

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Mimi - I think you need a bit of the motto from The Happiness Project. Barbie and I both find it very helpful. I have made it my goal and motto for the year. It has changed my life more than anything.


    The saying comes from Voltaire who got it from someone else.

    Life doesn't have to be black or white. Most of us just muddle along doing the best we can. One meal, one mouthful, one day is not going to make any difference in the long run. It is the general direction that counts, over the long term.
    Yesterdsy I went way over my calories for lunch. I then ate too much cheese for my snack. A few years ago that would have destryed me and I would have spent the rest of the day pigging out. Yesterday I managed to come in 1 calorie under. Even if I hadn't it wouldn't have been the end of the world.
    Too high an expectation of yourself leads to shame and self reproach and then to giving up. Self compassion and laughing at oneself leads to resilience and giving it another go. No one is perfect and there is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself at a party. Especially if you kept the overall calories down. I would count that as a huge NSV! Congratulations!
    You are doing so well and it is so great to have a forum like this where you can put it out there. Yesterday I only managed becsuse I confessed on here in time and that helped me pull myself together. We need each other.
    My very best wishes to you. Be kind to yourself.

    Lots of love Heather UK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    It has been a very busy day! Meetings most of the day. :yawn: I took an hour to get my medical records for the doc app. tomorrow. He didn't order the tests so doesn't have access to them. That will save time. My DH keeps saying how good this new dr is. I'll see. I really hope he is as good as DH thinks because I really need to get the depression/sleepiness gone and the leaks fixed ASAP. They may be very related. In checking my records, I saw that my A1C has risen from 6.1 to 6.2 :grumble: (6 months ago it was 5.8), so something going on there. Maybe all related to the leak. I hope fixing that will help with my other issues. That too will be seen. :ohwell:

    I have decided on my new gym but am waiting on the dr appt. to switch. I don't want to start then have to stop b/c of surgery. That will be seen too. I hate waiting. :explode: Time slows down. Well, I have to do some school work so will update everyone tomorrow on the doc visit.

    Thanks for the info on depression meds those who gave it.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the kind words on the moderation post. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Hugs and thoughts to all who need them.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to newbies and feel free to vent, ask questions, or use this group as a sounding board (or counseling session!:sad: ) We are here for you! :flowerforyou:

    Rita from CT
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I lurked a bit but don't think I checked in today. Lots of action around here. Glad to read that most are following their path, or finding their way back.

    Took Aaron out to a trail I haven't been to in a while to bike earlier today. Forgot how much I love it. Have to go back this weekend without him so I can enjoy, and ride much longer than we did today, it without the whining and complaining.

    I did a sneak weigh in this morning and it looks like I'm going to hit my goal for Monday (keeping fingers crossed).

    To the newer posters who are finding that all the effort in the world is not resulting in weight loss, it's the story of my past 4+ years. I am only losing VERY SLOWLY right now because I'm sticking around 1,200 calories (which I've done before without success) and following a plan of high protein and low carbs that is majorly "real" food (the Pure Protein bar has been my friend a little more than it should have over the past 6 weeks). There are days that that I eat 1,400-1,500 but it's usually when I burned a lot of exercise calories that day. Sadly, there are still plenty of times that I feel "unsatisfied" but the truth of the matter is that we have to choose between change and sacrifice to lose weight and eating what we feel like deserve and not....at least some of us anyhow.

    Zumba again tomorrow morning and I think I'll hit the pool for a bit after. Have a couple of orders to get out and am feeling the school shopping and the need to get all the rest of the summer stuff in before it's too late pressure squeeze in on me.

    Wishing everyone a great night.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Well have an apt to see tomorow,I really don`t want to live in an apt,hubby thinks I1m too fussy.
    I want to live in a townhse or house if possible.W`ell see.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did 50 minutes of the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Gilad's Step and Tone DVD.

    Anne - one of the things that impressed me when we went to Switzerland was how they have an area specifically for bikes right at the train station. They discourage the use of automobiles, if we took the car to the food store you had to pay to get into the parking lot. The downside is if you buy a lot, it's hard to haul it all home. But then again, they didn't have a freezer so you really couldn't buy a whole lot. When my kids were little, I'd let them eat at fast food chains, but it was maybe once/month if that much.

    Renny - so glad about your mom, but I'm sure if she'd passed away you would have let us know. Even better that she's now in better spirits. I'm sure it's so hard being so far away. I don't see anything at all wrong with turkey and mango. That reminds me that I have some mango in my freezer, but I want to finish up the fresh fruit first, that'll go bad long before the frozen fruit will

    Like I mentioned before, I haven't bought any ice cream FOR ME this entire summer. The frozen grapes are sufficing. They're better for me, anyway.

    Cindy781 - which movie did you see? Go to the less expensive matinees, huh? We have a theater here that just raised their prices to $3. You can bet that's where we go lots. What do you mean you don't take good photos? Awesome tummy pics!

    Sylvia - remember when your way of knowing when to go home for dinner was when the street lights came on it was time for dinner?

    Pam - You go girl! I agree with katla, maybe swimming?

    katla - to me, anything sweetened with aspartame had such an awful aftertaste that I'd avoid it. Right now, I avoid as much as possible any artificial sweetener. Unfortunately, many things sweetened with sucralose also have that potassium sulfame (I think that's how it's spelled) in it which was rated very low. But you can find some items with just the sucralose in it.

    Christina - I did the Power Sculpt DVD today, too!!! Which parts do you do?

    lbtewksbury - I know where Okeechobee is! We have a condo in Titusville

    Exercised, then took Vince for his colonoscopy. Did some crocheting while I was waiting for him. He really wanted something to eat (that I can fully understand) so we went to Subway. He wanted to go to Five Guys but even the nurse said that he should introduce food back into his system slowly, that Five Guys probably isn't the best choice right now. Came home and went in the pool for a bit, then did a little food shopping so I'd have the things for dinner tomorrow. Made an apple struesel cake for tomorrow and have the chicken thighs marinating in the refrig. Tomorrow I'll exercise and then probably clean the house (just vacuum and a few other little things), make the fruit compote. Oh, and vacuum the spa.

    Michele in NC
  • strassenkoenigin
    I decided to do at least an hour of Yoga every day. I used to do a lot of Yoga and the classes were always 90 minutes. So one hour seems short to me. I need to stretch my muscles more I am spending too many hours on my bike using the same muscles in the same way for hours.

    Despite all my hours of biking, (I joined the August bike challenge and am trying to ride 800 miles this month) I am not losing any weight. It is a little bit frustrating, but maybe I am retaining water. It is very hot and I have tendency to forget to drink water.

    I had a little success story today. My bathtub faucet had been leaking for quite some time and I finally tried to fix it. I googled it and watched some videos on Utube and visited my nearest Homedepot to get the material. There I was confronted with a sales person (male), who obviously knew less than me about how to fix the faucet, but insisted that I had to hire a plumber.
    I do not know if that happens to other women too, but I quite often run into that situation that some man assumes right away that a little old lady cannot do any repairs. Well, I have been doing house repairs successfully for years and I told him so. But as I said, he was really not knowledgeable and I had to go home without the cartridges and tools I needed.
    That was yesterday. Today I went to the other Homedepot only to run in the same situation. The plumber on duty was not in and the sales persons available had no idea how to help me. But in the meantime I had seen so many videos that I knew what to buy. I removed the old cartridges , inserted the new ones and no more leaks!! Then I wrote to Homedepot and told them that they should tell their sales persons that this is DIY store for women too, not only for men. That made me feel better.


    I grew up at the boarder to Switzerland. Everybody there bikes a lot. It is a way of life. I am so used to it that I feel guilty to use a car to run errands. People also walk a lot. I remember that my parents went hiking every single weekend. I have my best childhood memories from that.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I had so much fun tonight. Went to my friend's house for painting night. We did abstracts tonight, and it was really fun.

    Michele, we lived out in the country. No street lights. We sort of watched the sky to see where the sun was. It worked pretty well. When it was at a certain point we knew it was time to go home. My dad and grandpa could be out in the field working and always made it home for lunch on time, and never had a watch. They could tell time by the sun. Of course, when they started having daylight savings time, all bets were off.

    Anne, it's amazing how much more bicycles are used in Europe. We went to Sweden a few years ago and at the train station we were stunned at the number of bicycles parked there. Not many cars, but a million bicycles.

    Hubby and I were cleaning out the cabinets in the laundry room Saturday, and he found a whole pile of shoulder pads that I had removed from my blouses years ago. (That cabinet has not been sorted in about 17 years, during the shoulder pad and big hair era.) Must have been 15 pairs. Hubby was very confused. He thought they were used to stuff in bras. Made me laugh.

    Good night ladies!

  • strassenkoenigin

    I have to comment on your frozen grapes. I freeze al lot of fruit, and then I blend it with a little bit of milk or yogurt and I have instant ice cream. At the moment raspberries are very cheap and I bought a few pounds yesterday and froze them..
    My favorite ice cream for the summer though has a little bit more calories. It is an Indian ice cream. You cook about 15 crushed cardamom seeds in milk for half an hour then add pistachios and almonds meal . Let it cool down and freeze it. I have one of these ice cream machines, but sometimes I just let it freeze solid. You have to add some honey or sugar. But I do not like it very sweet, so it is not too bad. I think cardamom has become my favorite spice.

    And the second favorite is an Italian lemon sorbet.

  • strassenkoenigin

    Where are the pics of your paintings? I do some sculpture. I am trying to post some, but the system rejects most of them.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new members of our community and welcome back to those who have been away for awhile. I have been doing this for a long time but I still relate to everyone who is new. I found MFP in February 2009 when my husband started Isagenix and wanted to count calories for his food. I started logging my food and found out a lot about how many calories i wasted on unnecessary stuff. Little by little I changed how I eat, added more nutritious food and got rid of empty calorie foods . The better food I ate, the more energy I had and the more i exercised. Some people are impressed by how many steps I walk each day, but I didn't start out this way. In 2009 I was 62 years old and a veteran of many failed weight loss attempts.....my only success was that all my efforts had kept my weight under 200 pounds. I never expected that this time my efforts would bring me results. Thanks to this thread, I've learned a lot of about healthier eating, better exercise, and some awesome inspirational books to read.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Today was another big line dance day----the regular class in the morning and practice for the line dance performance in the afternoon. We have only one more practice before our performance at the County Fair. Since Jake is gone, I had to do all the dog walking so that made for a lot of steps.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 26,000 steps today

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Oops yes a typo, was 10,020 steps Wednesday and 10,402 steps Thursday. I am aiming for 10,000 steps a day at the moment.
    Today I am walking the doggy after lunch of Marions Kitchen Thai green prawn curry. Plus I have cleaned house and seasoled the garden.Hyacinths, daffodils starting to bloom. Bluebells and iris coming up to.
    Rang Aurora electric as my meter has plopped over to 10281 and will not accept on-line to check usage. The man was VER helpful and worked it out to $630 to date. Just 2 weeks left and calculated to about $708 and I have already paid $400 by BPay. Not too bad. He also told me cost of electric gone DOWN since 01 July but he calculated on highest rate. He said should be OK next time I check thank goodness.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just greeting again. Still away, returning on the 13th. Still having difficulty with eating. Have been to the gym a few times. Last night we even went out dancing, which I hope burned off the two margaritas I had. :bigsmile: I was sweating, so it must have done something.
    Got nails done with "accent pinkies" (I get my nails done about twice a year, haha.)
    Anyway, trying not to worry much and I know I will get back in to the groove when we're back.

    Thinking of you all and hoping to read good news tomorrow.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi guys, didn't post yesterday. I think it was a first!!!

    Cindy, what is the secret to you tummy???? We all want to know.

    Christna, someitimnes we take the compliments our husbands give us, as small as they may be. To us they are BIG/

    I to had the run of the neighborhood when I was young. Being the preachers kid, everyone knew me and i felt safe. My daughter now lives on a small dead end street and he youngest gets up in the morning, gets herself breakfast and goes outside. They play all day long and she often comes home at supper time. She is often invited into other homes for lunch. They know she keeps a lot of the kids company during the day and kind of runs her own preschool!!! She is 7. But they congregate infront of her house and do a lot of things. They wouldn't have been able to do that in their trailer. I am so grateful that the bank forevlosed on them. God knows what He is doing!!!!

    I am babysitting my laptop while I am in my office. I am noticing more and more ads being blocked by my adblock. So I am running a complete scan tonight and I think it is going to take several hours. Well I am getting a lot of steps in going from my office to the living room and back. I just hope it helps. Hopefully by Christmas I will have a new laptop, maybe an apple!!!

    I had a senior moment today. My sister is having an injection into her sacro-iliac joint and asked me to take her. I have to stay there during the procedure and drive her home. Well I thought it was today. I drove over there, got there early because I want her to play the piano and help me practice for my trio at church coming up. No answer. A long time ago she had given me the keys to her house so I reluctantly used them. I looked the whole house, she was not there and so called her husband at work. He says the appointment is tomorrow. As I am getting ready to leave she drives up and is quite scared that some one is n her house. She didn't recognize my car! So I go back tomorrow again. But i did get to practice on her piano. I have a piano keyboard on my mini iPad but it's not very big so I can't get all three parts of the trio.

    Time to run into the living room again!

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    !!!!!! It's Friday. I live for the week-ends and that's sad. Two days away from work and sitting all day at a desk.
    I do work at the Y on Sunday, in the fitness center. Tomorrow morning is cycling class which I have missed for several weeks now.
    I worked the entire day yesterday on the quarterly audits and I think I can get them finished today. I will be glad they are out of the way but it's a lot of work and I always feel exhausted after working on them for entire days.
    Our weather has been unseasonabley cool and we've had less humidity. It's been great. By cool I mean 70's and 80's so very nice to get out and enjoy.
    I live across the street from a resturant called Jolly's. It is one of those that you pull in and park, and the car hop waits on you. Anyway a friend of mine loves their food and I told her I'd bring her some tonight. She was in an accident a year and a half ago and now won't drive. I can't imagine giving up my driving priveleges, where we live driving is your freedom. My friend loves their coney dogs and they also sell popcorn. I will take her this stuff but I won't eat it myself. I plan to make a big old salad to eat with her.
    Today is also payday so I am going to get off here and get my bills paid.

    Michele, Did you find the class? There are all kinds of classes, it is www.courser.org. I am excited for the Health and Nutrition class, the Learning How to Learn is informative and I’m getting tips on how the study and retain. It is helping me here at work too.

    Barbie, You are a great success story and motivator, thanks for sharing.

    Sylvia, Got to love those moments! They warm out hearts and fill us with pride.

    Good health and happiness to all today, welcome to the newbies.
    God Bless
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!:flowerforyou:

    This has been a long week! Glad to be back at work!

    Our mini-vacations resulted in two melt downs with various children – so far 3 of 6 are not speaking to us “ever again”!:explode: We decided that was alright - we had more than enough of them and their craziness.:mad: I figure we’ll have a vacation from those 3 for a few months – then they will be back!:noway:

    Last Tuesday on my morning walk with Storm, I saw one of my neighbors daughter walking their dog about a block away. She was headed to her driveway when her dog (about 50 pounds) decided that he wanted to attack Storm (100 pounds) and pulled out of his collar. Unfortunately, the dog was running downhill and my leg stopped his run and then a dog fight ensued. I came away with a terribly bruised leg from knee to ankle and torn soft tissue in my foot.:sad: I was home for the rest of the week. Storm had a very small bite. The other dog didn’t make out quite as well. Anyway, since me nor Storm needed to go to the hospital or vet, and the daughter was so young I had a nice talk with her mother and called it a day. The SO, who heard the dog fight down the block and came in the car to pick-up me and Storm was the most upset. Monday night the neighbor came over just to make sure I was alright. Her stopping by made me feel better. The SO said she just came to see if I was going to sue her.:huh: I really didn’t feel a need to sue her cause stuff will happen. I did make sure that I stressed to her the need to have control of your dog and that perhaps her daughter wasn’t the best person to walk the dog.

    I’m spending my weekend cleaning the house. There is a watermelon festival on Sunday I want to attend if it’s not raining.
    Have a great weekend everyone!:happy:

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Morning Friends,

    Pam I agree about how sad it is our children do not feel safe. I remember talking to a father at a conference and suggested more outdoor activity for his son. He said he didn’t feel safe going out in his neighborhood and he was a big strong man.

    Katla hope surgery goes well for DH and a smooth birth for DD. In my prayers.:flowerforyou:
    Annecarol sounds like you are moving on the right track. Hope diabetes stays managed.

    MImi so kind of you dealing with a hoarder and helping them clear a home is on the top of the stress meter.

    Heather love your reminders to be self compassionate.:flowerforyou:

    Rita good luck on the appointment today . I think you’re right that one health issue affects others. Hope you get to the cause and the treatment that will correct it.:flowerforyou:

    Michele like the frozen grape idea. I agree about slowly introducing foods too. In a way it is like having the flu. You want to slowly introduce fiber because your system needs a chance to recover from the trauma.

    Anne I had a similar experience when my son and I changed the faucets in our upstairs bathroom. One of them was leaking at the time. I remember the salesman trying to sell me on replacing the whole vanity because we were having trouble getting the old plumbing out first. It amazed me how flimsy the newer materials are. Our home was built in the sixties and these faucets had never been changed.

    Sylvia love the shoulder pad story.:laugh:

    Tere sorry about your foot. I agree they will be back for the next vacation.

    Up three pounds over my goal weight for the first time in three months :frown: :yawn: :yawn: so I will log until I am back to goal weight.

    Today I will log my food, exercise, and water, so tomorrow I will be closer to my goal weight.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    Sadly, there are still plenty of times that I feel "unsatisfied" but the truth of the matter is that we have to choose between change and sacrifice to lose weight and eating what we feel like deserve and not....at least some of us anyhow.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit

    Yes, I often feel "unsatisfied" with 1200 calories, but I keep trying to remind myself that the sacrifices will be worth the accomplished goal. It may take longer than I had hoped, but when I remember my choice is either just forget it and gain more weight and be less fit OR stay the course and reap the reward. I also keep remembering a mantra I heard years ago (from Weight Watchers, I think), "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." I may not end up "skinny", but if I'm trim and fit, that will be great!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Phew! ! ! ! ! I've just finished making the rich chocolate truffle torte from bbc good food. I was going to make a choc and chestnut one, but the reviews on this one were universally enthusiastic and not for the chestnut one, so I went with this one. It's for dessert for the bbq on August 22nd. Of course it is VERY rich and makes far too much so I have made one small flattish torte, three espresso cups and twelve mini silicone cupcakes with the mixture. They are all in the freezer and I docked myself 50 cals for licking the spoon - more than once! (Different spoons, no germs!):laugh: On the day I will decide which ones to get out, tho I think the espresso cups will be used for my friend who is visiting beforehand. I will dust the small (very small) portions with cocoa and serve with raspberries. Tiny pouring of cream? The silicones I will unmold while they are frozen.Totally decadent, but tiddly tiny. There will be enough left for my DDIL in September who is a chocoholic!:bigsmile: (And lovely and slim):happy:

    DH is off to the cricket. His new coffee thermos/cup arrived just in time for me to make him a lovely cup of filter coffee to take with him. He's been complaining about the standard of the coffee at the ground so I ordered him this smart, stainless steel container from Amazon. I got a big kiss!:bigsmile: :blushing:

    So I'm going to have a quiet afternoon in watching my recording of Masters of Sex, about Masters and Johnston. I read their book many decades ago and have been enjoying the series, but I prefer to watch something a bit risqué on my own, not with DH.:blushing: :blushing:
    Then a bit of watering the garden. We are supposed to have the remains of Hurricane Bertha arriving on Sunday so we are expecting rain and wind. I hope it doesn't knock our beautiful apples and plums off the trees.:noway:

    No idea what I'm eating tonight. DH won't be back until gone 9.30 if it doesn't rain. He has his picnic. I did 584 calories of exercise today, so I'm not panicking.:bigsmile: Something hot, sour and Asian I think. Prawns are calling.:bigsmile: Chillies, noodles, lemon grass .................. sounds like a plan.:laugh:

    Love to all. Keep on keeping on.:laugh:

    Heather in warm but cloudy Hampshire UK
  • Discoqueen77
    Discoqueen77 Posts: 61 Member
    Glad there is a board here for those 50+. I think there is definitely a difference between dieting at 30 and at 50+. I'm from New Jersey, USA. (No, I don't know any of the NJ Housewives, though I used to live close to that area - LOL!) I'm 54, and now starting out the biggest weight loss challenge of my life. I'm not sad or depressed or anything like that. I learned years ago to separate my emotional well being from my physical ups and downs. But this is def a challenge. I am not as concerned with losing it as much as maintaining it after. (After eons of yo-yo dieting) However, I also know to start out one step at a time, breaking it all down into smaller, more manageable parcels. So, I am happy to be joining this group. Hope I can contribute. Cheers!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mimi: Moving out of your home temporarily so that your daughter could house her friends is amazingly generous. I admire your willingness to do it. I’ve found it is easy enough to stay on my diet while traveling and staying in hotels, but MUCH harder to stick to my diet while staying with friends or family. Then I have to graciously partake of their food, which is often higher calorie than my own and the center of social activities. I think Heather is on track by reminding you about the motto, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” I certainly haven’t been perfect lately, but I’ve been good enough that the weight is creeping back down. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Keep us in the loop on your doctor appointment.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m glad the colonoscopy is behind Vince and you can get back to your routines.:indifferent:

    Anne: Good for you for writing to Home Depot about their obnoxious and sexist sales staff. I’d also complain directly to the managers of both stores.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I love the story about your DH finding the shoulder pads and thinking they were for bust enhancement. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie: I’m so glad you found this group and have been keeping our thread open all this time. You’ve helped yourself, me, and countless others. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: I lived for the weekends for years even though I loved my job. It was often exhausting and didn’t leave much energy for anything but over-eating. I’ll bet it is a common situation. I retired early due to DH’s health, and my own health has improved due to a better lifestyle.:flowerforyou:

    Tere: Dog bites are a potential source of nasty infections, not to mention tissue damage and pain. I’d say you were AMAZINGLY gracious about it. I hope you heal quickly and without infection.:flowerforyou:

    We got an unexpected call from DSIL this morning. She’s in the area visiting her daughter and will be stopping by for lunch. I need to get in gear and create a suitable lunch.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!