"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 5



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - I'm so behind...LOL I'm only just coming to this thread now. I have a day off today but a busy weekend planned so I hope I get into this today to catch up.....Can't believe Halloween was 5 weeks ago....time is just FLYING!!! Hoping everyone has an inspirational weigh in tomorrow :)
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Weight-in for this week:
    11/30/10 323.4 Starting weight
    11/05/10 326.4
    11/12/10 319.8
    11/19/10 315.0
    11/26/10 312.8
    12/03/10 309.8

    Total lost of 13.6 lbs!!!! 10 lbs away to get rid of the big 3!!! Can't wait! Yoohoo!!!! :happy: :smile: :happy: :smile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My wii broke and as I still can't leave the house this mean I can't weigh in.

    Still poorly sick and still dont know what is wrong, the b/f is in hospital having his hip bone graffted onto his leg and there is 3 feet of snow outside, its not great dieting weather.

    So I am still

    *hugs* I hope everything changes for you! Hang in there and rest up while you can. I hope all will be well with your bf soon.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My wii broke and as I still can't leave the house this mean I can't weigh in.

    Still poorly sick and still dont know what is wrong, the b/f is in hospital having his hip bone graffted onto his leg and there is 3 feet of snow outside, its not great dieting weather.

    So I am still

    *hugs* I hope everything changes for you! Hang in there and rest up while you can. I hope all will be well with your bf soon.

    Thanks bru, I hope so too. I have just read through this thread and im all excited on the baby news front now, I really hope you all get the results you want, I cant imagine how hard it must be to see time of the month show up, when you are really wanting a baby. I am sure it will happen at the right time for you all, defo getting all healthy has to be a help. I have a friend who tried for ten years, she had IVF and many other treatments that never worked. She went on to have acupuncture and after four sessions was pregnant. Im not sure whether it was that, but got to be worth a try.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I will sush now but for those TTC, I really recommend this forum


    Everyone is absolutly lovely, its very much like this one, sharing in the hard times and the good. There are sections for
    waiting to try
    Pregnancy and beyond, so you can share in everyone journeys.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I will sush now but for those TTC, I really recommend this forum


    Everyone is absolutly lovely, its very much like this one, sharing in the hard times and the good. There are sections for
    waiting to try
    Pregnancy and beyond, so you can share in everyone journeys.

    Totally get ya...there is also a forum on here for those TTC that are also trying to lose weight - Fit for Future families. The ladies on there are spectacular!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Spotting/bleeding seems to be subsiding.. and tonight Im nauseated.. so I dunno whats going on with me. Pregnant? Maybe or just plain sick.. Im hoping pregnant so it will be worth how im feeling./
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Fingers are crossed for you!!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Fingers are crossed for you!!!!

    Thanks pam.. Taking a test soon i think.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Hello all, Sad post, just need to talk to someone who doesn't know me...

    I have been MIA well seems the beginning it feels like. I think way back I was sick and just really exhausted, then I got a call that my grandmother was in hospital and wasn't expected to survive. This was a shock as I just spoke to her. She lives out west and I am out east and have been wanting to visit her for some time but am barely working right now. The plan was to get out in Christmas but that wasn't going to happen so it was a summer trip I hoped.

    My grandma passed away this past sunday morning, and I am heartbroken...she was asking for me to come :(( I am just so heartbroken...I have not been eating well I have not been sleeping and certainly not excercising....Since I got the call sunday morning I have been sobbing non stop...broke down in the grocery store even..:sad:

    I just am so upset I know a lot of you here have also had losses very recently. I don't know how you are all surviving this. Luckily I do not have to work this week except Thurs I do have orientation for a few hours for a new job. Hopefully I can get through that.

    You all seem to be so strong..and I feel like I have lost everything. I will regret the rest of my life that I hadn't seen her for so long, and that she was asking for me and I couldn't be there for her.

    Thanks for listening. Hopefully I will get back on track soon.

    Oh honey. *hug* I'm so sorry about your grandmother. Losing family, especially so close to the holidays, is especially gut-wrenching. I've been there too. You'll find the strength inside you to continue on. You'll never fully loose the pain of loss, but you will learn how to live with it. I hope you're able to find happiness this Christmas season. Take care of yourself. And come talk to us whenever you need to vent.

    Thanks, you really helped bring a smile to my face the other day :)
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    @ iluvwdw - Oh sweetie! I'm so so sorry to hear about your grandmother! My heart goes out to you and you will be in my prayers, hun! *warm hugs* Please take care of yourself and take it easy. I know it hurts so bad right now, but the pain won't always be so bad. Remember all the things you loved about her and all the happiness she brought to your life. And don't hesitate to feel that happiness again - I'm sure she wants your life full of joy and happiness and wouldn't want you to be too sad. Though, I know it's almost impossible not to be right now.

    Send me a message if you ever want to talk.


    Thanks so much Stacy. I just can't say those things to ppl in RL!! Not sure why but thanks for listening.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for the great opening April :) I hope Toby continues to get better.

    iluvwdw ..I'm so sorry for your loss. I know all to well and recently how it is to talk with Grandma one day and to get that horrible news the next day. I wish you much strength and comfort to get you through this trying time. *hugs*

    Thank you again. It's good to know someone who understands, I have all my friends telling me to cheer up, and another who constantly is harrasing me saying she is worried because I am sad. I finally told her that I need time to be sad. But it is getting better.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member

    thank you for your words, I know I can't regret but it might take awhile. I know she understood. I hope you get good news on the baby front soon Maybe my grandma can help out a little from up there while she's at it!!