

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    One last time, I can't seem to figure out how to resize in tinypic




    I'm going to try this one last time. I THINK I figured out how to resize them
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    hmmmm...that didn't seem to do it either. How do I get the full pic here?
  • strassenkoenigin
    Margaret and everybody else who is concerned about our food

    Here is an article about protests against the big corporations, we have to become more active. Other countries do not allow GMOs


    I can see your pics fine. Nice river rocks
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Nope -- I give up, maybe someone can help me???
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle I just copied the addresss and looked at them. Nice pool, no very nice pool and a LOT of river rock.

    mewkatrinah, RVing all year. Sounds enchanting. My daughter worked at a National Park one summer and they have wonderful programs that seniors go there with their RV, live there for the summer or whatever season and work at the park. I think it souldn wonderful. She worked through their 'Christian ministry in the national park. The park gives you a job which lets you live in their dorms and then you work in a christian ministry somewhere in the park. She worked at the Grand Canyon and helped lead services right on the rim 3 times every Sunday, her fiance led the services and she led the music. Other people in the program led similar services in the campgrounds. They worked in the Hope House which is right on the rim also. They also get to purchase anything for 50% off the whole time they are there which let us stay there for 50% off and anytime they were with us our food was 50% off.

    Rita, congrats on your new beds. I wish my husband would finally let go of his money and buy a good bed. Your story of the two twin beds reminds me of when we were newlyweds. We moved into my apartment which had 2 twin beds. Our landlord would not let us move another bed in there so Sears had a foam insert we could put between the beds to make it one bed. Well everyone here knows what newlyweds do:smooched: , one night our beds collapsed because we didn't choose one side of the bed to get it on. We were in the middle. We can laugh about it now.

    Carol, yes by all means you did the right thing. I don't think she deserves to be called the kids Mom. She may have given birth to them but she was not a Mom. 15 minutes to move everything in to a dorm?????? How can that be done? When we first moved out girls into the dorms when they were freshmen the orientation crew was out en masse to meet every car who drove up into the parking lot and they just swarmed around us and got everything. Our oldest had a pappasan chair and that was known as the sattelite dish for the whole 4 years she was there. One of the big strong good looking guys called it that and it stuck.

    Sylvia, I loved your joke today!!!!

    I am having a senior moment right now and can't remember who is from Tasmania. But every time I read where you are from it takes me back to my pregnancy days with my oldest. I had the worst nightmare about a Tasmanian devil underneath my house. Of course the character was the cartoon charachter and not the real animal.

    Had my echocardiogram today. Always interesting to watch. Also it allowed me to get my monitor off my chest for awhile and get new electrode patches put on. I think my appointment with the doctor is in 3 months though so unless something is dreadfully wrong I won't hear from her until then.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Meg – glad DD#1 is welcoming you in.

    ATL Gail – it is tough to balance work, but here is cheering you on!!!

    Joyce – I am glad (I guess) that you are having dizzy spells, as then maybe they can figure out what is wrong, but I am also sorry to hear you still have them. :smile:

    MNMargaret – sorry to hear Son is not making good choices.

    Lesley – glad you found us again!!!

    Michele – hope DH’s colonoscopy goes well..

    Sylvia – good job on releasing more weight!!! And 191 is so much lower then you were- it is skinny!!!

    Katla – what a weird event to have a neighbor just walk in… and feeding raccoons in her house? That is just darn stupid! Good luck figuring this all out.

    Heather – what a great time you all will have!!! Food sounds good!

    Pat – our food pantry’s will take sealed packages or garden fruits/veggies but nothing “pre-made”

    Juanita – great that exercise = camp food!!! – I love camping 

    Rita – Good job !! and the goals maybe stretch goals, but that is good, and there is no failure – just doing your best and carrying over to next month….

    Heather – I want to come!!!! If the drinking and driving/staying is the issue what about you meeting the gals ½ way for lunch?

    Diane – welcome back, I can’t do selfies either –

    Renny – congrats on the pound released!!!

    Katla – glad you liked your new stylist! And that you are going to see DD and DGD !

    Joyce – ridding your life of “toxic” people is a good thing, and just like any other poison it is not ok to have just a sip…. Keep on staying away from her.

    Patty – the classes sound great!

    Cathi – welcome we can be your virtual support group!!
    Rita – great job on breaking the walking into do-able chunks!

    Carol – it wasn’t me who asked, but I was thinking of you. First thing Call DDS (child protective services) who ever you need to call in that area! Those kids need a responsible adult!!! Later: good job calling, I know it was tough but you did the right thing as we all are agreeing!

    As for the next place to live – do not settle on a place you will not like; you may have to compromise a little; but just keep looking there is the “perfect” place out there for you.

    The taxes you refer to are they sales tax? Property tax?

    Ibtewksbury, Sharon- welcome!! Where are you from?

    Barbie – 35000 steps!!! Wow!!!

    So I feel like I missed welcoming a newbie.... so If I missed you welcome!!!

    Last night was amazing - Fondue and martini's - I had a peanut brittle martini, it was divine! a gorgonzola and field greens salad, then Cheese fondue made with sharp cheddar, beer, basil pesto, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes the dippers were veggies and bread, I did almost all veggies... so good, but split between 4 so not too much. then entree fondue (ok now we are all eating too much) One pot of veggie bouillon to cook in and one pot of hot oil. We had breaded mushrooms, yams, broccoli, bell pepper, (then 2 each of the following) coconut shrimp, sesame crusted ahi, bacon wrapped beef tenderloin, honey almond chicken, blackened salmon, smoked sausage - then Chocolate fondue - with a splash of Baileys - fruit and cake as dippers...

    Heaven only knows how many calories... I just enjoyed it and got back on track this morning... It was so much fun, that I am already thinking I would like to make it an annual tradition.

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xx
    Walk 45 minutes a day xxxxx
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 1st week done.

    Kim from N. California
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All You Awesome People,
    I feel really good today. Yesterday I worked 9.5 hrs, went home and cut the grass then went in and made dinner, cleaned up the dishes and made lunch for today.
    I know for a fact that if I work out or get a work out (like mowing) I have more energy, can accomplish more afterwards and my mood is better, yet I still end up way to many times going home from sitting at a desk all day to vegging on the couch at night"because I'm so tired"! It's crazy, I feel so much better when I'm moving.
    If I forgot to mention it, the massage last Friday was a disappointment. She was not very good, the hour ended up as 45 minutes and her stomach (which was level with the bed) growled numerous times. It was free so I just chalked it up to an experience and let it go.

    Our Y is closed for the next two days for maintenence. They will be cleaning the pool, putting in a new womens locker room floor, painting everywhere and I'm sure other stuff. Our building is 100 years old this year and we will be having a big event to celebrate so they want the building to sparkle. It does have an awesome history, it has always been a Y but remember the YMCA use to be a men's only vacility. The building is spectacular.

    OK, must get to work.

    Anyone interested in the free classes, they are on-line, it is easier for you to go to the site than for me to try to give you all the information. Just look up www.coursera.org. There are loads of free classes, classes that are timed, some that are go at your own pace, I believe there is a way to get credit for them if you pay but I am just taking them for the learning experience at this point.

    Welcome to the newbies, prayers for all who are struggling, and hoping today is a great day for all.
    God Bless,
    Patty Cincinnati OH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. At least I hope it is. Didn't sleep much last night. Laid awake for hours and finally got out of bed about 5:30. I don't know what the problem was, but it have a lot to do today, so can't worry about it.

    We were planning to have a BBQ at the lake today, and got all geared up for that, then my son called last night and asked if we could move it to our regular house instead, because it's closer and he has less distance to drive in the hot weather. It was pushing 100 yesterday and today promises to be just as bad. That makes a lot of sense, but now I have to clean this house. I had the other one all ready to go.

    He also told me about more trouble with his ex. She is saying things to the oldest granddaughter to try to get her to want to live with her instead of her dad. He said the poor little thing had a total meltdown the night before after talking to her mom on the phone. And he is pretty sure that it has less to do with the ex's love and concern for her daughter and more to do with the fact that she would get more in benefits if she had a child living with her. I could just strangle the witch with my bare hands. So, he says he is going to have to curtail their contact for a little while. He even mentioned that he has been considering relocating to get them farther away from her. She is really a toxic personality. Always has been. But the kids really love her, of course, so he has tried really hard to keep her in their lives. It's such a mess.

    Michele, your pool is beautiful! All that stone! My goodness. Seven years ago when we bought the cabin we gad a load of gravel delivered got the driveway and we were out there shoveling gravel for three or four weekends. I thought it was going to kill me. And that was nothing compared to your rock. Great job!

    Well, I may go try to get a little more sleep.

    Have a great day.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    DD works at a grade school. They are required by law to report any suspected neglect/abuse.Then it is out of their hands & investigated by children's services.Teachers,aides etc go to classes learning how it works.
    Where children are concerned,we all need to help.
    Carol,thank you for making that call.Know it wasn't an easy diceison.
    I've made the call. :brokenheart: Thanks, Gloria, for your input. Sometimes, even though you know what is right, it seems hard to take that first step. I feel sad, but relieved.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 351 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Today I will strength training for upper body and then treadmill. I did about 30 minutes of yoga to start. I have updated my profile photo with the real me. I also added some "tummy shots" on my profile page. I've officially come out of hiding.

    Michele, beautiful! That's all I can say!

    Sylvia, enjoy your BBQ, a little rest first.

    Joyce and Kim, yes I agree on getting toxic people out of your life. In my case, even if they are loved ones, you have to take care of yourself.

    I am out of time again. Welcome all new ladies. Hugs to all!

    Cindy in OK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning!

    On the subject of GMOs, I have been fully convinced for years that our tainted food source is directly responsible for many illnesses, disorders, cancers, etc. I'm am quite sure there's a direct link to the the drastic increase in pancreatic cancer. We can write as many letters, stand outside of the violators with big signs but it hasn't and likely won't make a diff (I do still sign petitions when given the opportunity and base my voting choices on those who are less likely to sell out for $$ since that's what it's all about). The only think that does is educating the public (a huge task since many just don't care and don't buy into it) and not buying the crap they're selling. Stepping off my soapbox.....

    Determined to post a 2 pound loss next Monday so I'm staying my course and crossing my fingers.

    Going to try harder today to focus on my product line updates, etc.

    Happy day to all!

    xo- Gloria in sun shiny Metro Detroit
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I found all the following about Moderation in all things.

    “Moderation in all things, especially moderation.”
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “Everything in moderation, and that includes moderation itself.”
    ― Tadahiko Nagao
    “Everything is good in moderation. Even moderation.”
    ― Iveta Cherneva
    Everything in moderation, even the truth”
    ― Marty Rubin
    The saying μηδεν αγαν (meden agan) was inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi. It means "nothing in excess".

    In Aristotle's Rhetoric it is attributed to Chilo, one of the Seven Sages of ancient Greece.
    "Do everything in moderation, including moderation."

    Benjamin Franklin
    "Moderation in all things"

    This line from Andria, written in the second century B.C. by the Roman playwright Terence, echoes the "Golden Mean" emphasized two centuries earlier by Aristotle. But the concept of moderation as a means to a virtuous life is believed to have been inspired by the Seven Sages (c650-c550 B.C.), including Thales, Solon, Periander, Cleobulus, Chilon, Bias and Pittacus, who as a group and individually are credited for many sayings throughout antiquity.
    I found this in Yahoo Answers:
    The phrase, "Moderation in all things," is common extrapolation of Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean (as presented in his Nicomachean Ethics). His ethic works around finding the mean, or middle ground, between excess and deficiency. An example of this would be his presentation of courage being the happy medium between the extreme of rash action and the deficiency of cowardice, in respect to a person's possible action in the face of danger.

    It should be noted that Aristotle's ethic is often misundertood by its summary: moderation in all things. It is frequently reasoned by those unfamiliar with context that the common phrase means that a person should approach all things (whether healthy or unhealthy) with moderation; therefore, reasoning that a moderate amount of a bad thing can be indulged is not uncommon to find. This is an inaccurate representation of the perspective summarized in the popular phrase.

    But what about Scripture? Though there is no direct quotation matching the proverb, Paul does use a similar idea in his description of the successful athlete:

    And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown (1 Corinthians 9:25).

    While Paul could be making reference to an Aristotalean sort of ethic of moderation here, it is more likely that the phrase translated here as "temperate in all things" should be better rendered as "wholly self-controlled" or "entirely self-disciplined." Several alternative translations favour this reading of the text. Thayer's Greek Lexicon notes that Paul is presenting the figure of an athlete who trains himself, taking charge of his body, abstaining from "unwholesome foods, wine, and sexual indulgence" that he might perform at the peak of his potential prowess.

    @ MNMargaret – Sounds like you have a son like mine. I agree, he/they got themselves into the mess, they are adults and need to get themselves back on track.

    @ Katla49 – I have a herniated disk too at my L5-s1. I chose to not have surgery and went to a chiropractor instead. It took a long time to heal and acts up every now and then but I did not want the surgery.

    @exermom – Great job on the rocks (and pictures!)

    Rita from CT
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    OH! Forgot to compliment the fruits of your hard labor exermom! Looks like a sanctuary :smile:
  • sharim1948
    Good morning all. To answer your question I am from Apache Junction, Arizona....where the temps are in triple digits at the moment....Love the desert...

    There is so much to read on this page, but I will get through it...Success my first day....05lb...the scale has moved...I will take it..

    Sharon from Arizona
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Thanks to all you for your support for my decision to call DSS. I led another Safe Sanctuaries training session last night at church and I talked to the class about my call. NC law states very clearly and succinctly that anyone who suspects abuse is required by law to report it. I explained to them that, although it was hard for me to do, I couldn't ignore what I was hearing and seeing. I know that many of you are not necessarily religious, but during my training, I use a quote from Matthew 18 that says "...whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. If anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." That is how I feel about it, too!

    Kim - The taxes I referred to are property taxes. It adds up to about $2,000 per year. I have a pretty small income and $2,000 makes enough difference in the mortgage payment to really make me hesitate. My car is 13 years old and that $167 a month is enough for a used car payment. I don't want to stretch myself until I am worried about it all the time, but I also do hope to have a new job by this time next year!

    Michele - Your pool area looks amazing! All that rock!!! :noway: :noway: I don't know if you tried it, but on photobucket, you can resize your pictures. That may be what you need to do to make them small enough to show up the way you want.

    Joyce - I hope they find something from the monitor! One never wants to hear bad news, but I feel that if I know what I'm fighting then I have a better chance of winning. My son and I have both worn Holter monitors which are no fun, but they are at least short term.

    Rita - I think you asked what medications we were using for depression. I have been taking Prozac for close to fifteen years. They tried me on different drugs but nothing worked as well. For the past five (?) years or so, I have been taking Wellbutrin in addition to the Prozac. They work together marvelously!! My daughter takes the same combination except at higher dosages and she is also pleased. My son started out taking Zoloft but his current psychiatrist switched him to Prozac which seems to be working well for him, too. Both of my children take mood stabilizers in addition to the anti-depressants. My daughter takes Abilify and my son takes Seroquel. I hope you find something that works well for you very quickly!

    Heather - I understand about the friends who won't visit because they can't drink. I have had friends like that and it was really annoying. I spent years being the designated driver because I can't drink alcohol (sets off a bonfire in my stomach) but I really got tired of it. Being sober meant being able to see just how obnoxious they become when they drink to excess. I don't see much of them anymore.

    Meg - You sound like you are using your summer vacation wisely. :tongue: I think it's great if you can spend this last week or two relaxing instead of scurrying about.

    I didn't mean to mislead anyone about the 15 minute car unloading. I believe that we unload everything out onto the sidewalk/lawn and then folks are there to help move it to his room. The cars can stay there only 15 minutes--we have longer to haul everything upstairs.

    I get to go look at condos/townhomes on Friday! I am excited about looking but am sad that I don't have anyone to take with me. It's much more fun and effective if there are more sets of eyes. My daughter will be at work and I can't figure out anyone else who lives around here that would understand my lifestyle enough to help me. This is just a preview sort of thing anyway, so I guess it's okay. I'll definitely take someone with me before I buy.

    One more thing before I go...Even though my eating was fairly atrocious yesterday (too much stress eating and dinner at 9 p.m.), I hit a personal best at 20,116 steps (10.82 miles). My legs were very tired, but it felt soooo good!! :happy: Off to get in some steps right now before I hit the work stuff again!

    Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Michele ... Wow! .... Just Wow!! Wanna come up North and fix my pool area? :tongue:

    Carol ... It seems the right decisions are also the toughest. You made the right decision.

    Just popping in today ... it's been crazy around here ... someone got their shovel out and has been heaping the "you no what " all over my husband and I! Bad luck comes in threes?? Nah ... try more like 20 and 33s ... sheesh ...

    Diet is going so-so ... exercise not happening right now.

    Beth in WNY
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Reading Carol's post on meds for depression made me remember to share this with you all. My oldest son has not been responding well to his psych treatment. We had genetic testing done and discovered that while he was on Zoloft he might as well have been taking a placebo. He doesn't have enough "receptors" for the Zolot to actually do anything. Which is why many of these drugs work for some and not others ... we all have different DNA. Something to consider if you're hitting a brick wall.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Welcome Sharon.:flowerforyou:
    Michele,thanks for sharing the pics,beautiful
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of yoga today and an hour of the deep water class. Tomorrow's plan is to do the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD.

    Joyce - for the first time ever, I AM sore. I wasn't this sore last year and so far this year. I'm sure I know what it's from tho. We put the rest of the riverrock up behind the retaining wall by the upper patio. That meant I not only had to shovel it into the sifter, I tried to sift as much dirt as possible off so that it hopefully wouldn't get into Vince's eyes when we dumped it, then pull the cart up a pretty steep hill to where we put it down. Actually, after that deep water class today, my back is feeling better. That is so funny about your bed as a newlywed!

    mewkatrinah - Vince said when he retired he wanted to get an RV and go on the NASCAR circuit. I wasn't too happy about that, I don't think I would have gone. So we bought this house.

    Just made Vince more jello. He can have broth, but he won't eat (drink) that, tea, but that's a no go. Jello is about the only thing on this clear liquid that he'll eat. Well.....that's his choice. I used to quick set jello (ice cubes) so hope this works well. I want him to have at least SOMETHING

    Patty - when we lived in Stroudsburg, I don't know how old the Y building was, but the upstairs was where the men lived. Last we went there, it's now the daycare. But it certainly is interesting.

    Cindy 781 - your pic is beautiful

    Thank you everyone for your coments about our pool. I just wish I knew how to post the entire pic from tiny pic or how to get the pic to post from photobucket. Anyone???

    Sharon - congratulations!

    Carol in NC - the photos that showed up were the ones I used tinypic from. I don't know how to resize them in photobucket or if I need to. I'd be happy just getting the pics to post because the ones in tinypic didn't post the whole pic

    I just posted the pics on facebook if anyone cares to take a peek.

    Still don't know how to get them to post here....hmmmm....

    Michele in NC