

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Organic, hormone and antibiotic free milk is not bad for children. They actually do need it. And yes, I know that we are the only animal that drinks another's milk, but our children also develop more slowly than other animal's. They need the extra calcium, fat and everything else that is in milk. Toddler formula is great but it's ridiculously expensive and regular cow's milk along with a multivitamin with DHA is just as good.

    Almond and soy milk are fine, but the flavored varieties have too much sugar and must have most of the nutrients and vitamins added.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    We only drink raw milk here and it is SO good! Actually most people that have a dairy allergy can drink raw milk w/o issue. Pasteurization kills all of those microbes, enzymes and natural probiotics--the good stuff in milk that helps our bodies digest it.

    Now read something from the other side... The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid. Then do an update! :D

    I do cook with coconut milk now and then though--it's great for you!
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    My parents and my brother have recently (within the past 2 years) found out that they are all allergic to dairy. They only drink soy or almond milk now. Since I don't live with them I continued to drink regular milk. At times I feel like I have an allergic reaction to it and other times I just try to ignore it because I DON'T WANT TO GIVE UP MILK! Well my mom keeps pushing me, "Ash, drink almond milk instead. Ash, you're allergic to dairy, I can see them symptoms. Ash, regular cow's milk is bad for you."
    WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY MOM??? Milk is BAD for me? HA! Hardly. Milk gives my bones calcium to prevent osteoperosis. Milk has protein. Milk is part of the food pyramid! Haven't you seen the Got Milk? commercials? everyone in the commercials look incredible- it must be because they "got milk!"
    Now don't get me wrong, I actually like the taste of almond milk. I have no problem drinking it. But that would mean going out and buying my own milk rather than just drinking the regular milk in the house, and why would I do that? Well after so many weeks of my mom telling me to switch to almond milk and being told to stop drinking milk and maybe I'd lose some weight since milk is fattening, I decided to do some research. I set out to prove my mom wrong, that milk IS good for us. And I came across just one article that began to change my mind in the first few small paragraphs. Yep. That's all it took for me. ONE ARTICLE. Of course I read more than just the one article, but this one had me convinced. Now my mind is completely changed and I'm on the opposite team. Milk is bad for us!! We are the only creature that drinks ANOTHER animals milk. That can't be right... Well if this interests you I STRONGLY urge you to read this article. Yes, it's a bit lengthy but it explains EVERYTHING so much better than I could (plus this is already getting long, if you are even still reading ;) haha)
    I learned so much from this article. It is VERY interesting and informative. I don't have kids yet, but when I do, they will not be drinking regular cow's milk.
    If you decide to read the article, or you've actually read this whole post lol please respond and let me know your thoughts!! i am very curious to see what my fellow MFPers think regarding this topic!

    so without further is the webiste :)

    Will read but you don't have to give up milk or drink that nasty almond milk...... I live by Great Value (Walmart Brand) Fat Free lactaid milk..... same taste but no lactose!
  • ash15nicole
  • ash15nicole
    Will read but you don't have to give up milk or drink that nasty almond milk...... I live by Great Value (Walmart Brand) Fat Free lactaid milk..... same taste but no lactose!

    yes you're exactly right, i was just saying what i drank. thanks for pointing that out though!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I love milk, so there is no way I can read the article. If I have to give up milk to I might cry. :sad:
    Amen!! I drink Skimmed milk and just love the stuff. I bought a gallon earlier this week and hopefully there's enough for breakfast tomorrow.
  • shannonichole
    This debate is getting interesting... :devil:

    Good article. I found it very informative!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Bump so I can read later - looks like an interesting debate!
  • joleanrook
    Wow... people... who would have thought that one gals OPINION would have sparked such debate. Now we are calling evolution fact... I do believe it's still the THEORY of evolution. I digress. This is my point. We are getting way off topic. THE POINT WAS that she came across an article that SHE thought was interesting and she took the time to write out her thoughts and share it with the rest of us. But we attack it instead of just deciding whether we agree or not and then having the MANNERS to politely say "Yes I can agree with that" or... "you know I just don't agree." Or how about "Thank you for sharing" ???
    I'm finding most of these posts to be negative and who has time for that people?? Not me.

    THANK YOU ASH for sharing the article. There are some good points made in it and some points that I think I'll research a bit more.
  • mattnece
    mattnece Posts: 4 Member
    I'm pretty sure we are the only animals that cook other animals and we are the only animals that cut up other animals and put them into pretty packaging and then store them in freezers too!

    Does that count for something?

    Oh, we are also the only animals that live in these things called buildings and communicate with other of our species on this crazy thing called the internet. Then we debate about drinking other animals' milk in these things called message forums.

    juuuuuust sayin......

    and for the record, I enjoy drinking milk, but, yes I know how bad it is for you. I also drink beer on occasion...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I used to be lactose intolerant and am now allergic to all milk products and am a HUGE fan of almond milk. Even if I wasn't, though, it is true that our bodies don't process cow's milk very well - goat's milk is closer to human milk and therefore more easily tolerated by many (as much as 50% of the US population is at least mildly lactose intolerant but most don't realize it) - but I have to stay away from that, too.
    Anyway, I love almond milk and it works just as well in recipes as regular milk.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    dont have time to read right now... but I will later. I do know 1 of my brothers, 2 of my kids, me and one granddaughter has an intolerance to it. I drink acidopholis milk and it seems ok... but if we drink regular milk... its not pleasant... a lot of gas. Yikes.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    She might not mean bad for you that way... Just bad for YOU to be consuming if you have allergies to it. Almond milk really isn't bad at all. Its what I normally get and most people who visit don't even seem to notice.

    After reading that... I'm glad I stopped drinking regular milk a while back. :laugh:
  • ash15nicole
    Thanks, Jolean :)

    It's completely fine if you disagree with me and the article. I'm finding it very discouraging that something I'm passionate about is being personally attacked and criticized. I don't attack/criticize your diet or your ways of exercise even though I probably don't agree with all of it!!

    This post wasn't meant to be a debate. I will not debate with people, you can find someone else to do that. This site is geared towards fitness and nutrition, so this article, going along with nutrition, was intended to give you guys the opportunity to read it and take from it what you will. If your comment is going to be along the lines of "to say not to drink milk is STUPID!" I'd just keep it to yourself. This site wasn't designed to criticize's actually the opposite!
  • MaryBeth1989
    Good job girl. I mean come on people, the point of this site is to help one another and encourage them. Don't be hateful. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. The fact that we all have opinions makes us different. Have an open mind and even if you don't agree!
  • ash15nicole
    I'm pretty sure we are the only animals that cook other animals and we are the only animals that cut up other animals and put them into pretty packaging and then store them in freezers too!

    Does that count for something?

    Oh, we are also the only animals that live in these things called buildings and communicate with other of our species on this crazy thing called the internet. Then we debate about drinking other animals' milk in these things called message forums.

    juuuuuust sayin......

    and for the record, I enjoy drinking milk, but, yes I know how bad it is for you. I also drink beer on occasion...

    someone already said that. If you were to read the article you would undestand why I made that statement. Rather than just read what i wrote and criticize.
  • SandraMay1982
    I don't know why people are arguing if they believe in evolution in a thread about milk.

    (personally i think evolution is more believable than some random "body" pointing at the universe and saying "let there be light" - Big Bang Theory FTW (for the win))

    But. I love non-homogonised milk. milk does not always agree with me, in fact I have to drink it really slowly.

    you can get "real" milk from health food stores in the form of "bath milk" because it can't legally be sold in Australia for human consumption when non pasturised. true story.

    fact of the matter. we as humans HAVE drank milk from animals for hundreds of years, society is taking out too many nutrients and the like these days, adding too much crap to our foods.

    Ever heard of women hitting puberty earlier and earlier due to the hormones in our food? Eating too much hormone fed chicken causes larger breasts. etc etc.

    This isn't about the theory of evolution. It's about MILK.


    Why. yes I do.
  • smarie62
    My daughter is lactose intolerant and drinks almond milk, while I am not and I drink skim milk. I have tasted her milk and its ok, although a little sweet for my taste. Just an example of "to each his own".
  • mattnece
    mattnece Posts: 4 Member

    someone already said that. If you were to read the article you would undestand why I made that statement. Rather than just read what i wrote and criticize.

    Whoa.. Chill...

    I was just making a joke...

    except for that beer part.. that's serious stuff there.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    bump for later