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 535 Member
    Happy August Everyone!

    My August goal is to continue to maintain my weight loss and change up my strength training routine. Today was treadmill workout, I did 42 minutes.

    Barbie, thanks for the new thread.

    Michele, I agree that maintaining is harder than losing.

    Kim, happy early birthday!

    Sylvia, congratulations on a great trip and no weight gain.

    Alison, the amount of water you drink puts me to shame too. I think we are all hard on ourselves about our body image. For me, I am a redhead and very fair. I don't like to go out without full make-up. There are no eyelashes or brows without it so I look so pale. I had my lips tattooed several years ago, I love them! At least I have a mouth without lipgloss!

    Welcome all new ladies. Best wishes to those I missed.

    Time for some housework......

    Cindy in OK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All, Just a bump to set my place for this month. Twins are staying the night and we have to be at the Color Run at 6 AM tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing them. We aren't getting together for the birthday's Sunday after all, it will be next Thursday instead.
    It is 12:15 here and I can't wait until 4:30 today for my massage. I will totally love it.
    Here is hoping that eveyone has a great week-end.
    Great health and happiness to all
    Patty Cincinnati OH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    During my vacation I fell down on the job as far as posting the joke of the day, so I'm determined to do better now that I'm back.

    Here is today's:


    A woman in her eighties made the evening news because she was getting married for the fourth time. The following day she was being interviewed by a local TV station, and the commentator asked about what it felt to be married again at that age and would she share part of her previous experiences, since it seem quite unique the fact that her new husband was a ‘funeral director.’ After a short time to think, a smile came to her face and she proudly explained that she had first married a banker when she was in her twenties, in her forties she married a circus ring master, and in her sixties she married a pastor and now in her eighties, a funeral director. The amazed commentator asked her why she had married men with such diverse carriers. With a smile on her face she explained, ‘I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.’


    This one is from yesterday:


    Two young engineers applied for a single position at a computer company. They both had the same qualifications. In order to determine which individual to hire, the applicants were asked to take a test by the department manager.

    Upon completion of the test, both men had each missed only one of the questions. The manager went to the first applicant and said, ‘‘thank you for your interest, but we've decided to give the job to the other applicant.''

    "And why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct," asked the rejected applicant.

    "We have based our decision not on the correct answers, but on the question you missed," said the department manager.

    "And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?" the rejected applicants inquired.

    ''Simple,'' said the department manager, ''Your fellow applicant put down on question..5, 'I don't know.' You put down, 'Neither do I.'''


    Have a happy day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Hello from London!

    Kim - I will definitely look at your video, but can't right now. Tomorrow I promise!

    Sue fro Sidney - welcome! Weve been there and loved it especially the fish market!:laugh:

    Rita - hugs for you regarding your troubled son.:flowerforyou:

    Can't stop in for long but will post my goals.

    Lose a pound so as I get under 10 stone. (140 lbs) Didn't manage it in July so I'm carrying it over.

    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. :laugh: I am getting much better at this - almost laid back!:laugh:

    That's all folks! DGC wonderful and amazing and my sweet little baby is developing a determined personality!:tongue:

    Cucumber - you can cook it with peas in spices with a bit of uoghourt. Takes seconds. Lovely with curry.

    Also another soup, cold with ground almonds. Google recipes.

    Bye for now! Bed time for DGS.

    Heather from London UK :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    TGIF!!! I have a busy day today. I finished the grocery shopping including a trip to my favorite produce stand. I also stopped by the Mexican bakery to get some goodies for DH’s breakfast tomorrow. It’s his birthday. Now I have to find time to exercise and get the dog to the vet. His foot is bad again in just a couple of days the whole pad has broken down and he won’t put any weight on it. So it’s back to the cone of shame! Poor Beagle! We are going out with our friends tonight to a tapas restaurant that we haven’t been to in several years.

    Sylvia: I am always surprised at how well older medications work compared with the newer more expensive ones. I too was on a very old one for years…desipramine. Now I take Zoloft for the menopause crazies. I’m glad you found something that worked for you. Good job on not gaining weight on vacation!

    Michele: you could also make zucchini brownies! Those are my favorites!

    Lin: have a good trip!

    Barbie: thanks for the new thread! OOOOh you gave me a new idea…throwing cucs in peoples’ car windows at stop lights. I’ll practice my pitching! Keep your windows rolled up!

    Katla: that’s funny…I was thinking about dropping the cucs off on the neighbors’ porches yesterday! DD#1 and her best friend are coming tomorrow for DH;s birthday so I’ll give them some!

    Joyce: sometimes I think that weird animal eating is for protection; no scent…fewer predators. I am the tough love mama! The other day at work, DD#2’s boss told her she was a great employee because she is on of the few teenagers who can toe the line with the little kids and doesn’t give in to their whining. She said “I learned from the best…my mama”! I thought that was cute. I agree that after reaching our age we should have less stressful lives! But I sure could change the locks!

    Kim: I can get to the news site but can’t figure out what story you were in??? I usually pre-plan my meals when dining out so then I can enjoy the experience without worrying about it. Tonight’s meal will be something else though…their menu is not on line with nutrition information

    Sue: welcome to our group!

    Alison: sending you and DFIL hugs

    Barbara: I don’t think Benny is anxious except during thunderstorms and fireworks. It’s certainly possible, but he doesn’t lick anything else and he is the most laid back dog I’ve ever seen. I’m worried he may have something like a rose thorn in his paw somewhere that started this off. I don’t know if I think it’s allergies….he’d have this problem in more than one place. We’ll see what the vet says.

    Rori: I’d say that’s a great nsv to not gain weight with all that traveling. Is that a new pic? I love it!

    Yanniejannie: I hope you are 100% soon

    DebA: hope things settle down for you soon

    Lily: great goals

    Jb: wonderful sounding recipe! Thank you! I will surely give it a try!

    Laura: nice to see you here again! I sent you an email; I hope you got it.

    August goals: simple: get back on track and stay there! That’s it! OK time for the vet! Take care, Meg from lovely Omaha
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Thank you for posting the Recipe.. I have cucks coming out my ears so always looking for a good recipe! Also have been known for putting zucchini in anyone's car who leaves the windows down or unlocked.. I did find I can take them to the local food pantry and St Vinneys.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,987 Member
    evenin ladies,,
    here I sit next to the DH with my laptop plugged in, I guess we are getting quality time in:laugh:
    today was fine at work and drank another 24 ounces of water at work and a cup of tea..
    came home and made grilled cheese, no I used the ezikeil bread and ultra thin cheddar so it wasnt horrible just a few calories over 1200
    DFIL still a tad bit edgy but nothing like yesterday.. he apologized for yelling at me, but I told him it wasn't his fault it was the medicine they gave him....
    will go down tomorrow and check on him,I can sleep in tomorrow the gym doesnt open until 7,and I will be there for a a bit, gonna keep on it.
    Kim I couldnt see your video,maybe it has something to do with my computer:noway:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!spent the day looking for school supplies for special kids and a birthday gift for a special girl.
    Love being part of a group that helps kids with life threatening diseases or conditions.
    Have an appt with a landlord about the townhome,praying it works out.
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies, I see we are on page two already this month, so I am putting in my two bits worth while I can. When it gets to page twenty, I lose the conversation until the following month! So here goes: In July, after 4 weeks of recovered health, I once again had emergency surgery. It was less invasive this time and I am recovering faster, although still with complications. I am told that I must lose 100 lbs before this can be fixed and to expect it to recur! I am on a strict meal replacement diet and have lost 24 lbs so far but have hit a plateau this week. I am hoping it is just my body telling me that I am sufficiently healed to take on more exercise I haven't caught up on all the comments yet, but I see you are still entertaining us with your stories and jokes, Barb! And I greatly appreciate your constant encouragement Issyfit and Dot, as I struggle through this trying time! Kudos to you both! And now, ( have a lot of reading to catch up on! Keep safe everyone until the nest time!:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    So went to see the landlord another family was looking too.He has 2 places.So it`s a waiting game.Said he would get back to us.
    So frustrated.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,694 Member
    Australia Sue – welcome we are very chatty, and supportive

    Alison – Wow on the water!!! I would living in the restroom! You are doing so good! Maybe like Heather’s arms the skin will shrink a bit with time… :wink:

    Rori – 15 days on the road, ugh!!!! Not gaining is a huge accomplishment !!:smile::smile:

    YannieJannie - I hate to say this, but DD has a point… these folks are (potentially) in charge of her future… I count my decaf, unsweetened tea as water too.

    Barbie…. Thanks:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    Deb A. – the stressful situation you are in is the most important to you! It is good to keep it in perspective, but don’t discount how important resolution is to you.:smile:

    Lily – good to see you!

    Sylvia – you can sing to me and I will not put my hands over my ears!!!! Heck Levi and I might dance!!! Love the jokes

    MNMargaret - I cheer for you supporting your son, of course some limits are appropriate, but I don’t have a supportive family so when I hear of folks taking in their children or grand children I cheer!

    Katla – not really a prayer gal, but sending all the good thoughts I can to your DH for his back!!!:flowerforyou:

    Patty – a massage ---heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    Heather – enjoy the DGS!

    Meg – it is the “Cool Camps” 3 1 minute clips; starting at about 5:15am….:blushing:
    Good job on your DD#2 !!!

    Jane – fingers crossed for your meeting with Landlord!!!

    AnneCarol – take care!!! Does your ‘puter do something weird at 20 pages?

    Here are my august goals and I have added them so they will show up everyday, last month I just kinda forgot about them....

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day
    Walk 45 minutes a day
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week

    Kim from N. California
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,815 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Today marks one year since I joined MFP. My first four months were stellar, the next four were good ... but the last four have been very frustrating. Looking back at my diary and exercise log ... I can see what the problem is. I've become lax with the logging and not very consistent with the exercise.

    Since I want to continue to lose weight and become more fit, I need to go back to what was working. Weighing and logging everything ... regular cardio and weight training. Pretty simple when applied!

    I did not meet my July goals ... but they're good for August!
    Weigh and log my food.
    Gym at least 2x a week
    Increase water to 8 glasses per day.

    Heather ... I found your DH's novels on kindle ... just finished reading volume 1 and have volume 2. I love to read and haven't had much time lately ... spent way too much time with DH's book yesterday ... but couldn't help myself! Enjoying the trilogy very much!
    Also found Nigella's recipe for Jumbo Chili Sauce... have added it to my must try list of recipes! Thanks!

    {{{{Rita}}}} ... what an awful thing for a mom to "witness" through a phone ... so sad ... prayers sent your way.

    Kim ... loved the TV clip! You sounded wonderful and very much what I thought you would sound like.

    Jane ... your luck surely must change soon with the house hunting!!

    AnneCarol ... 24 pounds is amazing ... of course you're at a plateau! Your body is throwing fits! Hang in there!

    Beth in Western New York
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just bumping in. Another looonnnnggg day. Tomorrow is Saturday, though!

    Carol in rainy NC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Bump to find my place. Just over 500 days on MFP.......Now to go for more.
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    My computer loses the thread after 20 pages and I can't follow it again until the first day of the next month! Darn it all!