how many pounds lost before people started to notice?



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Around 14 pounds (so now), has anyone said anything.
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    20 lbs for people that see me daily
    6-10 for people that don't
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    This reminds me of something. Last weekend I was looking at my phone and my daughter asked what I was looking at. I showed her a collage picture of me with before and now pictures (it's in my profile now.) Her eyes got really big. She hadn't realized that I lost any weight until that minute when she saw the pictures side by side. She's 7 and I think she just didn't notice because she sees me every day. She knew that I was exercising and log my food but it didn't occur to her that I've been getting smaller.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Hmm....15-20 I think.
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    My bf didn't actually say he could tell I'd lost weight until about 25 pounds in -- what other people said is true, though. My mom (who has also struggled with weight issues for a long time) notices when I drop even five pounds, I think. Lol.
  • SGIF79
    SGIF79 Posts: 1 Member
    It was around 20 lbs for me.
  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    Last year I lost 15lbs and a few people that I see regularly commented, but the people who noticed the most were those who didn't see me very often.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    After about 30 pounds. My face definitely looked slimmer and my stomach was finally starting to look smaller. Now that I've hit 40 pounds gone it's much more noticeable and several people have commented on my weight.

    Still a long way to go, but I'm happy my hard work is now showing. :)
  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    I've lost right at 30, and no one but my closest cheerleaders have said anything. I haven't lost a pant size yet, although all my clothes fit better. The curse of being a tall woman.
  • iridescentfall
    I feel like it all just depends where that weight comes off first of course if it comes off from your stomach therewwon't be that much of a noticeable change but if some of the weight comes from your face people will start to notice. I think people start noticing when you change when your about one pants size less than before (about 10pounds)
  • iridescentfall
    I've lost right at 30, and no one but my closest cheerleaders have said anything. I haven't lost a pant size yet, although all my clothes fit better. The curse of being a tall woman.
    Don't worry!!!! You'll lose it (; you got this!!!!
  • sakuya3834
    sakuya3834 Posts: 116 Member
    I've lost a little more than 26 lbs but no one has noticed yet except my fiance. I don't feel I look different other than noticing that my clothes fit me properly instead of being very tight on me. I have a feeling people would notice if I wore more form-fitting clothes.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me it's seemed to make a really big difference how quickly I lost the weight. I went from 307 to 262 over 3-4 YEARS and my mom was the only person to comment, and as far as I know she's the only one who noticed. When I told a couple of friends about my progress of losing 30 and 40 lb they looked confused or like they didn't really believe me. Ugh.

    But then when I joined MFP and went from 262 to 250 in about 2 months, people noticed -- even that 12 lb loss, which is not a LOT, especially on a very heavy person seemed to be more noticeable. My next door neighbor I barely know asked if I was losing weight. Coworkers followed, then friends and family shortly after that. Almost everyone had something to say by the time I was around 230.

    I'm now at 173 and I think almost every person I know has commented at some time.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    beloved wife noticed subtle changes around 30lbs and she was the only one aware of my WOE. Around 90lbs is when i got comments from co workers, church etc.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    about every twenty lbs lost people notice it
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I was around 30 pounds lost when people started to notice.. but I was also heavier. I would think it would be quicker for a smaller person.
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    About each 15 to 20 pounds which for me has so far been about a size down. Of course that is also when I got some new clothes . . .
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    When I first started to lose weight 3 years ago, I did a big initial drop in the span of about 90 days going from 235 to about 195, and it took that 40lbs to get any comment (other than my mother, who I think clued in closer to the 30lb mark when we were on a shopping trip for a friend's wedding).

    It took me about a year after that to drop another 30lbs and get down to 165, which was my lowest, and people constantly made comments through that entire process because my body fat percentage was lower, so the change you make are a bit easier to see. Plus, it was summer getting closer to the end, so I think it's also a little easier to tell when you're wearing a bikini at the beach haha.

    Now that I'm losing again, I started at about 179 and am down to around 173, and my SO has already noticed, but I've also already seen measurement changes as well, so I'm not really surprised. He also sees me naked all the time since we live together, so...

    I don't expect anyone else in my life to notice for another 4-6 weeks (which would put me back around my lowest weight).
  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    I've had a few people say things but it could be because I'm posting on FB and they see my comments. My fiance says she sees it and my clothes are fitting better but I really don't see it. At the gym I try to avoid looking at the mirror because I still feel like a blob but I'm happy with my journey thus far. I work seasonally (taxes) and few of my coworkers see me throughout the summer and fall. I'm hoping by the time I start seeing the majority of them (November), I'll be down at least 30lbs and have that definite change.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I'm bigger frame. For me about 20 pounds. Lots of comments / compliments when I hit about 30 pounds.