My name is Mike and I weigh 400 lbs



  • FoHunneds
    Thank you all for your support and advice! I'm really happy I decided to come here and introduce myself. Far more people posted than I ever imagined, and I am truly grateful. I hope to be one of the success stories someday, and perhaps after some time I'll feel comfortable enough to post before/after pics!
  • OneDayAtATime64
    Hi Mike. I am new here as of today and you as well as anyone else feel free to add me. I have to lose over 100 lbs, so will be here for a while.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Mike! My new friend! Do not do keto (extreme) and do not do all that cutting carbs out thing that guy who just joined suggested. Losing weight doesn't mean cutting anything out, it just means being more aware of what you're putting in and knowing what your body burns (approximately) daily and then eating under that :) And making sure you stay hydrated so water retention doesn't occur.

    I'm not saying keep eating crap (I was hooked on ready meals six months ago) but you do NOT need to do anything crazy or cut things out completely (unless they're like crazy unhealthy restaurant food that comes in at ridiculously high numbers).

    The forums will give you all kinds of suggestions - make sure you take them with a pinch of salt, if you take them at all :) Although everyone's totally right about the pool stuff - keep it low impact until your feet improve!

    1000% this post!

    Sent you an add :) I've got quite a bit to lose as well - and trust me, you're already an inspiration because you've already done it once!

    Don't go on in with a set thing that will work for you - because there's a good chance it may not.

    Do you have a Sodastream? My SO is addicted to Soda, so I told him he could have that... much lower sugar, and he's one of those weird ones that likes the carbonation, so sometimes just carbonating water is enough.
  • srl32000
    srl32000 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi MIke - Welcome. I lost 140 lbs. I am about 5'7 and started at 340. I couldnt walk a block but I started very slow and found a good doctor and nutritionist. It took me 4 years and have been holding for over a year. All i can say is its a process and i read books all the time about nutrition, why we eat, the bad things that are in our food and try to keep learnig. I am now in my late 40s and optimistic I will be around for a while. You have youth on your side... start slow, get professional advice for diet exercie and nutrition and set milestones. Remember, you are fighting an enemy at the DNA level, theres a stingy/survival gene that we must battle, malnutrition because our bodies crave vitamins and minerals but it get translated into over-eating and carefully calculated and sinister salt, sugar, fat combinations in all our commercially prepared foods that lights up our brain with dopamine and have screwed up our ability to effectively respond to insulin. All daunting but one thing is true, many overweight people are extrement strong and are the ones that would have survived and dominated during times of famine and disease... We are not in those times anymore, but we are strong and capable of directing that physical and mental strength. Good luck buddy.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Welcome and congrats for taking the first step of signing up and giving up soda. I will send you a friend request. I been around for a couple years.
  • soberlicious
    soberlicious Posts: 121 Member
    welcome, mike! i wish you the best of luck :) there's a lot you can do on your own--but ask for help too. do you have a gym near you with affordable personal trainers and nutritionists? they might be a good resource to help you start out....lots of amazing people on MFP who've lost weight and gotten healthy on their own. good luck!!!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member

    Just set your calories and stay within them, you will start to lose weight quickly, at your weight you can start with higher calories and gradually keep cutting so it's not like going cold turkey!

    Also don't listen to anyone telling you not to eat a certain food group, they don't know anything about nutrition...
  • bthiering
    Hi Mike,

    Congrats on taking your first step to becoming a healthy you. Just a little background on me when I began my weight loss journey (August 29, 2013) I weighed in at 290.2. Being almost 300 lbs is a lot for anyone to carry but only being 5'1 it made it uncomfortable for me to do things. I think it's great you are getting in walks that's exactly what I did. One piece of advice get fitted for good shoes they will make all the difference. You are going to be sore, my feet, my legs, hips everything hurt but if you just push through all of a sudden it stops. Remember to keep an open mind things are always changing and so are your needs to succeed. When I started I went to Medithin, I was looking for that quick fix. I only went there for about a month and then switched over to Weight Watchers in September and continued there until the end of January, I then switched over to a health coach that my school district provides for us. The reason for my change from Weight Watchers to the health coach was one money, health coach is free and I needed more my health coach is also a personal trainer so she could look more at what I was doing and provide tips.

    You will be amazed at what your body can do. One of my favorite quotes is "one of the greatest moments in life is realizing that two weeks ago your body couldn't do what it just did". I see that every day as my screensaver to remind myself.

    Make sure you surround yourself with a good support system they make all the difference.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Mike!

    You are off to a fine start.

    Water, sleep, logged food, and as much movement as is available to you in good shoes (You may need orthotic support--I did!)...all will be well.

    Our local rec centre does water physio. Super basic exercises for people in pain. At 400 I wore a big black t-shirt and trunks that came down to my knees. And the RELIEF on my joints...just from walking down into the water...

    That was more than a year ago!

    This week I started Couch to 5k.

    There IS hope for the no-hopers.

    You just have to do it everyday.

    Every day.

    You have a long forever in front of you. Focus your will, Chi, and geek pride, and you will achieve miracles for yourself.

    oh...and it never hurts to have friends....
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Hey Mike - welcome! Feel free to add me - I'm happy to help any way I can. My best advice at this stage is to take your time and really figure out what works for you. Starting slow is fine. Get some momentum and make some new habits. Before you know it you'll be helping the next person who logs in for the first time. It can be a very rewarding process.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Hi Mike! My little tidbit of advice would be to faithfully log/weigh/measure your food. I peeked at your diary and if it is accurate, you may be being a little too aggressive at first. You are young, male and have quite a bit to lose. If you are not hungry or feeling deprived, I see nothing wrong with it. But, If you are struggling with hunger, you really should find a more sustainable calorie goal. One thing I have learned is not to deprive myself too much.Here is a good calculator to help figure out where you should be.

    Good luck!!
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i wish you luck on your journey.

    my boyfriends father hes 53 years old also weights around 400 pound he suffers from heart disease, diabetes, and cellulite on his legs i believe. he recently had a near death experience when his leg got infected and he almost died. also was in a nursing home for 3 months rehabilitating. he lost 80 pounds and was walking and breathing great but when he got home he never reschedule physical therapy and now is declining again.

    i know that story was grim but i say this because at your size if you have insurance to cover it, i would highly recommend meeting with a professional physical therapist as much as the coverage allows you. you have start off slow. try resistance bands and mess around with those every chance you get. and good job on kicking the soda habit i cant even begin to say how bad that stuff is for you.

    i really wish you luck your still young so you have that on your side . :) ad me as a friend if you like