How to pick a Breakfast Cereal



  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    Cereal makes you fat! Spikes blood sugar, slows your metabalism. Doesn't satiate.

    I would have to pick the least worst: Organic Thick Rolled or Steel Cut Oatmeal.

    All those processed cereals and granola bars are horrible.
    So can you provide some better choices of breakfast? I am trying to learn here, but if you don't give other choices what is left to eat?
    Please educate us on better breakfast choices.
  • amakenm
    amakenm Posts: 18 Member
    Eggs, meats; bacon/ ham/steak/chicken/turkey/red salmon, coconut oil, grass fed ghee, and cod liver oil, green vegetables, cayenne pepper, sea salt. Plain Greek yogurt, still too high in sugar to be a "regular".
    You can get nitrate free breakfast meats "Applegate Farms" in health food stores, and organic chicken and beef are available at most major markets now. "NOW" non bitter Stevia is the sweetener I use, doesn't have the metallic taste so much.

    I just wouldn't make cereal a daily breakfast routine, especially boxed cereals. When I'm serious about losing, I try to keep my total sugars under 10 grams a day ( lettuce, cucumbers, onions, broccoli, all have sugar), most cereals have 2 to 3 times that, and those that don't are so processed they convert immediately to sugar when you eat them.

    I just try to avoid all possible sugars, bad carbs.
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Eggs, meats; bacon/ ham/steak/chicken/turkey/red salmon, coconut oil, grass fed ghee, and cod liver oil, green vegetables, cayenne pepper, sea salt. Plain Greek yogurt, still too high in sugar to be a "regular".
    You can get nitrate free breakfast meats "Applegate Farms" in health food stores, and organic chicken and beef are available at most major markets now. "NOW" non bitter Stevia is the sweetener I use, doesn't have the metallic taste so much.

    I just wouldn't make cereal a daily breakfast routine, especially boxed cereals. When I'm serious about losing, I try to keep my total sugars under 10 grams a day ( lettuce, cucumbers, onions, broccoli, all have sugar), most cereals have 2 to 3 times that, and those that don't are so processed they convert immediately to sugar when you eat them.

    I just try to avoid all possible sugars, bad carbs.

    You eat pretty similiar to how I eat.

    Fage full fat Greek Yogurt has only 7 grams of carbs in a whole cup serving. i like it on occasion because I am slowly weaning out dairy in my eating plan.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I make my own museli so when I eat it I know exactly what I'm getting. That said I probably only have it once a week.

    I use only whole organic oats, coconut, almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seeds then dried blueberries, cranberries and goja berries. Chuck it all in a tray and mix in a cup of olive oil (there is a LOT there) and a cup of organic orange juice, if you want add a small drizzle of raw honey - mix so everything is a bit damp then chuck it in the over on 100 degrees C and stir every ten minuted till it is all golden brown and no longer damp to touch - leave to cool and crisp up then store :)