"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 6



  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Wow, jsecret, you look amazing! :D

    Aww, thanks :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    Look at you go! I think you're right, keep 150 your goal. 30 pounds made such a difference on your body!!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member

    Look at you go! I think you're right, keep 150 your goal. 30 pounds made such a difference on your body!!

    Yea - I looked good in high school and even then I was 160 :) working horses and such keeps muscle on so I'll never be that "skinny min" and I'm okay with that! I just wanna look fit!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I had a two-fer doctors visit today. General physical (because it was time, lol) and the dreaded "salad spoons". I think you ladies know what I mean, lol. I hate doctors scales, weighing with my clothes and shoes on, in the middle of the afternoon...ugh. At least I was way under what I was last year at both offices.
    Blood test came back good, my triglycerides are really high (weird!) but my cholesterol is ok. Time for fish oil, lol. We'll see what it looks like in 2 months, he wants me to re-test.
    Got the ok from both docs for baby making starting mid next year (pinky, don't tell your mom, this is a secret...except for the internets, lol!) so that was exciting. Now I just gotta get down to my baby making weight! 40 lbs or so to go, and I have until June!!

    I have an idea for the V-day title "Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day" or something. Since it is only like 6 weeks after the holidays I think 7 pounds is reasonable. Ideas?
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I had a two-fer doctors visit today. General physical (because it was time, lol) and the dreaded "salad spoons". I think you ladies know what I mean, lol. I hate doctors scales, weighing with my clothes and shoes on, in the middle of the afternoon...ugh. At least I was way under what I was last year at both offices.
    Blood test came back good, my triglycerides are really high (weird!) but my cholesterol is ok. Time for fish oil, lol. We'll see what it looks like in 2 months, he wants me to re-test.
    Got the ok from both docs for baby making starting mid next year (pinky, don't tell your mom, this is a secret...except for the internets, lol!) so that was exciting. Now I just gotta get down to my baby making weight! 40 lbs or so to go, and I have until June!!

    I have an idea for the V-day title "Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day" or something. Since it is only like 6 weeks after the holidays I think 7 pounds is reasonable. Ideas?

    I totally LOL'd at the "keep it secret, except that it is online" part. :laugh: But OK, I won't tell her. Because one I tell her it will get to Nancy, and Marla, and...yeah. This is a need-to-know situation!

    I like your Valentine's day idea! 'Cause we ARE seriously sexy! Grrrrrr

    Went to a family friend's birthday party tonight where I saw my MIL (hadn't seen her for a few months, honestly). She couldn't stop staring at me and telling me how great I looked. That was SUCH a cool feeling. She's just started up Weight Watchers and is learning the points system. I've told her about MFP before, but I'm going to give her time with WW and when she starts to get frustrated, I'll bring her to our corner of the internet. ;) The party was fun in the fact that it was Western themed, but nobody (but me) knew how to line dance! So I was teaching the electric slide to everyone at the party over and over and over. It was tiring speaking the counts and saying "right! left! back! rock! kick, turn!" over and over. Maybe Billy Blanks Jr. has something going with Cardioke...talking/singing while dancing really is harder!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi all!

    Jsecret...nice progress pics! You look great!

    Pinky...Nice tree...I so love all the Christmas decorations that I see.

    Gonna try and finish my shopping today...too many work meetings this week. Plus..it is super cold outside.
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    SW: 180.8
    CW: 176.6
    GW: 168.8

    4.2 of 12

    A little backslide this week. Started nightly working out again and I'm feeling good, so I'm not going to fret.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Things aren't good for me on the weight loss front. I've been struggling with the same 3 pounds on and off for weeks now and it's making me insane. I feel like I've hit a wall and I don't understand it. Even though I've lost nearly 70 pounds I'm still over 300 pounds - my weight loss can NOT slow down this damned much this soon in the game. It just CAN'T!

    I don't know why I'm having so much trouble right now but things are just really hard. I guess it's my first official "plateau".

    Anyway, that's my update...
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Aw Stacy! You're such an inspiration, I hate seeing you become discouraged. Y'know what I think? You're always impeccably cheery and supportive and persistent, which are all spectacular parts of who you are. But I think it is time for you to...


    Eff your plateau! Let's get angry! Show those 3 pounds who is boss, make them your biitch.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Gosh, I'm sooooooooooooo poor at this. Haven't posted my weight very often. Weighed in at 199.5 lbs on 6th December. Hoping to stay in ONEderland!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Bloody hell I lost 3lb :O
    I havent tried, I have ate rubbish and not exercised, I must be ill :(

    SW 162lb
    CW 156lb

    -6lb halfway :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Aw Stacy! You're such an inspiration, I hate seeing you become discouraged. Y'know what I think? You're always impeccably cheery and supportive and persistent, which are all spectacular parts of who you are. But I think it is time for you to...


    Eff your plateau! Let's get angry! Show those 3 pounds who is boss, make them your biitch.

    LOL! Thanks, sweetness! :D I love that pic by the way, it totally made me giggle! That's from Full Metal Jacket, right?

    You're right, it's hard for me to put away cheery and really get angry. This morning's scale reading has made it easier for me to get pissed off, though - so war face it is! >.< I woke up to even more weight gain. I've gained 4 pounds instead of just three... I really don't understand how I could possibly be gaining. I'm staying under calories so this shouldn't be happening. *headdesk*

    I'm now officially angry. No, scratch that, I'm PISSED! I feel like my entire body is rebelling against me and I'm not going to just sit by and watch it happen.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ looby1968 - You totally stole my dancing girl. :P
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Wow I have been slacking on posting on here. My apologies. My son has been sick for the past 3 weeks, and now its me. I am thinking I may as well just start scheduling a weekly visit with the family doctor, as we have been there more than anywhere. :) Anyways. I am not sure what my last weight was on here but I do know it is close to what I have posted below.

    SW: 152
    week 6: 147.2
    Total loss 4.8lbs.
    May not hit the 12 but taking each loss as a victory. I can actually say I am below my drivers license weight, which has not happened in years lol.

    Anyways, back to resting.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • aprildauer
    I have been kinda mia lately. Got issues going on at home. I did step on the wii fit plus the other day long enough to weigh and Im back up to 194. Im having a hard time with this. I know my eating habits could be better and my exercising could happen more often but I have never had this much trouble losing weight. Every since I opted to get the birth control shot after my daughter I have gained 23 lbs total and cant get it to go away. I got my last shot in march and decided to go back to the pill. I did research and it says it could take 6-8 months for the effects of the shot to get out of your system but I want it now. :(
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Things aren't good for me on the weight loss front. I've been struggling with the same 3 pounds on and off for weeks now and it's making me insane. I feel like I've hit a wall and I don't understand it. Even though I've lost nearly 70 pounds I'm still over 300 pounds - my weight loss can NOT slow down this damned much this soon in the game. It just CAN'T!

    I don't know why I'm having so much trouble right now but things are just really hard. I guess it's my first official "plateau".

    Anyway, that's my update...

    Hang in there Stacy...it is just a bump in the road! I do the same with my four pounds..it doesn't like me getting too far away from 200. But I will get there as will you! Keep being the awesome inspiration you are to so many!
  • SkierElle
    Wow, I am really bad at posting on here but I haven't forgotten the challenge!!! I'm down to 177 as of today so 1lb to go to meet my Xmas goal... not too shabby! Hoping to get lower than 176 now though.. can i re-do my goal and say 173?!! I like a good challenge...
  • kattungen
    SW (30.10) - 190 lbs
    W2 (05.11) - 188.5 lbs - 1.5 lbs loss
    W3 (12.11) - 185.6 lbs - 2.9 lbs loss
    W4 (19.11) - 185.6 lbs - 0 lbs loss
    W5 (26.11) - 184.0 lbs - 1.6 lbs loss
    W6 (03.12) - 187.8 lbs - 3.8 lbs GAIN :(
    CW (10.12) - 185.2 lbs - 2.6 lbs loss

    A Total Loss of: 4.8 lbs

    I'm finally back on track with my work-out regime, and have been lifting "heavy" weights for the past two days, so I'm guessing I still have some water retention in my body. It better work out before Christmas - if I'm not halfway to 12 lbs by then (I've realized that 12 ls is "sort of unrealistic" by now...) I'll be really disappointed!
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Hello all!!

    I think I may be too late for this weeks challenge but I will jump in on next weeks. :) I wont get as much done as everyone but we all have to start some where. :) Congrats to everyone!! Even if you didn't do as good as you wanted, you are still here and working for it!! That takes a lot!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Things aren't good for me on the weight loss front. I've been struggling with the same 3 pounds on and off for weeks now and it's making me insane. I feel like I've hit a wall and I don't understand it. Even though I've lost nearly 70 pounds I'm still over 300 pounds - my weight loss can NOT slow down this damned much this soon in the game. It just CAN'T!

    I don't know why I'm having so much trouble right now but things are just really hard. I guess it's my first official "plateau".

    Anyway, that's my update...

    Hang in there Stacy...it is just a bump in the road! I do the same with my four pounds..it doesn't like me getting too far away from 200. But I will get there as will you! Keep being the awesome inspiration you are to so many!

    Thank you, Nursee! That's very sweet of you! :D I do hope that it's something that I can find a way to defeat soon. I've got too much work to do and I have too far to go to slow down (actually screeching halt is more like it) this much already.

    Thanks again for the words of encouragement, hun! *hugs* I know we'll get there, it's just a mater of time. :) "Being defeated is temporary, quitting makes it permanent." ...Or something like that. lol