So, I Ordered This Product From Beachbody



  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Mr. Serz, we have your information. Everything is fine. If you can just please pay again, and renew your order for Shakeology, we'll get that processed right away for you. Thank you for your business.


    I know right? I had to look at my bank transaction info just to double check and make sure. When I was explaining everything to him again (cause its the 5th time and different person). He was like wow....I havent ever seen anything like this before.

    Did you check to see if they mailed the invoice to your spam?
    Of course!
    Did you create an account when you ordered, so that you can log online and check the status of your order?
    No, I ordered over the phone. I already had an account from a previous order in 2013.
    If you have an order number, can you call and ask them to re-send a duplicate invoice to your email?
    Ask for a duplicate? I never received an invoice previously at all.
    I'd really call them and say , " Hey I ordered 11 days ago, it hasn't showed up, and I don't have an invoice. I've called asking for help multiple times ( to no avail). I want a full refund, and you don't have to ship my order". I bet you they find a way to get an invoice and your order to you ASAP!
    Now they are telling me that it has shipped, but have no idea where it is. Not sure if I am still on hold with Beachbody or talking to someone in our government =\

    I hope you gave them negative marks on those surveys!~
    Survey #1 was a good one.
    Survey #3 was not a good one.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I hope that isn't your real address.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I am currently on the phone (16 minutes so far) with Beachbody. This just keeps getting better and better. The customer service rep now says there is NO RECORD OF MY ORDER!


    ETA: CSR just came back from putting me on hold for a few. He found it. I guess another account was created for me on top of the account that I already had from a previous order. Hmmmm....


    CSR Says: "It's almost unbelievable that you are so calm right now."

    Me : ":laugh:"

    Just make sure they don't charge you twice. If you calling and asking about your order shipping and for a tracking # caused a whole other account to be set up it wouldn't surprise me if they do charge you twice. Sheesh, I though Sprint's customer service was bad. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    If I ordered it & it still hadn't arrived I wouldn't feel at all guilty about just downloading it through a torrent. You already paid for it.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I hope that isn't your real address.

    Will I be getting a lot of extra trick or treaters this year?


    Still on hold..... (41 minutes) Things may be looking up
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    If you dont get the product just call the credit card company you used and initiate a chargeback so you get your money back, they will have to prove to the credit card company that they sent and you received the product

    This. I work in customer service, and trust me, if they can't prove they've sent the order, you can get your money back.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    Thank you. When are you coming over?
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I've heard some stories about some people having issues with ordering from BB. My mom actually had someone call her after she placed the order to say that they wanted a different credit card from her b/c they didn't like that she was using a Amex prepaid card. She told them to cancel the order, and then had me go buy it off of eBay for her.

    I've always gotten my BB stuff from eBay. I refuse to buy from BB bc I feel like for the money I'm spending, I should automatically get free ground shipping.

    Next time (if there is one) check out Amazon or eBay.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    Obviously, not many people watched a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street or looked at the zip code. :laugh:
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I've always gotten my BB stuff from eBay. I refuse to buy from BB bc I feel like for the money I'm spending, I should automatically get free ground shipping.

    I completely agree!!! It makes no sense the products are the same price, but on Amazon is free shipping and BB charges shipping.

    Next time (if there is one) check out Amazon or eBay.

    For the reason above, I already have bought from Amazon. The Beast is available on Amazon but its like quadruple what BB is charging at the moment.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    Obviously, not many people watched a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street or looked at the zip code. :laugh:

    Obviously!! :laugh: :drinker:


    ETA: Gif for Zip Code

  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    This is speculative but I was looking at some BeachBody stuff on Amazon yesterday (TurboFire) and nothing I clicked on was in stock.

    Inventory issues are often harbingers of companies disappearing.
  • _windy
    _windy Posts: 36
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    I'll be in Ohio in 56 days, I'll be sure to stop by Springwood and say 'hayyyyyyyy'
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    I'll be in Ohio in 56 days, I'll be sure to stop by Springwood and say 'hayyyyyyyy'

    Just make sure you don't dream while you are there.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    This is speculative but I was looking at some BeachBody stuff on Amazon yesterday (TurboFire) and nothing I clicked on was in stock.

    Inventory issues are often harbingers of companies disappearing.

    Great speculation on your part! Prepare for a lengthy update.

    After almost 1 hour on the phone with the CSR on Friday and he was finally able to tell me that they were having some issues with "the product" not being in stock. I asked, "Which product? I ordered several. Cant some of them be shipped now and when the rest of the items re-enter your supply chain then you can ship them to me?" He said it didnt work that way and that they only ship complete orders. I am kind of skeptical about that answer. Reason being, he couldnt tell me where the problem is with my order, but he seems to know the warehouse shipping policy.

    Okay, so now we are finally getting somewhere. An admission that the order is on hold due to issues not being in stock. Well why couldnt someone say that in the first place? I mentioned that and then asked, "So, if someone calls you today and orders the same product do you tell them that its not in stock?" He basically admitted no....they dont. They take the order as if it is in stock. I found that interesting as I obviously disagree with this practice, thus leaving an expectation that the product should ship and then arrive to the customer in a normal timeframe (5-7 business days.... 1 week).

    I am fine with the item being out of stock, it happens. Especially since the price dropped. As a customer, if I expect that when the price drops it may be out of stock,........... as a business owner, wouldnt I want to make sure I have plenty in stock to sell to customers? I must be stupid though trying to apply common sense logic since the company I run isnt making over a billion in sales every year. With that aside I am still left thinking. Would it kill you to implement some sort of CCM? For instance, when a customer places an order. Send an invoice. When theres a delay in the shipping. Send an email letting the customer know. This way the customer doesnt have to keep contacting the company and then speaking with someone who cant tell them anything. If a CEO stood there in front of the Shark Tank panel and explained to them these three things, what do you think they would say?:

    ○ When customers places an order, they will not receive any record of it (until it ships)
    ○ When a customer places an order for items not in stock, they will not be notified
    ○ When customers inquire information about an order our CSR reps will refer them to a different team and state they will contact them back in 24-48 hours and get that customer off the phone. (This coincides with the 3 day expected wait time to replenish their stock when I asked the rep how long of an estimate we are talking on waiting to be restocked)

    Anywhooooo in a nutshell thats it. Placed order, stock is low, no one told me jack squat after calling multiple times, and now I finally know.

    It does get a little better.......

    So he says, Soooooooooooooooo sorry for the inconvenience. How can I make it up to you?

    Oh cool, now we are talking. Say oh, thats very nice, thank you, what can you do for me? His response..... "Youre the boss" SWEET! Im obviously not expecting the moon here, so I threw out the first product that came to mind that I would be interested in actually buying in the future. So I said how about the P90x Pull Up Assist (its called that on their site)?

    I like doing pull ups, but lets face it, after a few sets of 10+reps fatigue sets in. Its another way to get more reps and keep pull my heavy azz up over the bar. Kind of like dropping to your knees while doing pushups. Theres no shame in that....Its good work!

    So he looks it up and says "Okay, let me check I will have to get authorization for that one." After a few minutes he comes back and says he cant comp that one for me. So I then say..... "I guess I am not the boss then huh?" :ohwell: So, then I ask "Since I am obviously not the boss, what can you do for me?" He starts naming off all of the supplements they have and I said "Whoooa, no thanks. I dont want anything I have to put in my mouth from you guys." :tongue: He then proceeds to offer me their resistance bands kit.

    I immediately say ... "So you cant offer me the pull up assist, which costs 5 cents less, but you can offer me the resistance bands?" The same resistance bands that have a 2.4 / 5 rating from 7 users. They probably have a ton in stock and from the markup they might still be making money on them by giving them away. At this point its over an hour on the phone and I got the information I wanted and just wanted to hang up so I said "Yes fine, exercise bands, thank you very much."

    24 hours later I was emailed confirmation that my order shipped!! No, not the original order, but the free resistance bands. Not sure if its irony, but they will be shipping from OH. The item has to travel less than three hours and the expected delivery date is 1 week after it ships. I have to say that even after all of the high quality videos and exercise products produced by BeachBody, all of the excellent marketing & infomercials, the lack of wait time to speak to a human CSR, a major ***** in their armor is customer communication & logistics. Its Fn horrible. Maybe its better for the people that are coaches or sign up to be a club or shakeology member? I dont know.......I will probably also never know.

    Whats also I ironic is that I could order either one of these and upon ordering I would receive an email confirming my order, by the afternoon I will have a tracking number and it would be at my house by Wednesday.

    Thank you Amazon!!

    Also, thanks to everyone that responded to the thread, & to those who also read but did not post.

    When I finally get everything I'll let you know and also give a follow up review letting everyone know if it was worth the wait!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Dude. Way to post your address online.

    I'll be in Ohio in 56 days, I'll be sure to stop by Springwood and say 'hayyyyyyyy'


    ETA: What time am I picking you up?
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    I will be interested to see if you ever get your order.

    If stock was low on an item...why would you drop the price?