Should I drink whole milk?



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.

    Yeah no don't care. Sorry I just really don't. I also find you insulting.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Im a Paleo MAN FOR LIFE.....I just think milk is great for calves to fatten them up and get em big.... my personal opinion... humans do not need milk...all the vitamins you can get from milk, you can get from other sources.....

    Almond milk is a possibility...

    good luck...

    I agree - humans do not NEED milk.
    But then again they don't need any other single food either - so that statement means absolutely nothing.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    If you're going to drink milk, then it definitely should be whole milk. Milk has a high sugar content and the fat works to buffer it so it doesn't get absorbed too quickly into your blood stream. Milk also has several fat nutrients which should be better absorbed with the full fat content.

    Besides, it tastes great and full fat is only 4%, so you're really not saving that many calories drinking 2% milk and it's lacking so much flavor and richness. 1% and skim milk, in my book, don't even deserve to be called milk. They would be better referred to as processed milk products.

    There really is no "should" about it.

    If you prefer whole milk, and/or it fits your dietary needs better, eg you want more fat in your diet, then drink it.

    If you prefer skim milk, like I do, and/or it fits your dietary needs better, eg by having less calories, then drink it.

    If you dislike any animal milk or have ethical or religious objections to it, then drink neither and put in those nutrients, like. Calcium, from other sources.
  • lollyhackett
    lollyhackett Posts: 79 Member
    Personally I think you have answered your own question, you appear to be more frightened/concerned over what's in processed foods and what it is doing to your health than the calorie/fat content of the whole milk itself.

    What's the worst that could happen - try it for a week or a couple of weeks even, see if it's making a major impact on your lifestyle, if it is you have answered your question.

    Or why not stop at the halfway mark an go semi-skimmed for a little while, and then build up to drinking the whole milk?
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.

    A PETA link, really?


    I care about something larger than myself. That's why I became a full time farmer. Milk production, at its best is a blessing both to the earth and human nutrition. At its worst it is a sad sad sad method of food production.

    Sunshine to grass to milk is nothing but beautiful!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Ew. I would gag.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I'm at a healthy weight. All I want to do it is cut out the processed foods in my diet.

    I probably consume a cup to two cups of milk a day, whether I stir it in tea, drink it by itself, or use it in scrambles and oatmeal. I've been drinking skim milk for the past three years, but I know it's processed and bleached and filled with additives. Still, I'm afraid that the extra calories and fat from whole milk would make me gain weight since milk is a staple in my diet.

    There's nothing wrong with cutting out processed foods from your diet, just keep in mind that that doesn't mean you'll lose weight. You still need to eat at a calorie deficit.

    If you are a calorie counting and measuring your milk properly then you don't need to worry about gaining too many calories from your milk. You can either fit it into your day or you can not, depends on how you eat for the day. Low fat and skim milk are good alternatives because they have less calories.

    Fat in itself does not make you fat. Excess calories make you fat, whether those calories come from carbs, protein or fats is irrelevant. Fat from food is a good thing and your body needs it, I would highly recommend you start following the IIFYM method of flexible dieting. IIFYM you simply have a protein, fat and carb goal for the day and while still eating at a calorie deficit you aim to reach those targets. I personally shoot to at a minimum reach my protein and fat goals for the day and it's ok if I go over, I'll just consume that much less carbs for the day.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.

    Yeah no don't care. Sorry I just really don't. I also find you insulting.

    Insulting for caring about ALL animals? What makes you so damn special that YOU get to choose who lives & dies? Perhaps if someone killed your brother/son just cause he was male you would be all crazy & want revenge... yet it's more than ok in this case cause it's 'just an animal'?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Could we just discuss the relative nutritional benifits of whole milk, skim milk, almond milk etc without degenerating into zealous crusades and misused words.
    Murder- I looked up the definition. Putting aside informal meanings like 'that 30k run was murder' the meaning is to kill another human being.

    If you object to eating meat or drinking milk, fine, start a thread about that, don't hijack this one.

    And don't call everyone who drinks milk or uses fly spray a murderer - that is just silly nonsense.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Almonds have tiny nipples.

  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.

    Yeah no don't care. Sorry I just really don't. I also find you insulting.

    Insulting for caring about ALL animals? What makes you so damn special that YOU get to choose who lives & dies? Perhaps if someone killed your brother/son just cause he was male you would be all crazy & want revenge... yet it's more than ok in this case cause it's 'just an animal'?

    I'm glad you find me insulting...... I'd rather be that than a murderer.

    Wow. I can't believe I'm even going to respond to this...

    I have never taken a human a murderer.

    But, yes, have made the kill cut processing animals with care and extreme reverence.

    I do think its special to have a home dairy. A privledge I wish for more people. And this special privledge is open to people who know there farmer and buy fresh milk or who buy from a responsible producer like organic valley.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    When was the last time you cared about something bigger than you? By drinking milk or having anything dairy YOU are the cause of this as well. YOU give permission for this to continue.

    Enjoy your milk.

    I got a bacon one if you want as well.

    Yeah no don't care. Sorry I just really don't. I also find you insulting.

    Insulting for caring about ALL animals? What makes you so damn special that YOU get to choose who lives & dies? Perhaps if someone killed your brother/son just cause he was male you would be all crazy & want revenge... yet it's more than ok in this case cause it's 'just an animal'?

    I'm glad you find me insulting...... I'd rather be that than a murderer.

    Yeah sure ... I'm a murderer whatever, man this beef jerky is delicious nomnomnom.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Go for almond milk instead! No need for Cow's milk.

    This!!! I love SILK Almond Milk it's thick and creamy and has more calcium than regular milk! Mmmmmm
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Go for almond milk instead! No need for Cow's milk.

    But doesn't that defeat the point of avoiding "processed" food? I imagine those almonds are incredibly "processed" to get them into milk. You don't just squeeze them and get it, after all.

    No, you blend them. It's really not hard to make your own almond milk/pistacio milk etc. At all.

    That's not all.

    Nope, better.

    I agree......I cook with it,drink it.......everything I'd do with cow's milk...... and my 7 year old can't tell the difference in his cereal. I haven't bought regular milk in months. And nothing against drinking animal me it just tastes better, is lower in calories and has more calcium!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I make my own almond milk for cereal when I run out all the time! water, vanilla, and almonds blended together then pushed through a fine mesh strainer does the trick. Nothing processed about that.

    Awesome....I've never tried this!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Guys seriously. Yes no one wants to eat over processed food. We get that it's bad for you. But man people have to stop getting upset over the slightest human interference in their food.

    It's pretty god damn amazing that we even live to 60 tbh. We should count ourselves blessed to live in an age of advanced medicine and tasty processed foods. I would bet anyone a million quid that if we somehow got a caveman brought him here and said look here's all this tasty food. If you pig out on it you will probably live to be 50. If you can show restraint and exercise regularly you will probably make 70. If you are lucky you could even make 100. What would his response be? Probably along the lines of this.


    Very funny post; sand in the va*!@& was spot on. Lighten up folks it's milk.