SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Nov 29



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, sorry about your bad restaurant experience. I like food so much that when I have a bad experience I get really disappointed because I "wasted" calories and time on "that". lol
    V, hope you get your paper stuff worked out. And even though I don't like the cold, or winter at all for that matter, I'm not in the Christmas spirit either so at least some cold weather down here would help. :tongue:
    Sarah, good to see you again! Hope the walking helps!
    I don't like to set goals for myself because I can't seem to keep them. But one I would like to try to do is walk everyday for at least 30 minutes until Christmas. It's 21 days. The exception would be if I get other exercise in, like tomorrow we're going to a birthday party at a bounce house and that takes a lot of energy to get Alex up the ladders. That's a leg work out in itself. Now if I don't do much then I will have to walk. Some days are just too busy so I don't know if I can get it in, but I'd like to try. Today I just lack motivation. :ohwell:
    I had syrup this morning at breakfast. It's a no-no on my list and usually I'm alright without it but today I just wanted it. I think I am getting depressed that I am gaining weight again and that usually turns me to food. Plus I just haven't felt great so that also brings me down. I am doing better though, so no more excuses.
    Today's plan: walk for thirty minutes, finish decorating for Christmas (which is just a few more things), log food (no matter how bad it gets), and a Christmas party tonight with the horse therapy people. Alex had a lot of fun last year at the party. Last year it was cold. Today...not so much.

    Can't think of a new boogaloo boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I was the only one at zumba today, so I gave her the day off. Which creates the "now what"? scenario. I'm thinking of picking up a weight or two (gasp!) later. JM no more trouble zones, maybe? In the meantime, I'm getting my steps in running my errands. :wink:

    Also, terrifying emails sent and sent.:smile:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Company Christmas party tonight. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there's a lot of booze when I work for a wine company. :tongue: I am generally not into these sorts of things at all, but it was actually not bad - the theme (a "speakeasy" at the end of Prohibition) was amusing and the food was pretty good. I splurged a bit on the desserts (two truffles, a little chocolate brownie, a little peanut butter cup and half a big cookie), but, this is probably the only holiday party I am going to. Otherwise, I've been getting back on track with my eating since I've been back. I think I'll go back to only doing sweets once a week. Also, letting myself get a bit hungry. I have not made it back to the gym, however. Probably Monday for that.

    We've decided to make chocolate covered pretzels for our holiday gifts this year, so that's the plan for tomorrow. My goal is not to eat too many myself (we got the big long ones, so in a way it's easier to avoid than the smaller ones). I think we're going to put up some Christmas decorations as well. I am still not quite believing that it is December, or winter - despite the fact that it's been snowing off-and-on for the past several days. Brrrr.

    Not in the tropics anymore, boogaloo.

    P.S. I've been thinking about WL a lot lately, because we've been watching season 3 of Whale Wars on Netflix. Was she actually on the boat this year? At any rate, it's been a great season - we can't wait to get the last disc so we can watch the final episode.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    CP, she was on the Steve Irwin, I think. Definitely intense...I "wander" where she's gotten to lately...

    Today is not a good day. We're having neighbour issues. It's beyond upsetting, the landlord is caught in the middle, and I'm very unsettled about the whole thing. So, my main goal is to not worry too much. The other goals are Zumba at noon, some editing, planning my to-do lists for next week, and maybe a walk if the sunshine holds out. I need to go to the tea store (maybe need is a strong word, but it's a good walk and I like tea.) Mostly, I think I just need to get out of the house as much as possible.

    Desire to go live on a desert island, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, so sorry about your neighbor troubles. I feel for you.

    CP, I am not ready for December or winter and yet it is upon us (winter for Texas anyway). I thought it was still August. :tongue:

    Today is not a good eating day. I was going to walk today but I don't have time. We have to leave in about 10 minutes for the birthday party. I'd better do a lot of climbing and running around in those bounce things and wear myself out. We weren't planning to eat lunch out but we ate with the pastor. Then in a couple hours we are having pizza and cake :sick: I am going to be drinking the water this week big time. I generally think I drink a lot of water, at least it feels like it. But I am finding if my hands are in water for more than five minutes they start to prune up. So I guess I am dehydrated. I will work on that this week for sure.
    I am feeling a lot better today, though not 100%, so I am hoping to get back to some good exercise this week. At least 30 minute walking and other stuff as well.
    Oh and we had fun at the Christmas party last night but WAY over did it on the sugar. Had a hangover this morning. When will I learn? Will be looking forward to fruits and veggies this week!

    Sodium and Sugar City boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Back from San Antonio. 5 weeks until the next class. If Christmas wasn't in the middle, I might catch up!

    Catching up, boogaloo
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Hi everyone...

    update.... didn't walk today because it was insanely cold outside. I did keep to my calories today though and tried to eat well. There was some left over halloween candy in a box that I couldn't seem to leave alone. I asked my man to get rid of it today and he did. I feel better with it out of the house! Weird day of some productivity. The worst thing was I had to fire a musician that plays for one of my choirs today. I feel crappy about it, it's not in my nature to cause pain...but I felt I couldn't live with another four months of bad playing. be a grown up is hard on the heart.

    I'm kind of relieved the week is starting again. Tomorrow I have a conducting lesson with a new teacher and I'm slightly freaked about it. I've not had a private conducting lesson since 1997. Wish me luck.

    Hope your weeks were good and you are ready to meet the challenges of the next!

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