Has anyone told you to stop losing weight?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    No one has told me to stop. What I have heard is I need to stop lifting weights lol. Never. Cardio stops before weights if anything is stopping.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I still hear it, even though I have been at goal weight {176} for three months. People are so used to seeing everyone overweight, they don't know what a healthy weight looks like anymore. And your face does change quite a bit when you lose over a quarter of your body weight. {240 down to 176} I'm showing my age a little more than I did when I was fat.

  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I get told this about 4-5 times a week, I get the you look great bit you have stopped now or don't lose anymore, I've even been told you've always been pretty but your face is starting to look empty! I don't feel it's complimentary at all, it's not ok for people to come and say hey your packing the food away there and getting fat so why is it ok to say it the other way round.

    I'm 5"6 and 142lbs right now and a size 10/12 UK, I've never been this small but I'm by no means skinny, I get really annoyed by it if I'm honest and the few friends I have told this to have said they think people are jealous, I've worked bloody hard to get to this point, what right do they have to voice this oppinion!
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 72 Member
    My husband told me in the same breath to both stop losing weight and quit messing with my hair (recently cut a pixie - people have stopped me in stores to tell me how cute it is or ask who cut it.)
    I did all this work to look good and feel healthy and now he doesn't think I am attractive any more. I feel devastated.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    My husband told me in the same breath to both stop losing weight and quit messing with my hair (recently cut a pixie - people have stopped me in stores to tell me how cute it is or ask who cut it.)
    I did all this work to look good and feel healthy and now he doesn't think I am attractive any more. I feel devastated.

    Oh men don't know. Enjoy your new body and hair and he will see how confident you are and love it too. Or he'll get jealous seeing all the other men look at you. Please don't feel devastated!
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    I know this is an old thread but I went looking for it because this has happened to me a couple times lately. I'm 5'4" and 122 lbs, BMI 20.8, and feel good. I'm not really trying to lose pounds now but I am lifting and running and would like to drop a percent or two in body fat. I'm also still figuring out maintenance, and being careful with intake while I do. So I dropped a couple extra pounds without really meaning to, but as you can see from my stats I'm still well within the normal range for my height.

    Anyway a friend told me she was worried and asked if I felt well last night. Not much fun to hear that (and no, I didn't bring my weight loss up - she did). I explained that I wasn't trying to lose more weight but I was working on my fitness and she said "oh, that's Ok then." The conversation still bugs me though.

    I am 55 and have spent a lot of time outside in my life, and I guess my wrinkles show more now than when I was 25 lbs heavier. Maybe that's where the "do you feel well" comment came from? Anyway I was glad to read the earlier posts about bodies adjusting and looking better after a period of maintenance. I haven't lost as much as many others her but enough to look different, apparently.
  • LittleOldUnhealthyMe
    Ugh, it really bugs me when people say stuff like that. Like..is it their problem what you look like? People don't seem to actually tell people they need to stop gaining weight (to an overweight person's face, that is) yet somehow it's acceptable when it's reversed, and it's a skinnier person you're telling to stop losing?
    My sister actually said something like this a few weeks ago. She told me that she thought I would look worse if I lost anymore.
    Ugh. P***es me off.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My doctor. ;-) But I'm at goal - 128+/- and 19% body fat
  • Health_Temple
    I hit my first goal weight this week, 150, and I'm now teetering around 148. I was going to go to 145 and then possibly to 140 but literally THREE people came up to me today and told me to stop losing weight. I could not believe how uncomfortable I was. What's their reasoning? I still think I have work to do and weight to lose. But how do I know when enough is enough?

    Oh, and I should mention a friend tried to make me feel better by saying "Don't worry, you are in NO WAY skinny"....Maybe everyone should just mind their own bees wax and I should keep doing my thing.

    Yes. I know what you are talking about however, the people who say this are most likely jealous. They are your "friends" yet they are not thinking about your HEALTH when they talk about your weight. If you are eating right and exercising then don't worry if you are being healthy. I had a "friend" tell me to stop losing weight when I hit 140...I was still at an over weight bmi!!! I was probably around 24 so right on the brink of being a healthy weight. She is obese and losing weight with me. I'm pretty sure she was just jealous and didn't want me to get beyond the "skinny-fat" phase into actually being fit. I will get there though!
  • ThatDoll
    ThatDoll Posts: 37 Member
    Yes and I find it very annoying.
    I have had people tell me "You're good now, you don't need to lose any more weight!" And that pisses me off so much lol idk why! But it just bothers me so much.
    I gained 10lbs after I reached one of my goals so now everyone's telling me to lose weight but they're like "You need to lose weight but only a little bit. You'll look bad if you lose a lot."
    I just wanna punch them in the face when they say stuff like this
    And also when they say "You workout too much"
    It's like no. That's none of your business.