Is this considered a binge?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Why is an "18" year old with 1lb to lose eating 1200 calories?
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Binge = eating out of control without being able to stop, without being hungry. Whether it's 200 calories or 2000. I had a 'binge' of 4 chocolates yesterday. Probably only 240 calories worth... but still a binge.

    So yeah, you had a binge... just move on.


    It sounds to me like a binge. And if you had to ask, then it probably was. The number of calories associated with a binge will differ for everyone even though most people consider a binge based on an obscene about of calories. So yes, you had a binge. If it bothers you or begins to happen often, then I would suggest figuring out why you binged. It could be emotional. Or it could be that you are eating at a low enough deficit that your body just wants food... And perhaps sugary cereal isn't the best breakfast, but I digress...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    No. That is not a binge.

    Since you felt it necessary to ask this question, I suggest you have a chat with a trusted adult about your relationship with food.

    ^^^^ this

    it sounds like a normal breakfast to me. I'd suggest adding more protein to the breakfast to make it more filling. E.g. an egg or something or even some meat or fish. If you're removing dairy from your diet for whatever reason, you need to replace the nutrients you get from it, in this case protein would be the main one, but also fat soluble vitamins and calcium. Eggs would replace most of those. More protein would make you feel more full.

    If you're anxious over eating four hundred and something calories for breakfast then that suggests a bad relationship with food - your body needs food to function properly. If you can't get over this by yourself then I second the above quoted advice.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Why is an "18" year old with 1lb to lose eating 1200 calories?

    ^^^ this too

    The calorie goals on this site are only appropriate to fully grown adults. They don't include calories needed for growth in children and adolescents. 1200 calories a day is inadequate for most adults. It's very inadequate for adolescents, who usually need more calories than adults due to growing and developing.
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    if thats a binge (which i dont consider it being) idk what my friday dinner/binge was...perkins smokehouse trio and appetizer =2000 calories...
  • MyDuncan42
    Not all calories are created equal. 400 calories of food like cinammon toast crunch is terrible compared to 400 calories of something like Oatmeal, Eggs, Yogurt, Fruit etc. People need to start thinking of refined sugar as an addictive substance like nicotine.

    Most people would be much better off if they forgot about calories altogether and just focused on the types of foods they eat.

    When you try and kick the sugar habit it's going to suck for a little while but as you retrain your taste buds you're going to realize that it's better to feel good all the time instead of briefly feeling really good from getting a fix and then feeling bad and guilty about it later.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    If it was a binge, you would know! There is this whole horrible state of mind that comes with a binge..... Sounds like you were just hungry, which is totally normal!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Okay, so I am trying to maintain my weight and I'm used to eating 1200 calories, but I'm trying to up them. This morning for breakfast, I was planning on having just one bowl of cheerios w/o milk (milk and me don't go very well together) and a banana. That would have been 205 calories. Buut I was still hungry (I think) and I ate a bowl of honey but cheerios (an off brand that was only 110 calories) and a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch (130 calories) both w/o milk. That would equal out to another 240 calories.. Making that 445 calories for breakfast. Would that be considered a binge? Because I couldn't help eating the honey nut and cinnamon toast crunch.
    I fail to see how 445 cal breakfast is a "binge". I hate to see what a day of undereating is then. If you're trying to up your calories from a low 1200 why would 445 be a binge? If you had three meals a day with the same amount of cals (400, say) you would come out to only 1200 and 45 cals isn't some huge difference so I fail to see what you're getting all worked up about.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I DO NOT Like the word 'BINGE' -it seems to be used by young girls who have had or have an eating disorder.

    Still feeling hungry after eating breakfast may mean that you are picking the wrong type of breakfast. White processed carbs do not stick with me long, and I do tend to feel full as long.

    I Love cereal, but I've cut it out of my diet. I haven't had cold cereal in years. If I want to "splurge" (much better word than binge) I have a piece of chocolate, half a cup of ice cream, etc...

    (I agree with some others - I don't believe 1200 cals are enough.)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track with increasing your calorie intake. Can you add non-dairy milk to your bowl of cereal? Milk doesn't agree with me either so I have been using almond milk. However, I almost never eat breakfast because it's not filling enough. I do a green smoothie with greek yogurt. It keeps me full for hours for under 200 calories. In a bind, I eat a tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter on whole wheat toast.
  • Miljos
    Miljos Posts: 6
    A binge is neither a certain (minimal) amount of calories, or a feeling of losing control, they both have a part in the definition. Losing control over 100 calories, for exemple, does not make it a binge. It would make it a "girl you're taking this way out of what could be considered psychologically healthy". It would be a sign of over-thinking and over-stressing, not over-eating.

    A binge is eating, in a certain (little) amount of time and without being able to stop (or being distressed and anxious if you were stopped for whatever reason), an amount of food you would not have normally eaten in the same situation.

    Is (less than) a 500 kcal meal too much? Not in my book. Is it fou you? Make a plan of how you want to break down your "upped 1200 calories" (I hope your plan to up that is significant, because for maintaining it's nowhere close enough) and see what you sould eat in that particular situation. I personally don't have time to make 6 x 250 kcal meals. So that's why my meals are bigger, and why a roughly 500 kcal breakfast would go unnoticed, that's what I consider normal and what allows me to work and live my days normally without going insane with hunger. Timing is important for your meals, not only the total after 24h. If I eat 100 kcal at breakfast and 1600 at dinner, I'll be super hangry the whole day, it's adequate if you're just looking at the total, but it's not sustainable for how much energy I (me, in particular) need during certain parts of the day. Some would be fine eating their total amount of calories in one go and fast, I don't, I prefer a steady supply while not having (free) time to eat every 2h so 500 kcal meals it is. Experience with how much energy you need and when. Maybe you need more in the morning (that's usually the longest you go between meals).
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    If I ate nothing but sugar and carbs, I would be hungry too.