Awkward men's room moments



  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I like how you made sure to put in that you washed and dried your hands. Good job.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I like how you made sure to put in that you washed and dried your hands. Good job.

    Only because I was getting ready to eat.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I like how you made sure to put in that you washed and dried your hands. Good job.

    Only because I was getting ready to eat.

  • superman_149
    In highschool I worked retail in a mall. There was a guy who always worked the same shifts as me, but in the store next to mine. Never said a word to the dude, only gave him the old head nod when we'd see eachother..until one day... I was doing my thing at the urinal, eyes forward, dreaming of putting out fires with my stream, when I feel someone looking, turn, and this dude is beside me. He takes this opportunity to introduce himself to me, which on its own is weird, but then I see his hand come my way. THE DUDE WANTS ME TO SHAKE HIS HAND MID STREAM. I told him I was busy, and he'd have to come introduce himself later.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    worst thing i ever saw was in a hotel in new york city a few years ago .. it was wall to wall mirrors with urinals just stuck on top of the mirrors .. no side panels or anything just stood and pee'd and watched yourself and anyone else in there with you .. i'm no prude or anything but i thought it was going a bit far .. lol
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    worst thing i ever saw was in a hotel in new york city a few years ago .. it was wall to wall mirrors with urinals just stuck on top of the mirrors .. no side panels or anything just stood and pee'd and watched yourself and anyone else in there with you .. i'm no prude or anything but i thought it was going a bit far .. lol

    That's actually really creepy. :ohwell:
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I was at a urinal in a restaurant after too much iced tea when this beautiful girl walked in right past me and used the stall beside me. This was a pretty small place. Just 2 urinals and a stall. Within 5 seconds she was peeing and she starts talking to me over the noise. "Is everything going okay out there for you?" I couldn't do anything but laugh. "Yeah, just fine and you?" "Much better now" she replied. "I couldn't wait any longer. Hope you don't have stage fright."

    I was washing my hands when she came out. She asked if I was shocked to see her in there. I stopped, started drying my hands and just left the water running for her. As she washed hers quickly I replied "No, but if you would have started using the urinal beside me then I would have been." She died laughing. I walked out, she walked out about 2 seconds later and we were both still laughing. I had some disapproving looks from some of the women seated at tables near the restroom.

    I've seen women use the men's restroom lots of times. It almost seems normal but that was by far the most memorable one. Someone mentioned the confusion of seeing a woman in the men's restroom before. I still have that drill in my head. "Okay, a lady just walked in but I'm using a urinal so this must be the men's room."
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    In elementary school, all the urinals were taken. I'm washing my hands. Another kid runs into the bathroom holding his junk, sees there are no urinals or stalls open, pauses, then gets up real close behind the tallest kid at the urinals, does a half squat, 5 holes the tall kid, and starts pissing through his legs. The tall kid just froze.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    If I have to pee and there's a line for the women's bathroom, I have no problem popping a squat in the men's bathroom.
  • QuiznatoddBidness
    QuiznatoddBidness Posts: 602 Member

    (1) This happened about a week ago. 3 urinals. I take the one on the far left (I always go left), the other 2 are empty. Next dude walks in and steps up TO THE MIDDLE ONE!!! This is a serious friggin violation of all the man rules. He leaves an empty on the right so he can stand next to me!? I don't get stage fright, but I should have turned and pizzed on him for the infraction.

    (2) Every time I use the urinals at Jerome Bettis grill in Pittsburgh. They're awesome. At eye level is a 2-way mirror that looks right out into the bar area. Sometimes you're doing your business and somebody is right on the other side of the mirror "looking" directly at you. Again, I don't suffer from stage fright, but it is a unique experience. I lifted my 7yo son so he could see -- he still doesn't believe the people out there can't see us. Mike Greenberg (from Mike & Mike on ESPN) is totally freaked out by these urinals and has commented on it on the show from time to time.

  • logiatype
    logiatype Posts: 110 Member
    In elementary school, all the urinals were taken. I'm washing my hands. Another kid runs into the bathroom holding his junk, sees there are no urinals or stalls open, pauses, then gets up real close behind the tallest kid at the urinals, does a half squat, 5 holes the tall kid, and starts pissing through his legs. The tall kid just froze.
    You win
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    Standing at the urinal at a local bar three sheets to the wind and some guy staggers in and gives me the obligatory "drunken head nod" which I return, and realize he is way too drunk. He steps up to the urinal... starts swaying a bit, leans against the wall, then against the divider, then passes out right there. As he falls, he hits his chin on the urinal. He's laying on the floor bleeding and pi$$ing himself. I step over him thinking I should probably do something, but he's laying there with his junk out and I wasn't sure what to do. So, I wash my hands, and head back out to tell the people at my table what happened. The lady at the next table overhears and says, "That sounds like something my husband would do." It was her husband.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Not a men's room awkward moment - in a high school girl's locker. I was trying to get my gym shoes on (which were too small at the time - I was growing out of shoes every 2 weeks it seemed). I was grunting and straining to get my shoe on. My classmates thought the noise was coming from the bathroom stall where one of the High School Alpha girls was doing her business in. I never told anyone that it was me making the straining sounds.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    In elementary school, all the urinals were taken. I'm washing my hands. Another kid runs into the bathroom holding his junk, sees there are no urinals or stalls open, pauses, then gets up real close behind the tallest kid at the urinals, does a half squat, 5 holes the tall kid, and starts pissing through his legs. The tall kid just froze.

    I read this like 3 times with my mouth hanging open.

    My son and I were at a gas station stop on the way back to Texas from Northwest Florida.

    He's in and out of the men's room. There is someone in the ladies drying their hands. They don't come out.
    I really need to go. I've been waiting.
    More hand drying.
    2 guys have come in and out of the men's room. I'm still waiting.
    Another guy in and out.
    Freaking A

    Finally I'm like ok, if ONE MORE GUY goes in and out of that men's room, I'm using it. That lady is STILL drying her hands. Oh, and some flushing.

    Sure enough. A guy comes in and out. Now they are giving me funny looks because like... I don't know I'm just waiting. My son is waiting for me too!

    I go in. Lock door. aaaaaah .....

    NO TP! OMG FREAKING DUDES! Paper towels - ok ok

    wash the hands, use towel to leave.


    So I go to the cashier and let them know the men's needs paper and someone may be sick in the ladies.

    Cashier A looks at Cashier B and says "Susan's in the bathroom again."

    Apparently there is a homeless lady or OCD lady that holes herself up in their bathroom and just hangs out.

    I swear it must have been 20 minutes I was there.

    My son was like "what happened??"

    :grumble: lucky me :grumble:
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    In elementary school, all the urinals were taken. I'm washing my hands. Another kid runs into the bathroom holding his junk, sees there are no urinals or stalls open, pauses, then gets up real close behind the tallest kid at the urinals, does a half squat, 5 holes the tall kid, and starts pissing through his legs. The tall kid just froze.
    You win

    This definitely takes the cake
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    In elementary school, all the urinals were taken. I'm washing my hands. Another kid runs into the bathroom holding his junk, sees there are no urinals or stalls open, pauses, then gets up real close behind the tallest kid at the urinals, does a half squat, 5 holes the tall kid, and starts pissing through his legs. The tall kid just froze.
    You win

    This definitely takes the cake

    I actually had something like that happen to me in school, two other kids crammed in to pee in my not fun.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I swear it must have been 20 minutes I was there.

    Just go in and use the men's. Ain't nobody got time for that. I see it all the time and most guys don't bat an eye at it unless you try to use the urinal. A stall is a stall.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I swear it must have been 20 minutes I was there.

    Just go in and use the men's. Ain't nobody got time for that. I see it all the time and most guys don't bat an eye at it unless you try to use the urinal. A stall is a stall.

    It wasn't a stall situation. It was a 1 door bathroom 1 toilet situation. Otherwise it would have been ok. Besides - men's rooms?? EWWWW!
    I guess they use the toilet less though....
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member

    (1) This happened about a week ago. 3 urinals. I take the one on the far left (I always go left), the other 2 are empty. Next dude walks in and steps up TO THE MIDDLE ONE!!! This is a serious friggin violation of all the man rules. He leaves an empty on the right so he can stand next to me!? I don't get stage fright, but I should have turned and pizzed on him for the infraction.

    (2) Every time I use the urinals at Jerome Bettis grill in Pittsburgh. They're awesome. At eye level is a 2-way mirror that looks right out into the bar area. Sometimes you're doing your business and somebody is right on the other side of the mirror "looking" directly at you. Again, I don't suffer from stage fright, but it is a unique experience. I lifted my 7yo son so he could see -- he still doesn't believe the people out there can't see us. Mike Greenberg (from Mike & Mike on ESPN) is totally freaked out by these urinals and has commented on it on the show from time to time.


    OMG - I couldn't go like that...waaaay too pee shy. I wonder if they have something similar in the ladies bathrooms...
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    One time I walked into the locker room at a gym where I used to train and there was an old, hairy guy with one foot on the floor and the other one on top of the counter, Captain Morgan style, while he was BLOW DRYING HIS *kitten*!!!!

    I froze.. I seriously didn't know what to do other than look away. My brother followed me into the locker room and started shouting at the guy, "What the hell are you doing, dude? No one wants to see that siht!" Then the old guy looks up with a "where am I?" Kind of look and my brother and I just broke out laughing for about 5 minutes straight.

    This is hilarious. Kinda reminds me of Bad Grandpa haha