

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh don't get me started on the over reactors to everything Meg. Where's the eye roll smiley?

    Also feel the Monday "bleh". Sticking around the house today and actually getting a few things accomplished despite the fact that my child decided to keep me up most of the night....simply because he was restless and calls me when he wakes up. Another eye roll.

    Postponed my turkey meatballs and sauce to today after I found the bag of shrimp I forgot I took out of the freezer on Friday for Saturday. They're actually smelling pretty good.

    Have some more piles to move around....oh, and a workout to get in.

    Another goal for the week is to update my Etsy shop and get my fall product line in order.

    Happy day to all.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • MollyMamaBear
    MollyMamaBear Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Ladies :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Well here it is August already!
    Trying to get catch up with all the posts.
    First off a BIG thank you to barbie for creating this .**hugs**

    second to the lovely ladies that have stayed with me through
    my good and bad times -Jan,Liz and Linda.

    My goals this month:To be kinder to myself.

    more later.
    Molly in sunny WV
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    bump to save my place!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello ladies!

    One of my August goals is done, I changed my strength training workout. One of my MFP friends mentioned eccentric workouts. I asked Hubby if he knew what they are and he's been doing them! I have started, when you lift weights you have a 6 second rep, 2 lifting and 4 bring the weight back down. Very challenging!

    Michele, you do so many kinds of workouts, have you tried this?

    Sylvia, congratulations on another pound loss. Now I hear Queen singing in my head!

    Meg, enjoy every chance you can to relax. Congratulations on your new grandchild on the way!

    Barbie, great stepping!

    Welcome new ladies and hugs to those who need them.

    Cindy in OK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I read page 1 of this new thread then thought I should post before it gets too late or I get too busy.

    First of all I want to thank all of you for the loving thoughts, great suggestions, and healing prayers. :flowerforyou: They all help.

    I have made my appointment with the new doc for Friday. I am already sure he will be much better and more efficient at treating me than my current one. I think this is the first time I am excited to go to a doctor's office! LOL! :noway:

    I spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon at my DD and DSIL' house celebrating my DGS's 4th birthday. :happy: They had a lot of people there and a few kids. It was fun! My DH was going to go but woke up with a fever of 101! He stayed home and in bed all day. He feels better today and fever is gone. Mysterious! :ohwell:

    No gym this morning but went to Chiropractor, then did 3 -10 minute walks. Every little bit helps. I must say my new bed really helped my back! I never would have thought it would make such a difference. :tongue:

    I am still down and very tired. :sick: I am blaming it on silicone leakage. Won't know anything until next week I suspect. Maybe new doc can access my MRI while I am in his office? HMMMM.:yawn:

    Well, my August goals===

    Just to post here and log food. Continue to exercise 4 to 5 days a week for 30 minutes minimum. I think that is a lot for the way I feel but doable. :wink:

    Prayers, hugs, and thank yous to everyone!
    Rita from CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Waaaarrrrgh! :sad:

    Had an antsy moment with one of my old friends just now!:ohwell: I rang her about the Wales trip next May and there were all kinds of excuses about why they couldn't come to visit us at the cottage we are renting. They have dogs, it is too far to come for the day, etc etc. The bottom line and the unspoken agenda is that her husband, who would be driving, can't imagine coming for lunch and not drinking. Anyway, I got a bit cross as DH regularly drives nearly two hours each way to the football. In the dark, in the winter. Also they have 8 months to arrange a dog sitter for the day. Never mind. We are going to go anyway and I have just paid the deposit. I thought they might like a day out in a beautiful place - silly me. These are people who travel all over the world. My friend only drives locally.
    My other friend in Wales, who will be closer, looks more promising for a meet up, but I think again, the drinking thing is a barrier. She said they might stay over somewhere. They are almost alcoholics.
    We don't really feel like leaving our expensive, beautiful cottage to go and see them. Or DH doesn't as he hardly knows the women and the men not at all.
    Oh well. We're all getting older I guess. But I bet the drinking and driving has a lot to do with it.:ohwell:

    Sorry for the rant.:embarassed: I know we will love the place. In the middle of a natural environment with wildlife, wild ponies and views across the fields and the sea. A patio to eat on.
    It was the home of Evans the polar explorer who died with Scott on the Antarctic Expedition.:smile:

    Meg - I've made the mint syrup. All bottled and labelled and in the fridge waiting for the limes and the white rum. When does your plane get in? :laugh: Who else is coming?

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I'm Diane. I did join last month with an Introduction, but haven't posted since then. I' m new to taking selfies and using smartphones so as soon as I master them (or take a decent selfie) I'll show myself. I've lost 8 lbs. so far after 2 months. It would be more but I binged a bit and it cost me. back on track and going down. Hey wait, isn't that a Springsteen song?

    Gen, sorry to hear about your DH. Mine had a heart attack almost 1 yr ago (Aug. 19th) just before his 67th birthday. He has 4 stents and a regular pharmacy of meds. He has lost 20 lbs, mostly in the last 4 months. He's retired now.

    Margaret, have you heard of the Virtual Choir? Anyone can join by submitting a video.

    My sis had cataract surgery last Monday. She's doing well. She has a little trouble with the drops, but is able to get them in most of the time.
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Bumpin to mark my place
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yay for me, I lost 1 lb. Only took me...what... 7 weeks? Definitely a sign that I am starting to feel better and hopefully getting over this plateau. It helped to abstain from wine too this week. So, I should keep that in mind. It's not only the calories in the wine, but it is so easy to fall off the wagon after a glass at the end of a long day, no matter how much you think you've deserved it.

    It is statutory holiday in Canada today and DH and I actually went on an hour bike ride this morning (for those familiar with the area: Galloping Goose) before it got too hot. Worthy of repeating. It is a beautiful trail.

    I have read all the posts, and appreciate everyone's contributions to the forum.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the new ladies. You will feel right at home here.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I hope you get the rain you need and it isn’t a deluge. We seem to be seeing a lot of unusual and extreme weather worldwide.:grumble: I’d like your daiquiri recipe. I want to know how to make mint syrup. Is there a website with a recipe? I also want to come with Meg, (if only I could.) I’m sorry that your friend is making excuses. If people want to drink they need to plan to spend the night or hire a taxi. Are those alternatives possible?:huh:

    Pat in OH: Longevity is something to think about. My dad died in his early seventies with heart problems aggravated by chain smoking. My mom died at 81 from emphysema due to chain smoking. I’ve never smoked and my heart is just fine, so I have no idea how long I’ll live. We could get really old which is okay if we’re coherent and having a good time in life. My mom's nephew is now in his nineties and so is his wife.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Today’s “joke” is a very accurate description of a whole lot of time we spend, though I haven’t had any trouble with my periods.com :wink: :laugh:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Welcome back! It is nice to see you here. I’m happy that you had such a good time camping.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Thanks for bringing up rabies! Yikes! Maybe I can find a way to use the fact to help create change. I really think the homeowners association needs to step up and sanction her.:grumble: :explode:

    Rita from CT: I hope your doctor appointment goes well and you have a winner this time. I’m glad the time with your visit to your DD & DSIL’s for DGS’s birthday was happy. Tell me more about your new bed. We’ve been shopping but have not found anything we like.:flowerforyou:

    Diane: I’m happy that you’re back. I used photos that I already have stored on my computer. If you don’t have any photos of yourself it would be a nice idea to take one soon so that you have a before and after showing all your success.:flowerforyou:

    Rereading my earlier rant about the neighbor who feeds raccoons, I forgot to mention the cat issue. Each home is allowed two pets, maximum. She has 6 cats that roam free, hunt wildlife, and have catfights along with the raccoons. They share feed bowls with the raccoons, too.:grumble:

    I went to someone new and got my hair cut today. I need to wash it and see how it dries to know whether it is okay. I liked the stylist very much.:happy:

    I’m starting to make plans to go spend time with DD and DGD. DD needs my support as she is having health and stress problems with her pregnancy. I may have mentioned that this will be her last week of work. I’m probably going to leave my husband in his sister’s care. Now that I have a plan in mind, I’m feeling better about things.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Took daughter to dentist this am,good report,no cavities.
    Have 2 days off as Violet`s mom is off.
    Vent-Why do people NOT return calls?????:explode:
    Hubby called the landlord of the townhse and 1st couldn`t leave a message as box was filled.Then he calls and leaves a message,that was 5 hours ago.:mad:
    Have a good day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Tonight I made a 5-gallon bucket of cherry tomatoes and a bunch of peppers into some pretty yummy no-salt salsa. I'm going to have to learn how to do canning, as I don't think it will last in the frig too long. I'm having so much fun with this stuff that I think somebody should go into business making salsa, BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce etc, all with no salt added. I wonder how hard that would be to start. Hmmm... Probably pretty difficult and expensive to start up.

    I took the kids to buy school supplies. It was really fun! But I was amazed at how much it cost. It was over $100 for all three kids' school supply lists. And that was without any clothes or any extras. Just the bare necessities, and off-brands when possible. Why a kindergartner needs six glue sticks and two pairs of scissors and two kinds of crayons, I don't understand.

    One on my sales reps told me she is sending me a drafting job and she needs it overnight. It's almost 8:30 PM and it still has not arrived. No surprise. I'm not holding my breath, and I'm not going to stay up late waiting for it. I've ridden her little merry go round before.

    Good night!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Heather, I'd love to come sit and visit at your cottage! Sounds wonderful to me and I'll be arriving soon!!!

    Sylvia, the reason they ask for so many items here is that they pool all the supplies as they are brought in, then hand out to all as needed, even the ones who did not bring any into the classroom.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 20 minutes of yoga today, held my plank for 2 minutes 30 seconds and then took the extremepump class for an hour. Came home, went in the pool, went to mahjongg tonight. Tomorrow the plan is to do some walking on the treadmill at a good speed (probably about 4.5mph)

    We want to use up the rock that we have, so tomorrow the plan is to go to the Y, then take some things to the soup kitchen, then come home and hopefully finish riverrocking, if not get very close to finished.

    I'm planning to have an "event" (for lack of a better word) for the Newcomers in March. Vince and I went to see a magician last Friday, we thought he was very entertaining, maybe more of a storyteller than a magician. I went to this place here, the Crowne Plaza, to see about booking a room there. There is a $3500 fee, out of that is the cost of the food and anything else you need to rent from them (like we will need to rent a wireless mic), and the difference you have to pay for the room rental. If you exceed the $3500, then the room is free. I spoke with the president of Newcomers today and she is going to be going to another place here that does catering, I've never been there. She's going to report back to me how the food was, the presentation, did they have enough staff, etc. etc. Then I'll investigate fees. I suspect it's not going to be as much as the Crowne Plaza since the first year the Y had their annual meeting at the Crownen Plaza but for the last two years (when this other place has been opened) they've had their meeting here.

    We just realized that we won't be going to Mexican Train tomorrow night because Vince will be on a clear liquid diet.

    Say, there's a tree that I can't wait to get rid of. what do people do to get rid of the stump? I'm really not a fan of calling in a landscaper to grind it down as that might cost a lot. I read where you should drill a few holes in the stump and put muriatic acid on it. It'll take a few months, but that helps to decompose the stump. Has anyone done this? We did something like it back when we lived in Stroudsburg, and Vince said that he was disappointed, I think he was expecting that in a few weeks it would be disintegrated.

    Meg - I only buy large quantities of food if I'm having to prepare a large dish (like for a social). I also like to get the cheese sticks and minibabybels there since you get more in the bag. Otherwise, the main reason we have the membership is that we figure it would pay for itself in the gas discount. I don't like to buy large quantities of food, I'd rather buy a smaller quantitity more often. At least I know it's fresh.

    Cndy in OK - I've done something like the eccentric workout using weights for biceps also overhead tricep extension. You could probably also do that with lateral raises. Now you have me thinking about how you would do it for the legs. Maybe lying on your side and lifting your legs 2/4. Sounds like something you do in pilates. I have done something like that for my abs.

    Diane - welcome!

    katla - I would be upset with your neighbor, too. Glad you like your new stylist. I'm thinking about going to the place Jessica got her hair cut to see what their prices on coloring hair are. To me, the place I usually go to is getting too expensive. I don't feel like I get anything special.

    In a bit of a rush tonight. Know that I read all the posts, probably didn't respond to as many as I should have. But bear with me,

    Michele in NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just a short post to say hi.:flowerforyou: Exercise is going OK; I found another gym near here, even better than the other one. Eating is not going as well. I'm finding it difficult when I can't cook for myself and have no control over how things are cooked. Also, being in the area where I grew up is triggering pointless eating (emotional eating).:ohwell:

    Wishing everyone well,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Diane, for the longest time I had a picture of my cat as my profile picture. I finally put one of me when I was more satisfied with the way I looked.

    Can't remember who has the new baby in the family, just born but congrats.

    Meg, I feel for you and your daughter's situation. Pregnancy should be such a happy time, especially for a Mom and her daughter. But I understand how you feel. As a nurse and knowing how lax a hospital can be in just s regular isolation unit I am a little nervous about the ebola patients coming over here. But the more I hear about the isolation units on steroids the more I feel better and safer about it. And the man is getting better. I heard tonight on our local news that one of our local cities is being used in supplying some of the material used in some of the medicine. So we are proud of that.

    Tomorrow is my echocardiogram. As a nurse, I love to see those. I love to see the heart pumping and see the blood going through the vavles and everything. I really don't expect anything to be found and I haven't had any episodes of high heart rate since I have had my monitor put on. It may end up a pretty expensive test.

    I have a game I play on face book and I have been saving up virtual gold for about 2 years in hopes of being able to try for top placement and this is going to be the month. I have even found I can play the game while riding my bike!!! I hope I don't ignore my family here though.

    I don't know if some of you remember last year when my mother in law died that I had said that after she died and funeral was over and I had given her clothes to her daughter that I was going to try to distance myself from her so that she could just forget I existed. She has a very malignant, parasitic type personality and can bleed a person dry emotionally and financially if you let her. She just uses people and takes no responsibility for her own actions. I still have her a a face book friend just so I can keep up with pictures of the family. Facebook today told me that today is her birthday. A part of me wants to just say a quick happy birthday to her but yet the biggest part of me says not to even go there. It has been almost a year now since we talked. So far I have restrained myself from saying anything. But from those of you who know me by now it is not in my nature to be this way.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and pensions in bank. Went for BIG shop and cornish pasties for lunch.
    No training today, re-assessing what I want to do. Back to it tomorrow.
    Cold here and snow 1 hour away by car and on mountains. Reminded me WHY we left England.
    Have been clearing out files, wardrobe and drawers. Took good clothes to charity shop.Time for new start.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning, It is the first of the month and crazy time here at work so I haven't had time to read or post. I hope everyone is doing well. I work both jobs today and then need to mow my yard, I swear it grows so dang fast.
    I have signed up for some on-line college classes. The classes are free if you want to take them without getting credits for them. The one I am doing now is called "Learning How to Learn" It is a kind of refresher for people who have been out of school for a while. This class is a month long and you have assignments every week and quizes as well. It started August 1st and I have done the first week assignments and taken the quiz, I got a 12.5 out of 13. The next class is a 7 week class on nutrition and healthy eating and I can't wait to start it. It doesn't start until Sept 15th. Some of the classes offered are "go at your own pace" and some you follow guidelines and timelines for. I am super pumped about the nutrition class.
    I am also signed up to take the Livestrong class through the Y, it is a full two day training class on how to work with people who have cancer and want to work out. I'm excited about this training session also but have heard it might be cancelled for lack of people signing up.
    OK,, talked to much already and need to get to work.
    Miss reading the posts, I hope everyone is doing well, prayers for those struggling and welcome to the new people.
    Have an awesome healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Tried something new for breakfast this morning - super oats chia with nuts and seeds. It has quinoa, amaranth, chia, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and more, 160 calories as cooked with nothing added. I added a cup of sliced strawberries and a tablespoon of honey. Together with my coffee and cream, my breakfast came in at 299 calories - not too shabby and pretty yummy.

    Patty, your on-line class in nutrition sounds so interesting.

    I have my first job as an independent consultant on Thursday. I need to spend today preparing. It should be pretty fun.

    More later. Have a good day, my friends.

    K in NEGA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I woke up this morning to discover there is no water counter on my phone app. Has anyone else had this problem? I use an iPhone. I did send MFP an email message but haven't had a reply yet.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon