I must be doing something wrong!

I'm really hoping that you all can give me some ideas here, because I'm at a complete loss.

I'm been trying to lose 15 pounds for the longest time now. I faithfully use MFP to track my calories in and out and wear my fitbit Flex like it's my job. I usually meet my 10,000 step a day goal including my workout. I drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day and usually make my calorie count. I workout 40-45 min of cardio 4-5 times and week and do strength training as well, but I can't get the scale to budge. I keep gaining and losing the same 2lbs again and again. And to make matters worse, I haven't lost any inches either. What gives?!

The only thing that I can think of is that I have a really hard time meeting my quota of protein. How in the world can I possibly eat 90g+ of protein in one day? I don't like protein powder, but can handle certain brands of protein bars. I use them maybe 2x a week if I'm way off on my protein intake, but obviously can't live on them.

This month, my protein numbers look like this:
8/1: Needed: 91, Ate: 51
8/2: Needed: 70, Ate 57
8/3: Needed: 70, Ate 39
8/4: Needed: 108, Ate 61
8/5: Needed: 106, Ate 80

Any tips to get the scale to move? Thanks


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Open your diary, please.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I try to eat about 100g of protein a day.

    Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt., hard boiled eggs, chicken breasts, nuts of just about any kind. Some beans. Beef patties with cheese. Peanut butter.

    I do the occasional shake, but never bars. I don''t like the taste and most of them are way too caloric and carb laden.

    Good luck
  • skatesynchro
    skatesynchro Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, I've opened my diary.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    Lentils, beans, chicken, eggs, beef, fish, tuna, pork, greek yogurt and cottage cheese are all excellent sources.

    As well, I know you sail you don't like powders, but if you add some protein powder to oatmeal, you really don't taste it.

    And you can also buy fortified breads, pancake mixes, and nut butters. I get one called p28 online.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Are you weighing all your food with a scale? If you are guessing or "eyeballing" things, small indiscretions and overages can really add up fast, enough to blow your deficit if you do it consistently enough.
  • skatesynchro
    skatesynchro Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh and measure absolutely everything!!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Well protein intake isn't going to really effect your weight loss so that isn't the reason you haven't lost weight. That said low protein is a problem you have identified that you can fix. You didn't mention that you were vegetarian or vegan so I assume you can eat meat.

    Just a chicken breast is about 40g of protein. A can of tuna is like 55g. These are cheap and lean options for protein. You mix a can of tuna into a salad and you are half way there.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm been trying to lose 15 pounds for the longest time now.

    May I ask how long it has been? Some people will say it has been "the longest time" when it has been a month. I'm not saying you are that person but since you left it vague I thought I'd ask.
  • skatesynchro
    skatesynchro Posts: 14 Member
    It's been about 18 months now. I was traveling abroad for an extended period of time and wasn't logging calories, but just focused on making healthy choices and getting regular exercise. I originally started at 188 and got down to 165, but then gained 10 pounds back and now I've been stuck at 175 for 7 months.