I hate it when....

Shawna_831 Posts: 316
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
I know we all have certain post, topics, tips ect. that we hate! :explode: I just want to hear everyone just let it out here. This could be fun and cause drama all at the same time :laugh:

So let me know what you can not stand on MFP that people do.

Example: I hate it when people eat only 1200 calories (just an example :wink: )


  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I know we all have certain post, topics, tips ect. that we hate! :explode: I just want to hear everyone just let it out here. This could be fun and cause drama all at the same time :laugh:

    So let me know what you can not stand on MFP that people do.

    Example: I hate it when people eat only 1200 calories (just an example :wink: )

    MFP actually sets many people's calorie goals at 1200 cals/day. For me, losing 0.9 pound a week, I had to eat 1200 calories. If I wanted to lose MORE a week, MFP won't give me a number under 1200.
  • lose & losing vs loose & loosing
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    oh. . .this is probably a bad idea.

    "If you eat 1199/weel calories you'll gain 10 lbs of fat and satan will punch you in the face. If you eat 1201 then you'll lost 5 lbs immediately and win the lottery." 1200 is not a magical dietary number.

    "muscle doesn't weigh more then fat. 1 lb is 1 lb." except that 1lb of fat is 4x larger then 1 lb of muscle. I guess we have to qualify it every single time now.

    There's also;

    -extra carbs make you fat.
    -extra fat makes you fat.
    -food after 6pm makes you fat
    -lifting more then 2 lbs makes you Arnold

    I swear I don't look for trouble or try to cause drama. It just finds me and I just can't keep quiet.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I dislike it when people bash others for taking a cheat day. Make ya deal.... You do it your way and I will do it mine. Just sayin...
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    When people bash others for eating processed foods...and say that if you do you'll just gain the weight back. Sounds like total bull in my book. I eat processed food (I also eat "clean" foods) and I'm down 30 lbs...and I doubt that fate free popcorn will be a reason I would gain it back..
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    muscle and fat weigh the same.. urg that buggs me
    thats like saying feathers a lead weigh the same
    you dont compare a pound of feathers and a pound of lead that is stupid and there is no point to it, you would weight a cubic inch or foot

    a cubic foot of fat muscle weighs more than a cubic foot of fat
    just like a cubic foot of lead weighs a heck of a lot more than a cubic foot of feathers..

    you would never compare a pound of something to another pound of something to determine wich is heaveir, that makes no sense at all...you would compare the same volume..duh
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    muscle and fat weigh the same.. urg that buggs me
    thats like saying feathers a lead weigh the same
    you dont compare a pound of feathers and a pound of lead that is stupid and there is no point to it, you would weight a cubic inch or foot

    a cubic foot of fat muscle weighs more than a cubic foot of fat
    just like a cubic foot of lead weighs a heck of a lot more than a cubic foot of feathers..

    you would never compare a pound of something to another pound of something to determine wich is heaveir, that makes no sense at all...you would compare the same volume..duh

  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    people talk down to me like I'm unintelligent just because they don't agree with me

    opinions are like *kitten* people! everybody has one, they're all different, and some of them may stink.... :laugh:

  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    -Women who refuse to do strength training because they don't want to look "bulky". It takes a lot of effort to gain muscle, especially for women (because of their much lower levels of testosterone). You are not going to get bulky because you pick up a dumbbell once or twice a week. It actually helps you lose weight by maintaining the muscle you have, and lets you achieve that toned look that everybody wants.
    -People that concentrate on a number on the scale annoy the hell out of me. These are the people that go on fad diets to lose 10 or 20 pounds in a couple of weeks, not realizing that it's mainly water weight and not fat that they're losing. Then they wonder why the weight comes back as soon as they go off these diets.
    -Beach Body coaches that are always trying to get you to try Shakeology. Some days it seems that every second person on MFP is a Beach Body Coach. It makes me wonder just how many box tops you have to send in to get your certification, because their standards can't be too high if there are so many "certified" coaches floating around.
    These are just a few of the things that I hate on an otherwise very helpful site!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    ...When people ask questions like is it ok to do this or that. If it is ok with you, then isn't it ok?? Hey, is it ok that I just slacked off for a month and gained 3 lbs? Uh, yes because I did it to myself so it was obviously ok.

    Also dont like when opinions are requested on subjects and it has to turn into a big pissing match between people. If we all knew all the right ways to lose weight we wouldn't be here. No one has all the right answers, kids.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    people make excuse after excuse after excuse.

    You either want to be healthy or you don't. The excuses don't get you anywhere!
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    people make excuse after excuse after excuse.

    You either want to be healthy or you don't. The excuses don't get you anywhere!

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    When people don't use the search button. As if they are the only person in the world that is doing:
    30 Day Shred
    eating Dairy
    wondering about starvation mode.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    When people don't use the search button. As if they are the only person in the world that is doing:
    30 Day Shred
    eating Dairy
    wondering about starvation mode.

    here here
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    oh. . .this is probably a bad idea.

    "If you eat 1199/weel calories you'll gain 10 lbs of fat and satan will punch you in the face. If you eat 1201 then you'll lost 5 lbs immediately and win the lottery." 1200 is not a magical dietary number.

    "muscle doesn't weigh more then fat. 1 lb is 1 lb." except that 1lb of fat is 4x larger then 1 lb of muscle. I guess we have to qualify it every single time now.

    There's also;

    -extra carbs make you fat.
    -extra fat makes you fat.
    -food after 6pm makes you fat
    -lifting more then 2 lbs makes you Arnold

    I swear I don't look for trouble or try to cause drama. It just finds me and I just can't keep quiet.

  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    The people that annoy me or the ones that make a huge deal about eating a couple of cookies. Then they say they feel so bad. Get over it. I had Chinese Buffet and McDonalds both this week and I didn't go running to MFP to cry about it. I worked a little bit harded the next day and got myself back on track.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    A couple of more things that annoy me:
    -When people update their status every hour on the hour to let the rest of the world know that they woke up from their nap or are going to the store or having a bowel movement. I'm happy for you, but I really don't need to know every detail of your life.
    -People who slack off then try to get everybody's sympathy by making a big deal about it. You know what you need to do to fix it (hint: exercise and stop eating crap!), so get off your *kitten* and go do it!
    -People that post topics about how diet cola, meat, non-organic produce, or any processed food is going to give you cancer or somehow poison your body and how anything but a steady diet of tofu and granola is going to kill you. At least do some research before posting some propaganda article from a special interest group.

    I'm sure I'll think of more things that I hate as soon as I post this. Stay tuned for more *****ing!
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    A couple of more things that annoy me:
    -When people update their status every hour on the hour to let the rest of the world know that they woke up from their nap or are going to the store or having a bowel movement. I'm happy for you, but I really don't need to know every detail of your life.
    -People who slack off then try to get everybody's sympathy by making a big deal about it. You know what you need to do to fix it (hint: exercise and stop eating crap!), so get off your *kitten* and go do it!
    -People that post topics about how diet cola, meat, non-organic produce, or any processed food is going to give you cancer or somehow poison your body and how anything but a steady diet of tofu and granola is going to kill you. At least do some research before posting some propaganda article from a special interest group.

    I'm sure I'll think of more things that I hate as soon as I post this. Stay tuned for more *****ing!

    Isn't this funny that we were talking about this the other day. I'm sure there is more that you can get off your chest. :tongue:
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I hate when people get hung up on the titles of vegetarian, pescatarian etc...here is the thing...I don't eat meat. In a strict sense I am probably not a vegetarian as I will eat fish occasionally and I will eat food prepared with chicken broth...I think consuming beef and chicken and pork and turkey etc is nasty...because I think it smells and tastes bad. As I make vegetarian choices 90% of the time I use the title as it less confusing to people trying to feed me a pork chop than to explain that the pork chop would make me gag...I am not a hypocrite for eating tuna..I never made any claim that I never ate tuna...etc..I use the title sometimes but I don't need to be corrected by others or called a hypocrite for doing whatever I want.

    I hate how quickly some people correct a post, even if the info was stated as a general rule of thumb and your mileage may vary... if you read carefully you would find that your correction still fits withing the general rule of thumb....

    I hate when the moderation people and the absolute people feel the need to tell the other that they are wrong. Some work and live better in moderation and some need the absolutes...whatever.

    I hate when the very overweight think that their issues with food and exercise are more difficult than those of the healthy weighted. I struggle every day to have a healthy relationship with food and not become anorexic or bulimic as I was in my youth. Yes I am small and fit but I have to work just as hard as anyone else to do this...don't diminish me as I have reached my goals and still have things I need to chat about.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I feel better just reading everyone else's ***** lists! Mine include everything mentioned here, but especially the failure to use the search feature before asking the SAME freaking question that has been asked bazillions of times and those "OMG, I gained (insert # here) pounds OVERNIGHT!!!" people. Yes, I too weigh myself obsessively, but I know that the number is going to fluctuate by several pounds throughout the course of the day and week. GET OVER IT! IT's NORMAL!
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