

  • strassenkoenigin
    Sorry, I always forget to sign with my name

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Boy what a slacker day! I slept in again and didn’t get anything of use accomplished~ Oh well. I’ll go in tomorrow and see what I can get done. I did call a bank about refinancing one of our rentals with a very high interest rate, so that gave me something to think about.

    It’s in the 90s today but it’s cloudy, so it hasn’t been bad. We had a rabbit go postal on us last night and tipped over several pots on the deck…some down the steps! He must have been one hungry little guy, but each pot was turned totally upside down, so he got nothing to eat in the end!

    Benny Beagle’s foot is finally starting to look better. I took the cone off for a while yesterday and he spent about 2 hours scratching his ears! Then he started licking again, so the cone went back on. Poor guy.

    Gloria: I guess it was an eye=rolling kind of day! Hope it’s better today

    Cindy: thanks for the good wishes! I still think the best decision is for her to allow the baby to be adopted, but that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part!

    Rita; so glad you had a great Sunday! I’m looking forward to the report on your new doctor.

    Heather: that’s too bad about your friends not coming to see you because of alcohol. Well it’s their loss. My plane is landing shortly and I think all the other ladies here are in the cargo hatch!

    Diane: nice to see you here again

    Renny: congrats on your loss! I agree about the wine…for me it leads to snacking or several glasses. I do love my wine though.

    Katla: good for you to have a plan in place. I’m glad you like your new stylist. That’s awful about the cats. I am a huge cat lover but think they belong inside where they can’t disturb the wildlife. Six cats is too many even for me (don’t tell my hubby I said that!) and I always wanted to be a crazy old cat lady!

    Jane: I’m with you. I hate it when people don’t return calls. That is so rude and unprofessional

    Sylvia: I bet you could have a huge market if your foods were no-sugar added for all us diabetics!

    Michele: good luck to Vince with the colonoscopy. I have always had stumps ground down so I have no advice on the acid

    Cynthia: all you can do is the best you can when you are not in charge of your food

    Joyce: I remember your mil’s daughter and your posts about her. I hope you come to a decision that is best for you. I think I would be tempted to not say anything

    Patty: your new adventures sound interesting and they will keep you busy!

    Margaret your class sounds interesting even if it wasn’t exactly what you planned on

    Carol: good for you to report that family! Those poor kids need better! …Later…good for you for following through!

    Vicki: what is so hard about the birthday situation is that we can’t be sure with Tanya’s communication problems that she ever actually invited the bf and got a commitment. She could easily have said “They are going bowling for his birthday” thinking that was an invitation. The friend that came over texted DH last night and said “Do you know how to give Tanya directions that she understands?” They were meeting at a pizza place and Tanya couldn’t find it and the friend could not explain it to her.

    Syliva; great joke!

    Ok time to get my rear up out of this chair and do something productive! Have a good night all. Take care, Meg from cloudy Omaha
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    August already! I have no resolutions other than to keep on keeping on.
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    I am still trying to get off the stubborn stall in weight loss! Good news is that my sister and niece have joined me. Hopefully they stick with it for a while!
  • loslunascatherine
    loslunascatherine Posts: 14 Member
    Happy August ladies. It seems I just got a little late start. Better late than...

    I was doing so well until the last week and thanks to being on my fitness pal I am able to turn it back around. I learned I should not eat bread, cheese, or ice cream. These somehow sneaked back into my diet so they are out the door again and I am back on track.

    My goal right now is to continue to progress in my weight loss by continually adjusting to a better diet and exercise program. So, now that certain foods have been tossed and I am back on track with my healthy foods I will concentrate on exercise. Walking at least 20 minutes a day plus stretching and pilates for 20 minutes for 5 days a week. I am doing the 30 days Arms Challenge also.

    Catherine in New Mexico
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I have had a BAD start to August.
    I am still dealing with the problems DGD made during her visit. It was only 2 weeks instead of the 2 months she asked for thank goodness.Stan told her to go home after 1 week. She had promised to pay towards food, petrol etc and we saw nothing. Also cost me $90 to sort out problems with 2 Trojans and 26 items of malware she had let through. Microsoft were astonished at how she had changed my computer. McAfee no help as things got through. Now with PCMRI that microsoft put on ($50 for the year and $499 next year for life of computer) plus SpeedmaxPC to keep me safe. She Is NOT coming again and glad she is in Victoria.
    I sorted out my files, throwing old papers in fire, sorted my wardrobe and drawers. Good clothes to charity shop and not good burned. Feels like a fresh start.
    I am logging all my food again and went back to training this morning, it keeps me sane.
    Food was NOT good really last few days whyilst I was dealing with my emotions and sorting the house out as well as ME.
    I feel so much better for sorting stuff out. Budget should be sorted by end of August and get back on track again. Hard when both on pension.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    August Goals

    1. Pure Barre at least 3 times a week.
    2.10,000 steps 3 days a week.
    3. Stay under calorie goal 6 days a week.
    4. Enjoy exercising and eating healthy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello to all my great vitamin F pals…..I have been busy but found some time just now to read all the posts…….I have started rereading “The Happiness Project” and in keeping with the secret of adulthood, “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”, I will write a short reply and not worry about replying individually.

    :laugh: :laugh: Bernie, the cat, has decided that he likes to sleep on my laptop computer and if I leave it open and walk away for a minute, he lies down on the keyboard and has managed to turn it off several times.

    :flowerforyou: Jake will be house-sitting (also caring for three poodles and two horses) for a friend for most of the next two weeks (another friend will be doing a part of the time) so I’ll be home alone quite a bit during the days and at night…..that will mean more time to do some projects I want to do and a lot more dog walking and other chores since he won’t be here to do them. Today Jake bathed the dogs and started grooming them….he’ll finish tomorrow before he starts his house-sitting job.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yesterday I walked for almost two hours with my friend along the Olympic Discovery Trail in perfect weather…..I ended the day with over 35,000 steps.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I've made the call. :brokenheart: Thanks, Gloria, for your input. Sometimes, even though you know what is right, it seems hard to take that first step. I feel sad, but relieved.

    I totally understand how hard it must have been but I would agree that it's the right thing. xo
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Anne ,

    I agree with you. I brought up GMO's, genetically modified foods, at the class yesterday when we were talking about where the source of our food comes from in terms of safety and tracking it. The food companies are fighting labeling it because of the cost and the negative connotation.

    The speaker from the food corporation explained why Coke went to High Fructose corn syrup. Yes it was the cheapest sweetener in the U.S. In Asia they do the same thing they do to corn only they do it to a tapioca plant. Again because it is the cheapest way to sweeten it. Brazil and Mexico use sugar because you guessed it. It is the cheapest way to sweeten it.

    Unfortunately these companies respond to what people want or convince people to want it instead of looking at what people need to be healthy. Foods that are nutrient dense often do not have the shelf life and potential for profit of foods that contain fat, sugar (or sugar substitute), and salt.

    The burden for our health comes back to us and the choices we make. It is not easy resisting foods high in sugar, fats, and salt. Learning more about these issues helps me resist these kinds of foods. These foods may be cheaper to produce and have convenience. Yet, their true cost is the long term effect they have on health because they do not provide the nutrients that keep people healthy. I agree Anne we need business to change their focus toward health. I expect it would be a very painful process for them. As you also pointed out Anne sometimes they add to the weight problems facing this country and others.

    My diet is not perfect but I try to eat a high fiber diet high vegetables, fruits, nuts with small amount of meat and dairy with an occasional sweet. I know I am fortunate to be able to make these kind of choices. Keeping on this kind of diet and the support I find here I have maintained my weight loss for two years.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Carol I am proud of you for making the call. The children needed someone to speak up for them since they cannot do it for themselves. I hope the system is able to respond quickly because of the dangers they face and have faced.

    Lesley sorry about your DGD. Sad for both of you she wore out her welcome and left a mess behind too. Are you able to ask her to help pay for those repairs and remind her of her offer to pay for those other things she said she would pay for? At least she would know how much damage she caused even if she doesn't help. It should then come as no surprise she would not be welcomed back until she pays something in good faith.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • fitotrim
    fitotrim Posts: 37 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am glad to find this group! Now that iam retired, maybe I can actually keep a food journal. Myprevious attempts have not been succesful.
    Barb in SW idaho
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of walking on the treadmill today at 1% incline, 4mph. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Vince is on a clear liquid diet in prep for his colonoscopy Thurs. So in his honor (since he doesn't like eggs) I'm going to have eggs for dinner!

    Joyce - no, it is not your nature at all not to say "happy birthday" Do what your heart tells you to do.

    Patty - that nutrition class sounds awesome! Who are you taking the course thru? I think that would be really interesting, it's maybe something that I would be interested in.

    Cathi - welcome. What part of FL are you in right now? Is it really hot?

    Carol in NC - that's wonderful of you to be trying to help those children as much as you can. Gloria is right, you only have to report to yourself.

    Vicki - there's usually someone at the door checking your Sams card here. I always thought it really strange, why have someone there (and incur the cost to pay them) when you can't check out without a card except on the time when they have a sort-of "open house" but even then you have to pay something extra if you're not a member

    I'm thinking that maybe next winter for the bowling I'd just be a sub. There are too many beautiful days when there's something that I want/need to do at home and can't because I'm committed to the bowling. And they feel they have to have 4 people on a team which means that we're there usually all day. I realize that for some people this is their only socialization, but I have other things to do. I don't know what I'm going to do. Also thinking about going over to another bowling alley, their senior league is on Mondays. If we continue to have Newcomer bowling on Wednesdays, I might change because bowling twice in one day is just too much. But then again, there are a number of bowlers on the Newcomer league who are also on the senior league and I know they'd like to switch to another day.

    Carol - you did the right thing as far as I'm concerned.

    lbtweksbury - welcome! Unfortunately, it seems that one of the side effects of turning 50 is that it's harder and harder to lose the weight. But it CAN be done, as so many ladies on here have illustrated

    Talking about the crap food that big businesses sell us, why not charge for that food based on how many calories something has in it? Like if it contain 1,000 calories, it would cost $10. Consequently, if it had 500 calories in it, it would cost $5. So you can still buy your Big Mac, you'd just be paying for it (in more ways than one). As it is now, food that is high in calories/salt, etc are usually priced low. Food that's decent is priced higher. So what do people who are on a very limited income choose? The food that's cheaper and not as heathy for you. But if the good food was cheaper, they'd choose that.

    Meg - my daughter gave me a magnet for my car that says "one cat away from being the crazy cat lady". A friend just said to me "honey, that ship has passed".

    AnneCarolOne - great that your sister and niece have joined you!

    Catherine - I no longer have any desire for breads. Someone brought some sort of bread to the social, I had a piece but I really didn't enjoy it one bit and wished that I hadn't had it. Good luck to you!

    barbie - our cats like to lay on my laptop case

    Barb in Idaho - welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • sharim1948
    Happy August. I am new to this group as of today and to the forum also.
    My name is Sharon and I am 66...
    This group sounds like a great place to land...

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    After numberous tubes of sunscreen, three pairs of work gloves, one pair of work shorts and one work top, two pairs of work socks, one pair of work sneakers, numerous bottles of shampoo, many bars of soap, the riverrock is FINISHED

    Here's hoping this posts:




  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    OK, that din't work, let's try again:

    After numberous tubes of sunscreen, three pairs of work gloves, one pair of work shorts and one work top, two pairs of work socks, one pair of work sneakers, numerous bottles of shampoo, many bars of soap, the riverrock is FINISHED

    Here's hoping this posts:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    ok, what am I doing wrong?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    OK, going to try something else:




  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    hmmmm....that sort-of worked, needs to be resized so that you see the whole picture
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    My goals for August are to exercise every day. Whether I go to the gym, walk, skate, hike or lift weights, my goal is to do something everyday. AND use my treadmill desk at work for at least an hour each day.

    Second part of that goal is to drop three pounds in August.