What are your go-to Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner?

My typical day looks something like this

Breakfast - Quest bar or an egg sandwich & unsweetened iced green tea from DD
Lunch - Turkey sandwich & granola bar
Dinner - Chopped salad

I'm bored and need ideas!


  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Breakfast - Egg whites with veggies, fruit, and coffee. I will often add turkey bacon and/or oatmeal or toast.
    Lunch - big yummy salad with lots of good veggies and a wrap with chicken, turkey, or tuna
    Dinner - This varies often but one frequent dinner is baked protein (tilapia or chicken most often) with salsa, brown rice, and roasted veggie (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, etc.)

    Edited to add:
    Snacks! Greek yogurt with a homemade muffin in the morning and fruit with turkey jerky or cheese in the afternoon.
  • ColossusCain
    ColossusCain Posts: 124 Member
    bacon, bacon, bacon, with a side of bacon, bacon rum, and a bacon donut
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    That's not very many calories, OP.

    Breakfast - coffee with cream and sugar, yogurt, and sometimes a protein shake with milk.
    Lunch - Usually leftovers from the night before, or if that's not available, something frozen like bagel bites or chicken nuggets.
    Dinner - Whatever my husband makes. Usually a 6-8 ounce portion of meat, vegetable side, and a starch like potatoes or corn.

    I fill in between with plenty of snacks like m&ms or mini reese's cups.
  • caseyleeride
    caseyleeride Posts: 5 Member
    One of my go-to lunches is a salad from subway: a little lettuce, a lot of spinach, green peppers, banana peppers, pickles, onions, jalepenos, tuna salad and avocado with a little bit of honey mustard dressing.

    My go-to dinner would have to be fish (salmon or tilapia) with veggies steamed in the microwave.
  • kait_marie24
    kait_marie24 Posts: 99 Member
    That's not very many calories, OP.

    Breakfast - coffee with cream and sugar, yogurt, and sometimes a protein shake with milk.
    Lunch - Usually leftovers from the night before, or if that's not available, something frozen like bagel bites or chicken nuggets.
    Dinner - Whatever my husband makes. Usually a 6-8 ounce portion of meat, vegetable side, and a starch like potatoes or corn.

    I fill in between with plenty of snacks like m&ms or mini reese's cups.

    Yeah, i realized that it looked that way after I posted. I always have little snacks in between.
  • jennxx7
    jennxx7 Posts: 10 Member
    breakfast: plain nonfat greek yogurt with a little bit of honey and fruit (usually half a banana sliced and some kind of berry) and two tbsp chopped pecans OR one fried egg on a bagel thin with some reduced fat cheddar

    lunch: leftovers from dinner (i try to always make enough of dinner to do that) or low-sodium canned soup

    dinner: some combination of lean protein/roasted or steamed vegetable/starch like quinoa or brown rice. sometimes if i'm craving cheese, i'll do a feta/spinach stuffed chicken with double vegetable on the side.

    SNACKS: one light babybel cheese, kind bar, 80-cal. greek yogurt (if i didn't have it for breakfast) or fruit (usually apple or kiwi)
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    breakfast is often chex with almond milk - either vanilla or cinnamon chex. sometimes it is 2 whole eggs with spinach and 1/4 ounce of cheese. also coffee with 2 sugars and fat free non-dairy creamer. ooh, and fruit/veg juice, usually bolthouse farms. once in a while i make bacon for dh and myself - yum.

    lunch is usually a protein shake and a luna bar. dinner varies a lot: veggie udon, pasta with veggie meatballs, veggie burgers with mac & cheese, quinoa stuffed red peppers, quinoa and black bean enchiladas, portobello 'cheesesteaks', pancakes with real maple syrup (all dinners include a green salad with full fat dressing - sometimes i'll eat the salad while i'm cooking). snacks include watermelon, pretzel sticks, nuts, and 60 calorie jello pudding cups. depending on what calories i have, i might have a bit of ice cream or brownie brittle for dessert.
  • jwallner04
    jwallner04 Posts: 49 Member
    I have recently found and fallen in love with overnight oats. I struggle with breakfast in the morning so something with little or no prep is what works for me. You mix this up the night before and stick it in the fridge then its ready when you are in the morning. For lunch I love subway. I need to start packing lunch though. And dinner is usually a recipe off of skinnytaste.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Breakfast- greek yogurt (non-fat) fresh fruit (whatever i have), walnuts.
    Lunch MEAT -veggies
    Dinner MEAT - veggies, brown rice.

    (obviously I'm craving protein here)
  • scthomas100
    scthomas100 Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with mix-ins, green smoothie with protein powder, or whole wheat waffles with nut butter and fruit

    Morning snack - Greek yogurt, apple, or latte

    Lunch - Usually leftovers from the previous night, but if I'm in a bind I'll make a salad from a restaurant near my work or grab a microwavable meal

    Dinner - Lately I've been favoring a big kale salad with dijon dressing and a protein, but usually anything goes with dinner. Tonight I made roasted zucchini, black bean, and goat cheese enchiladas. Last night I made pizza with crispy kale and mozzarella. Tomorrow will be a portable burger.

    Evening snack - Something sweet like ice cream, or a cocktail.
  • meghan_lovely
    meghan_lovely Posts: 48 Member
    I get bored so easily so I will give you some things I choose from!

    Breakfast: Thomas English Muffin (the high fiber ones), a boiled egg, chocolate vita top, fiber one cinnamon raisin toast

    Lunch: salad with lots of veggies and chicken, egg, turkey or tuna,

    Dinner: chicken sausage, spaghetti squash (tons of great recipes out there), salmon, veggie burgers, turkey chili

    I find that I like to have small meals with snacks in between. This way I don't get ravenously hungry before I sit down for a meal.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Breakfast: eggs (microwaved), ice cream, protein latte
    Lunch: Veggie burger with fixin's, a veggie, protein latte
    AM/PM Snacks: Protein shake, apple with peanut butter, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt with cereal/fruit
    Dinner: Veggie omelet or a big salad with some type of protein
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    Breakfast: water, green tea, normal tea, and if I feel hungry (I often don't in the mornings) I have bacon with a bowl of lettuce.

    Lunch: generally either deli meats like thin sliced beef or pieces of chicken, or pan-fried chicken with lettuce etc

    Dinner: panfried chicken with different seasonings, with red onion, red peppers, different lettuces etc. Or steak with the same salad. Basically any meat with that salad.

    I hit my protein requirement fast but have trouble meeting my fat goals.
  • ELLager
    ELLager Posts: 5
    During the work week I have two hard boiled eggs for breakfast, a few cups of black coffee.

    Lunch is usually a chicken breast with veggies or a light chicken dumpling/noodle soup

    Dinner is whatever either my husband makes or I find..today I had a mix of plain greek yogurt with a mashed avocado and I dipped a couple chips with huge scoops! I was in heaven and I'm full! I will be doing this more often..Then I usually just drink ice water before I go to bed.

    Snack: I had a 55 calorie beer after work lol

    The weekend is not so structured!
  • Andrezia
    Andrezia Posts: 33 Member
    Breakfast-Overnight Oats with Coconut Shreds and Almond Milk
    Lunch-Turkey and Lentil Soup(Homemade)
    Dinner-Grilled Chicken Breast with Grilled veggies and some carbs, usually rice or quinoa
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    Breakfasts: cereal, eggs, or smoothie
    Lunch: leftover from dinner or sandwich with fruit and something like veggie sticks
    Dinner: always protien/veggie/starch
    Snacks: cheezeits or nilla wafers <--- NOM

    May be boring but I'm generally able to keep it at or under 1500 calories with my madness :D
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    Here's my favorite default fall-back meals when I don't make prior plans:

    Breakfast - multigrain waffle with natural peanut butter and drizzle of honey
    Lunch - grilled chicken spinach salad with chopped veggies, olives, feta cheese, and black beans for toppings
    Dinner - turkey rice bowl (my own recipe) made of ground turkey, steamed brown rice, scrambled egg and sauteed kale, black beans, black olives and chickpeas, sometimes mushrooms if I have them

    That of course doesn't include snacks which are fresh fruit in mid-morning and plain greek yogurt with berries in the afternoon.

    Hope that gave you some different ideas!
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Breakfast: Banana with Peanut Butter or Flavored Non-Fat Greek Yogurt with Chia Seeds, Fresh Blueberries and Granola

    Lunch: Eggplant Hummus, Chicken, Spinach, Tomato and Cucumber wrap or a cup of soup with a roll

    Snack: Trader Joes Snack Pack of Almonds or Fresh and Easy Cranberry Nut Squares (So Good!)

    Dinner: Grilled Chicken/Chicken Meatballs (Aidells has a delicious teriyaki pineapple meatball), Cous Cous/Quinoa, Trader Joes Frozen Veggie Mix of some sort
  • alyssa_6481
    alyssa_6481 Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast : Protein shake or plain greek yogurt flavored with cinnamon/honey/and almonds

    Lunch : Spinach with chopped raw vegetables (whatever is on hand but I really like sweet peppers, tomato, carrots, green beans, snap peas, and onion) topped with one can of tuna with one tablespoon of light ranch dressing premixed with the tuna.

    Dinner: Chicken or turkey with a vegetable and rice or potato
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
    Yeah, i realized that it looked that way after I posted. I always have little snacks in between.

    I would suggest bigger meals. Snack foods can tend to be processed. I haven't had a look at your food diary so maybe you eat really clean snacks. Also, I am not super healthy myself and eat a lot of processed junk and sometimes not the best "meals" and snack a lot at night, so I should probably follow my own advice ... haha irony