serious problem



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    aren't there medical students on campus? or some sort of "practice" facility...go the profs and tell them you feel like you're dying and you're broke! Again DAMN THE UNITED STATES HEALTH SYSTEM! I can't believe you can't go to the ER because you can't afford it! so you're just suppose to sit there and suck it up while Donald Trump gets the cadillac of new hips? it's disgusting! and Alberta is going to be right behind you! Move to france man, they take care of their citizens
    But see the thing is you CAN go to the ER most places have to treat you in the US. Some hospitals might not but likely in a mid sized area there is likely more than 1 hospital and he's in Austin, right? Surely more than 1 there!:tongue:

    It's not about him not being able to get the treatment it's about him not chosing too at this point.:noway:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    @ HealthyChanges Hear, hear :smile: That's what I've been trying to say.

    @ the OP Brutal honesty time. You came onto a website full of people that are dealing with daily struggles asking for help. They all offered advice, time, and a pure sense of caring for you and your situation. They have even given you tools and/or ideas of ways to help yourself, yet your answer is to ignore us all and be stubborn and hard-headed. Heck, there were even people posting that they would PAY for your treatment and/or DRIVE you to a clinic near your campus. Yet you still reply that you don't want to get yourself treated. That is pretty much a slap in the face to all of us that took the time to respond to YOUR request and offer advice/help.

    Remember that little story about the boy who cried wolf? Kinda relates here.

    As HealthyChanges said, I hope you found the attention you so craved, but evenmore, I hope you went to a doctor and got yourself treated.

    Being sick for a little while is bothersome, but being sick for the rest of your life is horrible.

    damn, i was all concerned for a second, but i don't have time for someone that is just going to be rude about all the suggestions he's given...and who really comes onto a weight loss site looking for advice about his illness? did you get what you were looking for? at first it was positive feedback, and now we're all just disgusted that our time and patience got used. If it's true that you can get a free exam, then what exactly is the problem? and why are you whinning about it?
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    im having trouble breathing it feels like there is a ton of fluid in my lungs i really dont get sick ever if i do its for a day and then im better so i always just keep trucking last week i noticed i was having a hard time catching a full breath and it eventually went away after like 2 day then yesterday i would get dizzy everytime i stood up like i was just gonna bust my face and i worked out and just kept hacking crap up and lost my breath so easily its recovery weeks its not that hard so i should be blowing thru it and now today im having a hard time catching my breath and just feeling like im just filled with pleghm idk i may just be panicking but i have no history of panick attacks i keep having to yawn to catch a breathe idk anyone something similar to this i never get sick so idk but ive had the flu before and a cold and it doesnt seem this bad and web md just scares the **** out of me type in 5 symptoms and you end up with some rare *kitten* disease its not for me..

    oh and im a poor college student dont reccomend going to the er

    Firstly, you should immediately refrain from working out in case you have a nasty virus.

    Secondly, you really do need to see somebody, you could have the start of pneumonia and that really would not be fun, you can be incapacitated for weeks with that and I really do mean incapacitated!

    Not meaning to frighten you or anything, but health is one of the most important things and each of us needs to look after our own, because it is precious.