I hate it when....



  • people make excuse after excuse after excuse.

    You either want to be healthy or you don't. The excuses don't get you anywhere!

    If you aren't doing it then it's not that important to you...bottom line.
  • lose & losing vs loose & loosing


    Seeing that in every other post makes me want to punch someone. Gggrrr.....:angry:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    All of the above! One more.... those that are here to lose weight and post at noon that they ate all the allowed calories already, and asking if they should eat anything else! Get a clue people, if you wanna lose weight you gotta eat differently than you did before. You keep eatting the same amounts of the same stuff you will continue to gain weight.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I hate it when people ask what kind of shoes they should wear. Try some on and go to a running store. I don't know how you run, how your feet strike the ground, what your arches are like etc...how can I with good conscious recommend shoes?????
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I hate it when people ask what kind of shoes they should wear. Try some on and go to a running store. I don't know how you run, how your feet strike the ground, what your arches are like etc...how can I with good conscious recommend shoes?????

    Actually, until last year I had no idea they had running stores. They're seriously cool though. To go in there get individualized attention, running up and down the middle of the store. Gotta love it.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I hate it when people ask what kind of shoes they should wear. Try some on and go to a running store. I don't know how you run, how your feet strike the ground, what your arches are like etc...how can I with good conscious recommend shoes?????

    Actually, until last year I had no idea they had running stores. They're seriously cool though. To go in there get individualized attention, running up and down the middle of the store. Gotta love it.

    You are right...but guess it goes along with the search topics thing..this question gets asked a lot and the answer is always the same...no one but you can tell you what shoe will feel good on your foot. LOL... And running stores are awesome...I could spend hours in one.
  • Hey hey hey... I'm only 5'2 so have to stick to around 1300 to lose weight. If you're heavier/taller, you'll generally have to eat more calories. It changes for everyone.

    Someone mentioned a pet peeve with women not wanting to lift weights out of fear of bulking up... agreed! I used to do squad swimming in high school (around 4 hours of training a day) and as a result, have a lot of strength for a female. I get a lot of funny looks at the gym.."Yes I can lift more than you.. do I look like a man? No, so stop looking at me like I am one" If you're not increasing your weights as you get stronger, you're wasting your time.

    Opinions are probably my biggest pet peeve, particularly unresearched ones. That and bad spelling and grammar.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    lose & losing vs loose & loosing


    Seeing that in every other post makes me want to punch someone. Gggrrr.....:angry:

    Yeah. What has happened to English grammar?
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    When people's accounts state they are under cals for the day and then I look at what they ate that day and it was nothing but crap mixed with a semi decent day and then they wonder why they still aren't dropping weight. It's like " I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THIS OR THAT" it should be more like "DO YOU LOVE THE FAT DROOPING OFF YOU?"....DING DING DING
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    Some people at work know that I'm really trying hard to eat healthier. I tend to use "dislike" because hate is a very strong word. However, when someone sees me eating celery sticks, carrots, etc. and says "Are we having fun, yet?" My stomach turns inside out and yes - I HATE that phrase!!!

  • Some people at work know that I'm really trying hard to eat healthier. I tend to use "dislike" because hate is a very strong word. However, when someone sees me eating celery sticks, carrots, etc. and says "Are we having fun, yet?" My stomach turns inside out and yes - I HATE that phrase!!!


    I find that people try to talk me out of eating healthy, or make me feel as if I'm starving myself. I tend to eat 5 or 6 times a day, and rather than eating the usual "cereal, a sandwich and dinner" most people around me tend to eat, I'll spread lots of protein and complex carb rich foods (such as nuts, cheese, carrots, celery, cucumber, capsicum, cold meats, fruit, the occasional sandwich etc) across my day, so I suppose when people do see me eating, it looks like i eat very little. I usually cop the 'is that ALL you're having?" or "we have food here for you to eat if you don't have your own"

    ...oh bugger off...
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    Some people at work know that I'm really trying hard to eat healthier. I tend to use "dislike" because hate is a very strong word. However, when someone sees me eating celery sticks, carrots, etc. and says "Are we having fun, yet?" My stomach turns inside out and yes - I HATE that phrase!!!


    I find that people try to talk me out of eating healthy, or make me feel as if I'm starving myself. I tend to eat 5 or 6 times a day, and rather than eating the usual "cereal, a sandwich and dinner" most people around me tend to eat, I'll spread lots of protein and complex carb rich foods (such as nuts, cheese, carrots, celery, cucumber, capsicum, cold meats, fruit, the occasional sandwich etc) across my day, so I suppose when people do see me eating, it looks like i eat very little. I usually cop the 'is that ALL you're having?" or "we have food here for you to eat if you don't have your own"

    ...oh bugger off...

    Hello Larousse!

    I knew there was somebody out there who understands where I'm coming from! I will have the last laugh in the long run! Thanks for the coforting words! You rock!

  • Some people at work know that I'm really trying hard to eat healthier. I tend to use "dislike" because hate is a very strong word. However, when someone sees me eating celery sticks, carrots, etc. and says "Are we having fun, yet?" My stomach turns inside out and yes - I HATE that phrase!!!


    I find that people try to talk me out of eating healthy, or make me feel as if I'm starving myself. I tend to eat 5 or 6 times a day, and rather than eating the usual "cereal, a sandwich and dinner" most people around me tend to eat, I'll spread lots of protein and complex carb rich foods (such as nuts, cheese, carrots, celery, cucumber, capsicum, cold meats, fruit, the occasional sandwich etc) across my day, so I suppose when people do see me eating, it looks like i eat very little. I usually cop the 'is that ALL you're having?" or "we have food here for you to eat if you don't have your own"

    ...oh bugger off...

    Hello Larousse!

    I knew there was somebody out there who understands where I'm coming from! I will have the last laugh in the long run! Thanks for the coforting words! You rock!


    Any time Don! As long as you know you're doing the best possible for your body, what other's think shouldn't matter. I actually find (being a uni student) that others will try to sabotage my healthy lifestyle if they find it threatening to their social life (i.e. I'm not going to the pub every night, not going out for lunch/dinner etc) it's a little bit sad actually.
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    Some people at work know that I'm really trying hard to eat healthier. I tend to use "dislike" because hate is a very strong word. However, when someone sees me eating celery sticks, carrots, etc. and says "Are we having fun, yet?" My stomach turns inside out and yes - I HATE that phrase!!!


    I find that people try to talk me out of eating healthy, or make me feel as if I'm starving myself. I tend to eat 5 or 6 times a day, and rather than eating the usual "cereal, a sandwich and dinner" most people around me tend to eat, I'll spread lots of protein and complex carb rich foods (such as nuts, cheese, carrots, celery, cucumber, capsicum, cold meats, fruit, the occasional sandwich etc) across my day, so I suppose when people do see me eating, it looks like i eat very little. I usually cop the 'is that ALL you're having?" or "we have food here for you to eat if you don't have your own"

    ...oh bugger off...

    Hello Larousse!

    I knew there was somebody out there who understands where I'm coming from! I will have the last laugh in the long run! Thanks for the coforting words! You rock!


    Any time Don! As long as you know you're doing the best possible for your body, what other's think shouldn't matter. I actually find (being a uni student) that others will try to sabotage my healthy lifestyle if they find it threatening to their social life (i.e. I'm not going to the pub every night, not going out for lunch/dinner etc) it's a little bit sad actually.

    After reading your comments, I've come to the conclusion that you are a strong person who will not sway off the main road to appease others. I'm glad I had this opportunity to chat with you! Please accept my friend request so we can keep in touch.

  • Haha, I totally understand being in uni and having people sabotage you because it's threatening to their social life. "Why didn't you bring money? don't you want to drink? no!?! well I'll buy you something then!" or "I'm really craving such and such, lets go to (insert name of fast food place)" and then get mad when you suggest you have plenty of food at home and that you could cook a healthy dinner with them. lol ugh!

    Also, I am doing eat stop eat, which involves short term, intermittent fasting which a lot of people are against (ahh, deprivation! how could I?!!). However, I see it as a lifestyle and not a crash diet, yet when people look at my diary they freak out because I don't have a lot of calories on a particular day. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't do my research on it and couldn't carry it on long term, thank you very much! plus I'm not only doing it for weight loss. end of story. So ive made my diary private so no one freaks out on me anymore about it!!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    People tell you what you should weight, or that you're skinny. Just because someone else who is 5'4" is happy at 160 doesn't mean I am. *shrugs shoulders*

    Otherwise I pretty much love MFP, the people are pretty awesome and it nice to see people who are just starting out as well as people who have been here for quite some time!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    People tell you what you should weight, or that you're skinny. Just because someone else who is 5'4" is happy at 160 doesn't mean I am. *shrugs shoulders*

    Otherwise I pretty much love MFP, the people are pretty awesome and it nice to see people who are just starting out as well as people who have been here for quite some time!

    yes!! thank you! I have people that freak on me about my goal weight being 130 lbs, but I'm only 5'3". That's a very healthy weight and will still leave me with "meat" even! lol
  • Haha, I totally understand being in uni and having people sabotage you because it's threatening to their social life. "Why didn't you bring money? don't you want to drink? no!?! well I'll buy you something then!" or "I'm really craving such and such, lets go to (insert name of fast food place)" and then get mad when you suggest you have plenty of food at home and that you could cook a healthy dinner with them. lol ugh!

    Also, I am doing eat stop eat, which involves short term, intermittent fasting which a lot of people are against (ahh, deprivation! how could I?!!). However, I see it as a lifestyle and not a crash diet, yet when people look at my diary they freak out because I don't have a lot of calories on a particular day. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't do my research on it and couldn't carry it on long term, thank you very much! plus I'm not only doing it for weight loss. end of story. So ive made my diary private so no one freaks out on me anymore about it!!

    That sounds EXACTLY like my life haha. Especially the 'what do you mean you're not drinking?? I'll buy for you then!" part. Oh god forbid I don't get wasted guys. But then it's definitely deeply ingrained in the aussie culture, and it's usually an issue for me every weekend. I got so sick of it now I just drink vodka lime soda, and drink it slowly. I sometimes try to sneak in the 'but I'm the designated driver' and the response is usually always 'but you can crash at mine!' uhhh nooo thanks.

    Buuuut being an aussie I still do drink most weekends.. I just keep it to vodka lime and soda usually and don't go over board.

    It is frustrating when people criticise you because your goals don't match up to theirs. I'm a big believer in minding my own business :-)
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    oh. . .this is probably a bad idea.

    "If you eat 1199/weel calories you'll gain 10 lbs of fat and satan will punch you in the face. If you eat 1201 then you'll lost 5 lbs immediately and win the lottery." 1200 is not a magical dietary number.

    "muscle doesn't weigh more then fat. 1 lb is 1 lb." except that 1lb of fat is 4x larger then 1 lb of muscle. I guess we have to qualify it every single time now.

    There's also;

    -extra carbs make you fat.
    -extra fat makes you fat.
    -food after 6pm makes you fat
    -lifting more then 2 lbs makes you Arnold

    I swear I don't look for trouble or try to cause drama. It just finds me and I just can't keep quiet.

    Well said....and the part where drama finds you, lol...that happens around here. Sometimes I comment on something, and it gets turned around and starts WW5!!
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    I dislike it when people bash others for taking a cheat day. Make ya deal.... You do it your way and I will do it mine. Just sayin...

    I agree..we should not "bash" one another for "slipping up" occasionally. And cheat meals help me not fail...Awhile back I had a cheat "day" a week, and that, well, was not a good idea...kinda made me fall off the healthy wagon, and that ticked me off!
    I like the You do it your way, and I do it mine...And we can all just be there to encourage one another! After all, this is an amazing site for encouragement and new ways to change our lifestyles, rather than DIEt!!:bigsmile:
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