I'm confused about coffee



  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Melissa_mojo
    Melissa_mojo Posts: 156 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    omg i need this!!! lol
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    One week it's good for you, the next week it's bad. Either way they can pry my coffee mug out of my cold dead hands.

    How much were you drinking a day when you quit?

    About 2 cups, any more than that I would go psycho... I'm really sensitive to stimulants, but I'm missing that boost of energy

    You could try half caff.

    I do that a lot. I mix from both pots at work.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Better than crack.

    Seriously, I was just thinking that. I'd rather have the coffee.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    One week it's good for you, the next week it's bad. Either way they can pry my coffee mug out of my cold dead hands.

    1. YES: nobody will ever come between me & my coffee. Never. Ever.

    2. I don't think it's that they've gone back and forth on coffee, and more so about the healthy dosages/those who would be safe consuming it, as it is a CNS stimulant.

    3. OP: yes, it is a drug. Just like any other substance people tend to abuse. That being said, it's so much more normalized that people don't think of it as a drug. It's addictive, yes.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I do have to add on a more serious note though... caffeine is an addictive drug and it can be VERY easy to overdose and die from it if you don't consume responsibly. (AKA don't drink back to back coffee/tea/energy drinks/powder caffeine all day and go easy on the quad shot lattes if you're a beginner.)
    I don't think it's very easy to die from caffeine overdose.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I quit drinking and I haven't smoked for years. I can barely tolerate dairy, can't do gluten, corn, potatoes, shellfish, avocado or kiwis. Unless my throat starts closing up like with those other things I'm going to keep drinking it! It and chocolate are my last vices.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    I am only confused by coffee... when I don't get a couple of cups first thing in the morning.. with sugar... and proper milk... my only vice
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Is it really an addictive drug?
    I love coffee. I love the flavour.
    Me too. But I restrict to decaffeinated.

    Everything in moderation....
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I do have to add on a more serious note though... caffeine is an addictive drug and it can be VERY easy to overdose and die from it if you don't consume responsibly. (AKA don't drink back to back coffee/tea/energy drinks/powder caffeine all day and go easy on the quad shot lattes if you're a beginner.)
    I don't think it's very easy to die from caffeine overdose.

    Let's find out! :drinker:

  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    2 maybe three cups every morning or I am too snarky to live with.

    One cold shot of very strong coffee if I am getting a migraine.

    One large iced coffee in the afternoon keeps me from eating dinner as I make it, then eating dinner at the table.

    So....coffee for me...always
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    the truth is that it's delicious and keeps me from being stabby in the morning.
    THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!!! I agree 100%!

    Drinking mine right now!

    it's become a well-established and documented fact that i am not human until i've had at least one (preferably three) cup of coffee.

    as far as the addictive qualities... caffiene is probably the only substance to which i'm ACTUALLY addicted, to the point where i can feel definite withdrawal effects if i have to go without it. but honestly, it's one of my comfort foods, and with the cream it provides me the fat calories i need rather than trying to eat an actual breakfast.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i told my husband he needs to get me that mug.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I do have to add on a more serious note though... caffeine is an addictive drug and it can be VERY easy to overdose and die from it if you don't consume responsibly. (AKA don't drink back to back coffee/tea/energy drinks/powder caffeine all day and go easy on the quad shot lattes if you're a beginner.)
    I don't think it's very easy to die from caffeine overdose.

    Let's find out! :drinker:

    Love it! It'd take 302 Diet Pepsis to kill me. Phew, I'm safe! :happy:

    Ok, I don't get the mug. "You may speak. I have to poop." ?
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    Coffee is very addictive. My bare minimum is 2 cups in the morning and another cup at night after work. Any less than that and I get so tired I can't stay awake and I get severe migraines. The first time I ever got one of the migraines they were going to put me in the hospital because the doctors thought I had a brain tumor. I had been 3 days without coffee (first day I just didn't have a cup, after that I was too sick). The day I was supposed to go in I felt a little better so I had a cup of coffee. Within minutes the migraine was gone.

    I do love my coffee though so even without the migraines there's no way I'd give it up.

    A dose of Excedrin would probably have worked as quickly as the cup of coffee, and for the same reason. Caffeine withdrawal is a common enough cause of severe headaches that caffeine is a standard ingredient in the medications used to treat them.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Ok, I don't get the mug. "You may speak. I have to poop." ?

    the lines are like a liquid level gauge...like on a fuel tank?

    when it is full, it's "shhh", as in DO NOT talk to me until i have drank some of this.

    after a few sips it's "you can ALMOST talk to me now"

    when the coffee level gets down to the third line, you may now speak, and I might not bite your head off...

    but when the coffee is gone or almost gone, hence the bottom line, you have to poop...

    because coffee makes you poop...

    ...every morning....

    ...usually before you've even finished drinking it...

    ...seriously, if I don't have my coffee I don't poop...

    ...and I feel constipated by noon....

    and apparently it's not just me because this mug exists and people like it.
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    One day I thought I was ill because I was so tired and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Turns out I had accidentally skipped my coffee that morning. I guess I am an addict!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Coffee is the reason I haven't killed someone yet.

    Seriously though: I work in an environment that provides free coffee throughout the day, and I used to drink 6-8 cups a day just because it was there and I like the taste. I took it with skim milk and no sugar, but had an "a-ha" moment last fall. My SO and I were sightseeing somewhere during the day, and I actually made him stop at a sketchy gas station somewhere so that I could go in to buy a cup of coffee because I felt like I needed it so bad and couldn't wait until we got home to make some. I realized I was going a little too HAM with my caffeine.

    Since that day, I stopped drinking that much coffee and cut back to 1-2 cups a day, only in the mornings. The first week was miserable and I hated everyone and everything, but it got better. I sleep better, feel like I get more done during the day, and don't get as many caffeine-related headaches (I used to get a headache if I went more than a couple of hours between cups during the day... that was not fun).
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member

    For me personally, I have one 8 oz serving of coffee a day with soy milk during the week. I rarely drink coffee on the weekends.

    I found your post really helpful. Do you use water and soy in your coffee or is that 8oz soy milk? I was concerned about the amount of soy i was drinking as I was drinking 1-2 cups of 10oz of lite soy milk and 2 teaspoons of coffee per 10oz.... (did that make sense? hehe) anyway, I think it was upping my calorie count, and I was concerned about all that soy! I don't like my coffee any other way.....

    I apologize if this comes across as rude, and I admit I haven't had any coffee yet. Am I reading this right? If so, you were having 1-2 SIPS (2 teaspoons is one sip) of coffee per day, and think you had symptoms from cutting that out. Sorry, but that would be psychosomatic.
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    Coffee is very addictive. My bare minimum is 2 cups in the morning and another cup at night after work. Any less than that and I get so tired I can't stay awake and I get severe migraines. The first time I ever got one of the migraines they were going to put me in the hospital because the doctors thought I had a brain tumor. I had been 3 days without coffee (first day I just didn't have a cup, after that I was too sick). The day I was supposed to go in I felt a little better so I had a cup of coffee. Within minutes the migraine was gone.

    I do love my coffee though so even without the migraines there's no way I'd give it up.

    A dose of Excedrin would probably have worked as quickly as the cup of coffee, and for the same reason. Caffeine withdrawal is a common enough cause of severe headaches that caffeine is a standard ingredient in the medications used to treat them.

    I was taking Excedrin. It very slightly dulled the pain but that's it. I should have said though, at that point I was drinking 2-4 POTS of coffee per day.