"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 6



  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    weigh-in~292.6 !!
    SW challegne 302.4
    CW challenge 292.6
    loss 9.8 pounds!!
    MORE Later~
    loving prayers to All!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Ah, week 6. Well I'm still working on backtracking and re-losing the few lbs I gained during Thanksgiving, but that's okay. I'm still headed in the right direction! :-) I probably won't make the 12 by the deadline, but I'd like to be 180 by my birthday on 12/30. Totally doable!!!

    This week:

    SW: 186.6
    CE: 183.6

    Total loss: 3lbs
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    @Violet - I'm totally with you. Hopefully next week I'll be back to my lowest. I don't think I'll make the 12 either, but if I hit below 190 before Christmas, I'll be thrilled. Next few weeks are full of eating out, family and friends visiting. Here is to making it out of the holidays even!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Well....no loss...but no gain either. I am back on track here today. I plan on keeping up with the challenges. I will be eating better...avoiding those snacks as well as I can...and getting back on the tread. I put the Playstation move on my Xmas list...get the Zumba and Just Dance (March of next year). I also have some Netflix workouts saved...gonna try those this week too. I was busy on the weekend doing some cleaning and finishing up the decorations...pics coming soon!
    Have a great week all!


    SW 200.6
    CW 201.2
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My scale battery is dead!! And I have no way of getting batteries until closer to 6pm tonight when the hubby gets home from work (I have no car currently and it's 6degress w/ wind chill..I'm not walking anywhere!) So until I get it changed, looks like I'l leave it at 197.6 AGAIN.. Once I have my scale back, I'll weigh in and post it then (maybe even tomorrow morning). Hope Monday treats everyone well!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Hello everyone! I am happy to see so many positive posts, congrats to everyone.

    I'm up 2 lbs. I don't know what happened, I stayed active this weekend and stayed under calorie goals...I guess these things just happen. Back to 241 this morning. UGH. But, I got up at 5:15 and went jogging in 27 degrees, so I can count today as a success regardless. I'm still on a high about how far I got - over a mile before I switched to walking. Yay! :) I think I'm going to make that 1/2 marathon May 1st, I had almost forgotten how awesome jogging makes me feel.

    For the challenges, I will deifinitely add a few more lunges to my routine this week. I think it will help my overall leg strength which will help the jogging. I also need to build up my core strength for my back, so crunches or some type of standing abdominal exercise will defintiely benefit me. I'll have to look for something that will work with all my new ahces! haha!

    My favorite part about Christmas is everything. I am one of those people. I love the tradition, I love the feast of the seven fish at my mom's on Christmas eve, I love looking at the lights with my kids and husband, I love to decorate, I love the songs, I love watching people open presents. I love it all! :smile: I'm always so sad when it's over.

    Happy Monday to all.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Well.. I finally got on the scale again. Ive been slacking lately. Between all thats been going on with Toby, and all that my body has been doing to me, I have been slacking big time. Im not even going to sit here and make excuses. The excuses don't matter. What matters is that Im seeing what Im doing to myself, and I need to get back on track. Plain and simple.

    SW: 297
    Week 2: 294
    Week 3: 288
    Week 4: ---
    Week 5: ---
    CW: 296
    GW: 285

    As you see, Im back up to 296.. Which isnt too bad for the lack of working out, and tracking calories. I guess thats not too bad. But still.

    My one bad habit Im going to break this week, To stop eating so late at night, if I must eat late. Im going to make it something more healhty for me. Sometimes I cant help the eating late at night because of my hours of work.

    Im going to do the 60 Minutes of Meditation.. & The 30 minutes of Yoga. Gotta fit it in somehow.. :)

    Gonna do the Crunches & Leg Lifts..

    My favorite memory of this time of the year.. is On Christmas Morning Waking my parents up at 4 am, to open presents. And spending the entire day with ALL of my family. Something I miss soo much. What I love about it now, is spending time with what family I still have to spend the day with. I <3 my family sooo much. I love making cookies together (When it happens).. I love still love decorating the tree with my moms.. And having a contest with my sibling to see who name stays at the top of the tree the longest. :) I know silly, but a fun little game that started a few years back. Originally started with my brothers ex girlfriend. :)

    Here's a picture of my pretty tree, before my cat got ahold of it. All my ornaments are now at the top.. hoping to fix it one I clean the floors this week.. :)


    I hope everyone is having a good week. Gonna get back on track!!

    PS: I still dont know whats going on with me.. I dunno if it was TOM, or implantation bleeding. Getting a test really soon!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Been sicker than a dog since yesterday afternoon. Made it into work and kept some crackers down (finally) but my weight is down from it as well. Hoping I don't put on massive amounts once I start eating again :(

    could someone report the website url for h20?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm obviously hormonally challenged lately...LOL Not officially for this weigh in, but I was up again this morning, but I figured out why....just going to keep on track (although these darn christmas cookies are killing me)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Been sicker than a dog since yesterday afternoon. Made it into work and kept some crackers down (finally) but my weight is down from it as well. Hoping I don't put on massive amounts once I start eating again :(

    could someone report the website url for h20?

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Heya everyone! I read through everyone's updates - looks like we're having a little bit of a tough time this week. We gotta keep on keepin' on while still having fun and enjoying this special time of year.

    I'm also struggling this week. Have been good with staying under my calories, but Saturday was a wedding and while the dinner was healthy (salad, grilled chicken leg, asparagus, carrots, mini potatoes), of course there was a slice of cake (red velvet, yay!) and lots of drinking. We danced for probably a solid hour and a half, but still. Forgot how "fun" hangovers are. :laugh: It wasn't that bad of a hangover really, but made the next day (being a vendor at a food and wine festival) a challenge. I did my measurements today and I'm all puffy from the two days of drinking (yep, drank at the f&w fest too). I've been on a nearly 100% downward trend in measurements, so being up is really a downer.

    Time to stop my biitching. It's Christmas, dammit!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Here's my tree....lights on and off. Plus the outside of the house....we are all too chicken to do the top peak....hopefully next year we will.

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Such pretty decorations, Nursee!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    @Violet - I'm totally with you. Hopefully next week I'll be back to my lowest. I don't think I'll make the 12 either, but if I hit below 190 before Christmas, I'll be thrilled. Next few weeks are full of eating out, family and friends visiting. Here is to making it out of the holidays even!!

    Just keep at it, right? Every little bit is progress!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words and congrats - we hope to make it to 50 years!! :-)

    My favorite things about christmas... I have to say... usually revolve around baking, and cooking, etc. My grandma was raised in Texas/Oklahoma, and she cooks like it! She makes about 7 different kinds of pie each year - peanut butter, coconut, raisin-sour cream, lemon meringue, apple, blackberry, pumpkin, chocolate, pecan, (I guess that's 8), plus home made truffles, and cream cheese sugar cookies. UGH!!! I love the way the house smells so "homey" when you bake, but I've been looking for lightened recipes of all the favorites. My game plan this year is to have a tupperware container and when I see these wonderful grandma made treats, keep them in there, and fit them in... one a day... into my calories. I plan on working out to compensate... we'll see how that goes!

    This Christmas will be hard because my parents finalized their divorce two days ago. They made it 33 years together before it came to this... there was infidelity involved. Anyways... not sure how this christmas will go so I'm appreciating the small things: christmas lights that twinkle, icicles, crunchy snow, apple-cinnamon candles, hot peppermint tea, time home with my husband... etc. I feel like appreciating the small things relates to my weight loss journey. It's the small steps that I need to celebrate the most - not beat myself up because I haven't made my bigger goals yet. I'm learning.

    This is more than I planned to post - thanks everyone for keeping me motivated!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Such pretty decorations, Nursee!

    Thanks Pinkee! My daughter and I love to do it...we had a hard time stopping this year. So many beautiful things....
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im so jealous of all your trees, I have no room at all in my house for a tree, even if Ihad i'm sure the baby would try and eat it anyway lol
  • kattungen
    Wow, jsecret, you look amazing! :D
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks Pinkee! My daughter and I love to do it...we had a hard time stopping this year. So many beautiful things....

    I know what you mean! My storage box of ornaments is probably more than half full this year because A) can't decorate lower than half-way because of our puppy German Shepherd, and B) 80% of my ornaments are Disney/Mickey related and hubby is over it. :laugh: Also can't put my tree skirt down (which has Hidden Mickeys in snowflakes, HA!) because our male cat has been on a pee-on-things-that-aren't-the-litter-box spree. :huh: I'll only show a pic of the decorated upper half...


    And one (of the very few) Mickey ornaments that hubby actually likes...


    BTW, our tree is a variety called a Nordmann Fir. Anyone else ever heard of it/had one? This is our first time with this variety and I'm completely in love with it!