Am I overweight?



  • I do not think that you look overweight. Then again you are not naked in the pics lol and clothes can hide alot. I think you look great so you need to do what you want for yourself and no one else =)

    and FYI... when I asked my fiance if he thought I should loose some weight he said.. "yea you could loose some pounds, but only if you want too. I think you are beautiful just the way you are no matter what." And when I ask him how I look in certain outfit and its not a positive answer.. I take that as constructive criticizm and find something else. This has happened with two outfits so far and when I put them on again after I lost some weight.. his reaction was priceless =)

    I respected his opinion and am thankfull that he can be honest with me.

    All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.
  • I do not think that you look overweight. Then again you are not naked in the pics lol and clothes can hide alot. I think you look great so you need to do what you want for yourself and no one else =)

    and FYI... when I asked my fiance if he thought I should loose some weight he said.. "yea you could loose some pounds, but only if you want too. I think you are beautiful just the way you are no matter what." And when I ask him how I look in certain outfit and its not a positive answer.. I take that as constructive criticizm and find something else. This has happened with two outfits so far and when I put them on again after I lost some weight.. his reaction was priceless =)

    I respected his opinion and am thankfull that he can be honest with me.

    All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.

    Come on, we would surely get in trouble for that!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    You look like your healthy, but you could definitely drop a few pounds and still be healthy. If you want to drop a few, then go for it. Some people tell me I'm crazy when I say I'm cutting fat, but I'm no where close to where I really want to be (6-pack abs, <10% body fat). Just because you aren't really overweight by most standards doesn't mean you can't drop some lbs if you decide it's worth it for both the health and aesthetic benefits. The worries only come when you have an unrealistic, unhealthy view of yourself. That's the red flag we look for when suggesting people don't lose weight.

    I agree with what the guys are saying too. I love my wife, and she looks amazing. That being said, if she drops a few more lbs (literally just a few, any more than that would be too much), then that would be great too. If she were to ask me if, in my opinion, she should lose weight, I would say that she should only do it if it's what she wants, because she doesn't need to change herself for me.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Well Im about 5'4inches and I would love to be your size-you look great- although like you my ultimate goal is 130 and I have a long journey ahead, and whether your BF is honest about his answer or not I think like you said and the others is how you feel about yourself-so good luck!
  • Hi there,
    I think you are quite similar to myself. I am 5ft 5 and started off on this site at 140lbs.

    You look good in your pictures but clothes can be deceiving. Some outfits make me look slim but when I am infront of the mirror in my underwear I don't look as good and I noticed my fatty areas (for me its my tummy).

    I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and although he is honest with me, he is reluctant to say I'm fat when I ask him! I ask him alot for his opinion of what I'm wearing and I can now tell by his reaction of what he's really thinking - if it's really nice I know I look good, but if it's just ok I know I need to change!

    When you don't have too much to lose, a small amount of weight loss can make all the difference. I have lost 4 lbs so far and feel alot better in myself. I too want to get down to around 130lbs. However, not having much to lose means it's harder for those lbs to come off so don't be dis-heartened if it's taking a while. With careful eating and a little exercise, you'll start seeing results.

    Alot of people tell me I don't look like I need to lose weight (as most people above have said to you) but for me I want to look better and feel better about myself. Good luck!!
  • All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.

    You're a minority in this respect. In my experience, most women don't really feel that way, and many men learn to avoid that at all costs after a few nights on the couch.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    In your bottom picture I can see a little of your left earlobe that you've been trying to keep hidden under your hair, and dearie I am sorry but it DOES look a little flabby. Don't take offense, I mean that only in a constructive way. With myfitnesspal you'll be flaunting your earrings again in no time! ;-)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You should be a comedian :flowerforyou:
  • I think its kinda funny that some ladies are talking as if they would be good with the men in there life telling you, your chunky or look bad or whatever. Just a note for my hubby (I hope you see this when you log on) DONT FALL FOR THAT!!! You may never say that to me without making me upset. Im not blind I know where my fat is, I know I look what I weigh because fat dont hide. I know what still jiggles so lets focus on the good stuff. K thanks

    Oh and I admire the people who do get on this site and are honest. I didnt come to this site for someone to tell me what I want to hear. Its easier getting the truth from someone you dont know.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Um OK...her BF is not telling the truth?! Maybe I read that wrong, but it seems an odd thing to say, lol. He said that she looks good and does not look overweight!

    No, you read that correct. No boyfriend is going to tell his girlfriend she is overweight. That is setting himself up for disaster. Does he think she looks good? Absolutely. Does he think she looks over weight? You will never know. However, judging from her photo and height/weight, yes she is over weight. Is she obese? Absolutely not. Hence, that said it is up to her on how she feels about the way she looks and feels.

    Come on people there is no need to candy coat it here. She has her boyfriend for that. We are all here on this site to lose weight and/or get fit. We should at least be able to tell each other the honest truth.

    I agree with you man!! People on these sites now days are so thin-skinned that everything a person says is offensive to others.

    You are right - we are here to get fit and lose weight.

    I think she is a bit overweight, no need to really "lose weight", but some exercise to tone up will make the Original Poster look smaller and she will be fit - which to me is the epitome of looking and feeling healthy.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    well ladies, just FYI, no man in his right mind would ever tell a woman that she is overweight when asked, lol.....

    or the question "

    "Honey, does this dress make me look fat" ?

    well, we have 2 options

    "No dear, it looks wonderful on you"


    "Um dear, the dress doesnt make you look fat, its the fat that makes you look fat"

    Now which answer do you think any rational man is going to, But the O P looks fine to me, but then Im a man, so how else would I reply..............Best Wishes, ..........Lloyd

    Well, you know, my husband is brutally honest with me. If I ask, then he will state his opinion. I have often asked him how something looked on me.

    If you ask - then you should be prepared to hear the truth, not some sugar-coated message out of obligation. Sheesh people.

    My husband has told me on numerous occasions when I asked that something did not look good on me at the size I am.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I do not think that you look overweight. Then again you are not naked in the pics lol and clothes can hide alot. I think you look great so you need to do what you want for yourself and no one else =)

    and FYI... when I asked my fiance if he thought I should loose some weight he said.. "yea you could loose some pounds, but only if you want too. I think you are beautiful just the way you are no matter what." And when I ask him how I look in certain outfit and its not a positive answer.. I take that as constructive criticizm and find something else. This has happened with two outfits so far and when I put them on again after I lost some weight.. his reaction was priceless =)

    I respected his opinion and am thankfull that he can be honest with me.

    All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.

    I agree - My husband is the same way!!!

    It has happened a couple of times with outfits I put on and he said to me............"You are not the size I was when I first met you and what you have on does NOT look good on you at your current weight. If you want to wear those types of clothes again and have them look good on you, you know what you need to do for yourself."

    My husband has loved me when I weighed 125 pounds and he still loved me unconditionally when I weighed 265 - and he continues to love me the same every where in between.
  • All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.

    You're a minority in this respect. In my experience, most women don't really feel that way, and many men learn to avoid that at all costs after a few nights on the couch.

    This really surprises me. I would have thought that most women would want their man to be honest with them if they sincerely wanted to know if they were overweight or if a certain outfit looked good on them. I wouldn't want my boyfriend to tell me I look great in something if it was actually very unflattering. I would just end up embarrassing myself. I guess how honest a man should be depends on how honest a woman is being by asking the question in the first place. If she asks a question that she doesn't really want an answer to, I suppose a man will learn to not answer honestly.

    Like I said, I'm pretty sure I have body dysmorphic disorder. (I have almost all of the symptoms.) My boyfriend says I don't have a realistic view of my looks, so this is an issue we both need to talk honestly about to help me get a realistic view of how I look.
  • There are nice ways to go about how you say something to someone about their weight. If a woman is asking a question about how she looks for what thier man's opinion is of an outfit or weight in general.. then yes be honest.

    However if a man wants to be an *kitten* about it.. then that is a different story. That is not what I am referring too. And honestly if a woman asks if she looks ok or if they need to loose pounds and thier man is honest and says how he feels and the woman doesn't like the answer.. she has no one else to blame but herself for asking the question.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    BMI calculators tell me I'm overweight and I'm sure I must be overweight, but my boyfriend says he thinks I look really good and he doesn't think I look overweight. He has normal taste in looks and doesn't prefer overweight women or anything.

    Do I look overweight? I'm about 5'4 and 148 pounds.

    Your BF is not going to tell you the truth. Unless the truth is the truth. Yes, you are over weight. The real question is: are you happy with the way you look and feel?

    Um OK...her BF is not telling the truth?! Maybe I read that wrong, but it seems an odd thing to say, lol. He said that she looks good and does not look overweight!

    As to the OP I agree with others. Do you like the way that you look and are you satisfied with your level of fitness? If the answer to one or both of those questions is "no" then maybe make a road map to help you address those concerns.

    You are not overweight. BMI is just a guideline and isn't accurate for everyone. I looked up your BMI number and it was 25.4 (25 is considered overweight), but you may have more muscle than the average person making your BMI higher. Being only .5 away from the "healthy" category doesn't automatically make you overweight. IMO you don't look overweight at all.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member

    Um OK...her BF is not telling the truth?! Maybe I read that wrong, but it seems an odd thing to say, lol. He said that she looks good and does not look overweight!

    No, you read that correct. No boyfriend is going to tell his girlfriend she is overweight. That is setting himself up for disaster. Does he think she looks good? Absolutely. Does he think she looks over weight? You will never know. However, judging from her photo and height/weight, yes she is over weight. Is she obese? Absolutely not. Hence, that said it is up to her on how she feels about the way she looks and feels.

    Come on people there is no need to candy coat it here. She has her boyfriend for that. We are all here on this site to lose weight and/or get fit. We should at least be able to tell each other the honest truth.

    Dang, I found the one man out there that DID tell me I was overweight!! He was straight up honest that I had gained quite a lot of weight and while he wasn't thrilled about it, he understood. We were having LOTS of home-life and medical issues. As for the OP, I agree that your BF is most likely not going to tell you what he really thinks as he wants to avoid arguements and hurt feelings. But ultimately, the decision is yours to make if you want to lose weight or not. Only you have that power.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    i think you look beautiful!!! :smile:

    first of all, you want to be happy with how you look at any level and know that you are healthy.
    (just like the commercial where the thin person falls over because of cholesterol, it ain't all about looks)

    i'm 5'4" and built very very similar to you. i've weighed between 140 and 160 all of of my teenage/adult life.

    i've always felt happy with my curves. but i'm at a point in my life where i want to be healthier, stronger and
    fitter. i am sure my hips/curves will stay but i want to have more definition and be strong!!!

    it's all about perception and what matters is what you think of how you look and feel and being healthy!
    this site is so wonderful because it's more than just dropping pounds, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well.

    my goal weight is 130 too! good luck lady! :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    BMI calculators tell me I'm overweight and I'm sure I must be overweight, but my boyfriend says he thinks I look really good and he doesn't think I look overweight. He has normal taste in looks and doesn't prefer overweight women or anything.

    Do I look overweight? I'm about 5'4 and 148 pounds.

    Your BF is not going to tell you the truth. Unless the truth is the truth. Yes, you are over weight. The real question is: are you happy with the way you look and feel?
    well put and more so are you eating healthy and getting regular excercise. We can look great and not be healthy, look at all the ppl out in the world that are not over weight on the scale but eat like crap or starve themselves to wear a dress to an event.

    In the end it's how feel about ourselves not how others see us.:flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I do not think that you look overweight. Then again you are not naked in the pics lol and clothes can hide alot. I think you look great so you need to do what you want for yourself and no one else =)

    and FYI... when I asked my fiance if he thought I should loose some weight he said.. "yea you could loose some pounds, but only if you want too. I think you are beautiful just the way you are no matter what." And when I ask him how I look in certain outfit and its not a positive answer.. I take that as constructive criticizm and find something else. This has happened with two outfits so far and when I put them on again after I lost some weight.. his reaction was priceless =)

    I respected his opinion and am thankfull that he can be honest with me.

    All men should learn to be brutally honest with their matter what.
    agreed and it's up to us women to learn to deal with the response when we ASK particular questions so guys don't feel they have to lie to avoid confrontation. Guys feel they need to say what is the safe answer because some women truly don't want to hear the truth but what they want to hear. :laugh:

    I feel for you men, it's true in some cases you can't win because your ladies don't really want to hear the 'truth' from you when they already know but are wanting to stay in denial instead.:tongue:
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    My sister, knowing she needed to lose weight, went to see her doctor. She had a physical, to find out all her important info, sugar, cholesterol, thyroid function, that kind of stuff, and then she told the Dr. how much weight she wanted to lose. Her Dr. said that she needed to lose it slowly, and after she had lost half of her goal, to come back, and have another physical. The Dr. said tha bmi for one person, is not the same for the next because of bone structure/mass and muscle mass. So what is a healthy weight for one lady that is 5'4, may not be the same as another lady that is 5'4. I suggest seeing your dr, having a physical, and then deciding am I really overweight and unhealthy? If your overweight and healthy, then don't lose any weight, if that is what makes you happy. I believe, that a man that loves his woman, will not care if she's overweight, he loves her unconditionally, that's the way it should be. So, overweight of not, he loves you just the way you are. Poor guys, sometimes they have no chance. In my opinion, you look great.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    emme, that BMI chart is government propaganda.....just another way to label us.....

    it also DOES NOT take in consideration a persons age, as older people have different issues, readings and fat mass as opposed to a teenager...

    I think I read where that BMI Mass index chart is 100 years old.......sorry, but my primary physicain said most Drs dont use it , its obselete...

    Thanks for that info though.....Lloyd
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