Not sure what to do.



  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    throw them away!!!!!!! Don't wait to donate -- toss them immediately

    Don't run or hide from your problems, face them head on! You win some and you lose some but if you don't at least try you've already lost!

    So much this. Hiding and/or running from problems doesn't solve them.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    throw them away!!!!!!! Don't wait to donate -- toss them immediately

    Don't run or hide from your problems, face them head on! You win some and you lose some but if you don't at least try you've already lost!

    So much this. Hiding and/or running from problems doesn't solve them.

    Throwing the item in the trash is a highly efficient problem solution. It's just one that you happen not to agree with
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    Just an idea, I buy the Centrum flavor burst vitamins. I call them "my skittles" as they taste just like skittles. A daily dose is four. If you buy these you are getting vitamins and enjoying the candy taste, but won't be tempted to over dose because that would be dangerous. They have two types of flavors.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    So I took on board the portioning, and separated them into 30g bags.


    I've just put them in the fridge and told my family that if they want a bag, they can take as many as they wish, that way I am not drawn to eating them all.

    For all the talk on MFP about the dangers of disordered eating, how is this not the definition of an ED?
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I think next time (and there will be a next time as your dad appears determined to undermine your efforts) you should give the bag away to a foodbank, colleagues at work or just some people you think do a great job with thanks such as the bin collectors. For goodness's sake don't throw good food away.

    What's really important here longer term is your dad not only not supporting your healthy eating but actually sabotaging it. Do you feel you could talk to him about why he's trying to undermine you?
  • alicemrichards
    alicemrichards Posts: 3 Member
    Love this bit and think it is very applicable in this situation ->
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    So I took on board the portioning, and separated them into 30g bags.


    I've just put them in the fridge and told my family that if they want a bag, they can take as many as they wish, that way I am not drawn to eating them all.

    For all the talk on MFP about the dangers of disordered eating, how is this not the definition of an ED?

    You think this is worse than pouring dish soap on them as previously suggested? I'm not overly concerned with weighing out a portion size. But I think his reaction to eating them is a little concerning.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I think next time (and there will be a next time as your dad appears determined to undermine your efforts) you should give the bag away to a foodbank, colleagues at work or just some people you think do a great job with thanks such as the bin collectors. For goodness's sake don't throw good food away.

    What's really important here longer term is your dad not only not supporting your healthy eating but actually sabotaging it. Do you feel you could talk to him about why he's trying to undermine you?
    Or maybe his dad loves him and was being nice by buying his son a well loved treat he thought he would enjoy?
    No, that would be utterly ridiculous and unlikely.

  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I gave his dad's intelligence more credit than that OdesAngel, but you may well be right.
  • mnora0586
    mnora0586 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to have the same problem with my father. Unfortunately, some parents only know how to show their love by buying you food you like - even when you are trying to watch what you eat. I have a sweet tooth so my dad would buy me all kinds of sweet things. In the end, I would kindly except what he would get me, and then I would throw it away. Mind you this was after trying to constantly tell him that I don't want these foods because their not good and I'm trying to cut back on these types of foods. Didn't work, so now I just kindly thank him for it and then when he wasn't looking I would throw it out. Seems harsh but he never listened and would still buy foods I didn't need.