Am I overweight?

BMI calculators tell me I'm overweight and I'm sure I must be overweight, but my boyfriend says he thinks I look really good and he doesn't think I look overweight. He has normal taste in looks and doesn't prefer overweight women or anything.

Do I look overweight? I'm about 5'4 and 148 pounds.





  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    BMI i just a number. I feel like it isnt a good judge of if you are over weight or not. If YOU are happy where you are then that is all that matters. Personally I dont think you look over weight but in the end it truly is your decision!
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Tricky question. BMI is just a general estimate... If you think you are healthy where you are at see a doctor and have things like your cholesterol and body fat tested. Weight and BMI can be misleading. There are other indicators of health and it may be something you want to look into.

    Best of luck!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    You look great to me! I wish I could look that good! I think the BMI thing is crazy! WE are not all made to weigh 110 lbs!
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    BMI calculators tell me I'm overweight and I'm sure I must be overweight, but my boyfriend says he thinks I look really good and he doesn't think I look overweight. He has normal taste in looks and doesn't prefer overweight women or anything.

    Do I look overweight? I'm about 5'4 and 148 pounds.

    Your BF is not going to tell you the truth. Unless the truth is the truth. Yes, you are over weight. The real question is: are you happy with the way you look and feel?
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    you look good to me, if you're happy and he obviously is then i wouldnt sweat it, just make sure you're healthy
  • MintyStarshine
    If you're overweight, I'd like to know where you're hiding it! From the pictures, you look very nice and look like you're at a healthy weight.

    The best way to measure is to take out those old-fashioned fat pincers and measure that way. That measures the fat that's sitting on top of the muscle and the actual percentage.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    this is a choice you have to make--the BMI is not "dead on" unless done officially and i'm not paying that kind of fee<G>

    lovely pics and no you don't seem abbynormal...but your perception is the important one here. Nothing wrong with trying to eat healthy and exercise at whatever weight you are--that's why i love the diversity of this site!
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    In your bottom picture I can see a little of your left earlobe that you've been trying to keep hidden under your hair, and dearie I am sorry but it DOES look a little flabby. Don't take offense, I mean that only in a constructive way. With myfitnesspal you'll be flaunting your earrings again in no time! ;-)
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hey there!

    Body Mass Index (BMI) is often inaccurate in certain people as it's based off a simple equation for everyone.

    What it doesn't take into account, is body composition in each individual.

    As a result, those individuals with more lean mass do not fit into the BMI scale and will get results that are not typical for their body measurements.

    From what I can see in your pictures, you're an average frame woman who likely has a high muscle content. This lean mass is denser and weighs more than body fat and will give you a skewed result (in terms of BMI).

    I personally am an athletic male with a high %age of lean mass. For my own height and weight, I get a BMI of 28, which is on the highly obese scale. Obviously as an athlete I don't consider myself obese in any sense.

    I've trained female athletes however, one in particular who was a speed skater. She had very muscular legs obviously an asset to her sport, but her BMI was 27...again in the obese range, but in no way was she out of shape by any means.

    For yourself, I would suggest finding a place where you can get a body comp test done, and go on that measurement more than BMI.

    It's the fashion world and media that tells us we have to look a certain way, but not everyone is built the same.

    All the best to you!
  • badrianne
    BMI calculators tell me I'm overweight and I'm sure I must be overweight, but my boyfriend says he thinks I look really good and he doesn't think I look overweight. He has normal taste in looks and doesn't prefer overweight women or anything.

    Do I look overweight? I'm about 5'4 and 148 pounds.

    Your BF is not going to tell you the truth. Unless the truth is the truth. Yes, you are over weight. The real question is: are you happy with the way you look and feel?

    Um OK...her BF is not telling the truth?! Maybe I read that wrong, but it seems an odd thing to say, lol. He said that she looks good and does not look overweight!

    As to the OP I agree with others. Do you like the way that you look and are you satisfied with your level of fitness? If the answer to one or both of those questions is "no" then maybe make a road map to help you address those concerns.
  • MintyStarshine
    By the way, I googled up a BMI calculator and calculated it out. You're at 25.5 BMI. If you lost just 8lbs, you'd be at 24.1 which is Healthy.

    The word "overweight" seems to mean the same as "obese" or "morbidly obese", at least these days.

    Oh and 24.9 is also in the Healthy range. You'd only need to lose 3lbs to be in that section. :)
  • Kerryanne85
    I think you are beautiful and look good. However, the above comments are correct - being healthy is what is important. How you feel when you look in the mirror is a mental battle that I myself struggle with. If being healthy is important to you than I would get in the healthy weight range however, do it for health reasons, do it for yourself don't do it simply to look good - because I think you do look good : )
  • deagn5
    deagn5 Posts: 19 Member
    i think the bmi is a very poor way of measuring peoples weight index. i recently got a report of my 2 sons height and weight, now i expected it on one of them, although i would not call him obese (he is according to the bmi), but he could tend to loose a few pounds. but my other son, who's ribs you can see when he takes his shirt off, was also labeled as obese. i think this is very harmful in the big scheme of things. these kids are going to grow up with more emotional/eating disorders. we need to teach our kids a healthy way of eating, tell them that they can of the sweet stuff as well,but only in moderation and of course exercise has to be apart of it as well. if you feel comfortable in your body and you are in relatively good health, you have to live with you, and you have to be happy! whatever my bmi is i know i don't feel comfortable in my body and that is why i am doing this site. remember the bmi is just a guideline, a poor one at that, take it with a "grain of salt"
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    Um OK...her BF is not telling the truth?! Maybe I read that wrong, but it seems an odd thing to say, lol. He said that she looks good and does not look overweight!

    No, you read that correct. No boyfriend is going to tell his girlfriend she is overweight. That is setting himself up for disaster. Does he think she looks good? Absolutely. Does he think she looks over weight? You will never know. However, judging from her photo and height/weight, yes she is over weight. Is she obese? Absolutely not. Hence, that said it is up to her on how she feels about the way she looks and feels.

    Come on people there is no need to candy coat it here. She has her boyfriend for that. We are all here on this site to lose weight and/or get fit. We should at least be able to tell each other the honest truth.
  • Dyoung2217
    geez this guy ^^^^ haha. You really do look good and if your healthy and happy with the way your body is then your set.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Okay, this is just my take but I'm thinking you must feel that you are overweight or you would not be looking into this.

    I agree that a BF is going to be very reluctant to say anything about weight to a GF. It's like a loaded question, damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a no win situation for him.

    That being said, from the pics it looks like he might be a little overweight himself. If that's the case he may also be concerned that if you lose weight he won't look so good and it will mean more work for him.

    Just a guess.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    That being said, from the pics it looks like he might be a little overweight himself. If that's the case he may also be concerned that if you lose weight he won't look so good and it will mean more work for him.

    Just a guess.

    That is a very good point. :drinker:
  • trekkiebeth
    Thanks for the replies! I've already decided that I definitely want to lose weight. I want to get down to 130 pounds. I was really close to that a little over a year ago, but I gained a bunch of weight after I got together with my boyfriend.

    The reason I'm asking if I look overweight is that I get really depressed about my looks and I'm pretty sure I have body dysmorphic disorder. I feel not just overweight but I often feel gross and unattractive. My boyfriend says that I don't have a realistic view of my own looks, so I thought I should get some more opinions.

    My boyfriend has never lied to me and we have had very serious conversations about this issue and I believe him when he says he would tell me if he honestly thought I looked overweight. I admitted that even though I enjoy his body I know he's overweight because it's just obvious that it's true. There's no point lying about it. I believe he would do the same for me.

    potluck965: Like I said we have had serious conversations about our weight and I know that's not what he's doing.

    I'm not saying I don't think I'm overweight. I'm just saying I believe that my boyfriend is being honest with me. I do want to lose weight. I'm just trying to figure out how accurate my own perception of my body is by asking other people if they think I look overweight.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    well ladies, just FYI, no man in his right mind would ever tell a woman that she is overweight when asked, lol.....

    or the question "

    "Honey, does this dress make me look fat" ?

    well, we have 2 options

    "No dear, it looks wonderful on you"


    "Um dear, the dress doesnt make you look fat, its the fat that makes you look fat"

    Now which answer do you think any rational man is going to, But the O P looks fine to me, but then Im a man, so how else would I reply..............Best Wishes, ..........Lloyd
  • Uptopargolf
    Trust me, the boyfriend loves you, wants to be with you, thinks you look great, etc etc. BUT come on, what guy would mind if you lost a few pounds? The girlfriend says the same to me, of you look great, you don't need to workout, etc etc. But I know I will be happier if I do, and she will be also.

    Second, BMI is crap for most people. Although it is very tough, try to get you're body fat percentage measured. That is the really number you need. You'll be surprised.

    Third, you are probably 'skinny fat'. You do NOT look big. However you're body fat percentage is probably above 30% (just a guess of course). I used to weigh 159 but now at 193, I have a lower body fat percentage and I look better.

    Fourth, you don't lose weight for anyone besides yourself. If you are happy that is all that matters. And if you try to do it anyway, you just set yourself up for failure. You have to be fed up with the way you look, you have to WANT to be healthier. If you are asking other if you need to lose weight, that is not the place to look. You need to look deep inside you're heart and say what do I want to do?

    Do I want to be healthy? Do I want to make a lifestyle change? Do I want to give UP going out for desert with the boyfriend? Because those are all questions that will need to be addressed. It always come down to.. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?